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Alternative updates regarding French translation/BG2EE compatibility

IEP Banters Friendship French BG2EE

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#1 Isaya

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 02:42 AM

Several months ago, our translation group, the d'Oghmatiques, and Ixyon completed translations of IEP Banters and of the various friendship mods and submitted our work to Kaeloree. Around that time he was very busy updating lots of BGII mods to BG2EE.
A few months passed. In early march, I spent some time integrating and testing the translations of these mods, adding to all these mods the necessary adjustment of special characters in the texts for proper installation on BG2EE. I tested these adjustements on both BGII and BG2EE. I submitted this work to Kaeloree more than a month ago by sending him a PM. I tried again to contact him again through the BGEE forum a few weeks later. It seems he didn't show up for a long while on both these sites, according to his profile statistics. I hope Kealoree is fine and is just enjoying life after spending probably a lot of time working for Beamdog for the BG2EE launch.

I decided to post these modified versions of the mods here while we wait for Kaeloree to come back. They introduce nothing new to these mods, save for a French translation for IEP Banters, Imoen Friendship, Sarevok Friendship and Yoshimo Friendship.
The BG2EE compatibility has been extended to languages other than English. Until now, special characters of other languages would crash the game as they were not in the encoding expected by BG2EE.

I installed all of them on BG II and on BG2EE, in French. I tried them in game on BGII and BG2EE. Using old save games from BG II, I managed to get several discussions from IEP banters, Mazzy friendship and Imoen friendship. My saves didn't allow to check the other friendships but the installation was made without error or warning.
The good thing about UTF8 is it is easy to display it. For instance, without being a specialist, it's obvious that the russian file is composed of cyrillic characters once in UTF8. Similarly, it's not too difficult to notice the presence of polish specific characters after conversion. Therefore I assume this should work properly in game, as it does with French.


I identified these versions with a suffix _Isaya in the mod version, so that it appears in WeiDU.log.

Please report installation issues in this topic.

I'm afraid I can't provide any support relative to the mods themselves.

Attached File  iepbantersV4.2_fr_bg2ee.zip   1.18MB   82215 downloads

Attached File  imoenfriendshipV2.1_fr_bg2ee.zip   937.5K   44959 downloads

Attached File  mazzyfriendshipV2.2_bg2ee.zip   952.3K   59855 downloads

Attached File  sarevokfriendshipV1_fr_bg2ee.zip   928.06K   63160 downloads

Attached File  viconiafriendshipV3.3_bg2ee.zip   1016.86K   74516 downloads

Attached File  yoshimofriendshipV2.2_fr_bg2ee.zip   963.28K   42819 downloads

Edited by Isaya, 20 April 2014 - 02:43 AM.

#2 Cahir

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 03:17 AM

Isaya your work is much appreciated. I do have in plans a major full EE saga playthrough in Polish and will defenitelly use IEP banters:) As for Kaeloree AFAIK he is busy working with Obsidian on Pillars of Eternity and probably have no free time to visit BG forums these days.

#3 Isaya

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 09:21 AM

Thanks for the information on Kaeloree's new assignement. I didn't know he was involved with Obsidian and Pillars of Eternity. I even thought he might be involved in the next in line Beamdog project.

#4 hook71

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Posted 21 April 2014 - 12:53 PM

I'm a little confused by the version numbers here. The mods in the download section have the following version numbers:


IEP Extended Banters v4.2
Imoen Friendship (SoA & ToB) v2.2
Mazzy Friendship (SoA & ToB) v2.2
Sarevok Friendship v1.2
Viconia Friendship (SoA & ToB) v3.3
Yoshimo Friendship v3.1


So are your packages based on earlier versions of the mods for Imoen, Sarevok and Yoshimo?

#5 Isaya

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 12:40 PM

I started from the latest versions available at the time.I downloaded them all on the 22nd of February 2014. According the site, their most recent update was on the 14th of November 2013 for all of them.


Imoen tp2 states version 2.1 in the latest archive called 2.2.

Sarevok tp2 states version 1 in the latest archive called 1.2.

Yoshimo tp2 states version 2.2 in the latest archive called 3.1.


I used the values stated inside the tp2 file in order to indicate the version it was based on. I didn't notice there was a mismatch between the tp2 version and the name of the archives available on Spellhold Studios.

Sorry for the confusion. All packages are based on the most recent version.

Edited by Isaya, 22 April 2014 - 12:40 PM.

#6 hook71

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 10:02 AM

Thanks for clearing up my confusion! Downloading now...

#7 jastey

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Posted 11 June 2018 - 12:48 AM

All mods have been updated with additional language versions and more fixes on the official Downloads Page and also links in BWS are updated.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: IEP Banters, Friendship, French, BG2EE