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All the banter mod

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#1 Sett

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 05:50 AM

Hi folks!

I'm new here, and I have a suggestion for (hopefully) simple mod, that might just solve an isue or two. Trouble is my expertise only goes as far as making custom AI scripts, and not very difficult one at that. So i'm looking for someone smarter :lol2:  (a coder).

The idea here is this:


The rant (what led me here):
I am an explorer/ completionist gamer. I simply HAVE to do every possible quest in every possible playthrough, solve every mystery, have every possible NPC with me, see every comment, interjection or banter, pick every lock and grab all the treasure.
Then again i am a power gamer and i like reasonable challenge, but 6 (or more) people party is a liability combat wise.
Then i came across the "solo with a party AI script" which kind of solves the latter, but does nothing to help with the former. The solution used is also quite unfortunate, as it interferes with my own AI scrips, as well as manually isued orders, because you do in fact have a party and deal with them during combat.

But if it was the other way around? What if you actually didn't have them around, but "summoned" them (and all of them!) for dialogues and events when need be? 


The goal (What it should acomplish):
- a work around for the 6 members party limit for most important purposes, and without affecting game balance to boot (is that the phrase?)
- enable players to recruit however many people they please, never needing to say goodbay to friends

- enable players to see all NPC related dialogues in any playthrough - all banters, all interjections, all comments.

- an actual solo-with-a-party experience

The way (How i think it could be done):
Method 1: Probably not gonna work, but if it did, it should be very easy to implement: simply by removing 'isvalidforpartytalk' check in all relevant dialogues or replacing it with sort of "isalive" (anything that doesn't check for party composition) check could do the trick, if the game can somehow handle dialog of non-present object.

Method 2: Modifying the 'isvalidforpartytalk' check function to always return true. That would be basically hardcoding, and i have no idea if it could actually be done, but might be less manual work. Both of these methods would need exceptions e.g. for romance conflicts.

Method 3: by replacing the 'isvalidforpartytalk' check (and part the code) by a script that would summon said npc, add it to party for the duration of the dialog, then removing it again. This method is the least favorable, as it would probably only affect interjections and [charname]'s banters, not interparty banters.


Either way the most problematic part is probably locating all the "relevant dialogues", preferably in a cross-mod friendly way...

Each of this method has it's own pros and cons, but ultimately all will need exceptions and testing, but should be quite straightforward.

Hope it makes sense...


Anyways, i just wanted to put this idea here. Hopefully someone more experienced can pick up from here, Or maybe someone can point me in a direction of a dummy guide to IE modding and walk me through it?