I have a problem with the Tanaari after I retrieved the key from the cave with the traps of the living.
The conversation doenst work like it is supposed to: I can give the Tanaari the key but dont get anything in return. The conversation breaks after my char asks about four Tanaari. I loose the key but dont get anything in return nor does the journal update or anything. In addition I had two Tanaari right from the start.
I have the latest version of the mod installed with big world setup.
My actions so far:
- swallowed the ghoul potion, passed the trap, got the key, swallowed the antidote
- talked to the Tanaari the normal way, nothing happened: got no item, they dont disappear
- tried the options from this topic: http://www.shsforums...remarks-on-v24/
---> SetGlobal("dai_TalkedToTanaari","GLOBAL",3)
---> YSGHOUL1.ITM added this item via the console
---> still the same result
- checked via shadowkeeper, like suggested in the topic above, the variables are set like they are supposed to
I attached my weidu log. But I am not allowed to upload my baldur.sav for some reason...
I hope this can be fixed or I am just mistaken and everything works fine. Would love to keep on playing this mod...