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BGT TBW HomewardBound error when instralling Big World Setup

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#1 the truthseeker

the truthseeker
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Posted 10 June 2014 - 09:36 PM

Hello there: I got this Setup crash when the setup tried to extract the Homeward Bound Mod Attached is the Debug file.   I don't remember if I added this as an individual component (as I remember doing for Oversight) or this was part of the selected ("recommended") installation, but I manually went through my mod list and removed its checkmark after re-running the setup since continuing the current installation only caused the same crash.  No idea if this was some sort of BGT conflict or otherwise.   Since the debug run asked I report it here I so did.

Attached Files

Edited by the truthseeker, 10 June 2014 - 09:50 PM.


  --the truthseeker

#2 Quiet

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 11:01 PM

Copy the files from the attached archive to ..\BiG World Setup\Tools\

Attached Files

  • Attached File  7z.zip   396.43K   143 downloads

#3 dabus

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Posted 10 June 2014 - 11:19 PM

If that does not help, please paste the last lines from BiG World Setup\Logs\BiG World Extract Debug.txt.

Was the output created right after the first crash or did you let the debugger edit the file to dig a bit deeper and attached that file after the second crash?
Error seems to be that the expected output was not found in the first few lines at the bottom.


I guess you could intercept the error if you edit the extract-line:


For $n = $DirList[0] To 1 3 Step -1
If StringInStr($DirList[$n], 'Everything is Ok') Then
$Dir = StringRegExpReplace($DirList[$n  - 2], '(?i)extracting\s*|\x5c.*', ''); stripped 7z info and everything after a potential backslash
$IsDir = FileGetAttrib($g_GameDir & '\' & $Dir); get the attrib of this file or directory
If StringInStr($IsDir, 'D') Then $TP2Exists = _Test_GetCustomTP2($g_CurrentPackages[$e][0], '\'&$Dir&'\')


See the blue remark: Since the for-loop allows to go down to 1 (red) and thus the value (blue) can get negative (e.g. 1-2), you get a crash since arrays don't have a negative index. Use 3 (green) instead and you are still positive.


Error likely comes from extracting errors or something like you suggested.

Edited by dabus, 10 June 2014 - 11:20 PM.

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