Which means I cannot install pro5s setup and.... need the files?
Well, or you can out quote the requirement in the mods .tp2 file... it's just a requirement.
How that is done is you edit the file, find the requirement code, hopefully it's on it's own line and you just quote it out with putting these two symbols in front of it "//" without the quotes of course...
So you take this code:
BEGIN ~Patch BGT and BGII areas to make full use of updated music (Recommended)~
SUBCOMPONENT ~1pp: High quality music for BGT~
REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS ~1pp_hq_music_II\music\ATHN\ATHNa.acm~ AND FILE_EXISTS ~1pp_hq_music_ToSC\music\INite\INitea.acm~ ~One of the required music packages not found. Download and extract both 1PP BG2 and TotSC HQ music packages before running this.~
REQUIRE_PREDICATE MOD_IS_INSTALLED "setup-bgtmusic.tp2" "2" ~BGTMusic component 2 is not installed, SONGLIST.2DA is missing required BGT/BGII song entries~
And change it to be this:
BEGIN ~Patch BGT and BGII areas to make full use of updated music (Recoded by the Imp yes requirements removed)~
SUBCOMPONENT ~1pp: High quality music for BGT~
//REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS ~1pp_hq_music_II\music\ATHN\ATHNa.acm~ AND FILE_EXISTS ~1pp_hq_music_ToSC\music\INite\INitea.acm~ ~One of the required music packages not found. Download and extract both 1PP BG2 and TotSC HQ music packages before running this.~
//REQUIRE_PREDICATE MOD_IS_INSTALLED "setup-bgtmusic.tp2" "2" ~BGTMusic component 2 is not installed, SONGLIST.2DA is missing required BGT/BGII song entries~
And you don't install it into a wrong game ...
Edited by The Imp, 23 May 2020 - 04:28 AM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.