I'm currently testing your great mod for the first time in BG:EE (v1.3.2053) and can confirm some of the issues.
The TIZ component works on my game installation except for the green water. This is caused by using the BG2 method of adding overlayed water. BG1:EE uses the original BG1 method for overlays however, which I guess the developers have added to retain compatibility with the original BG1.
The PVRZ component appears to have more serious issues. Patched areas are completely black. I've identified the cause in the TIS files themselves. Offset 12 (0xC) specifies the size of a tile. In conventional TIS files it's 5120 (0x1400) bytes, in PVRZ-based TIS files it's 12 (0xC) bytes. The installed TIS files are using the value 24 (0x18) at this offset though.
I was able to solve this issue locally by adding the following code to bggraphics.tph
READ_LONG 0x0c tilesize
PATCH_IF (tilesize = 0x18) BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x0c 0x0c
and calling this macro for all COPY actions in setup-bgeegraphics.tp2 which are using the source directory "bgeegraphics/tilesets/pvrz tis/" and subfolders (I've found 10 instances). For example:
COPY ~bgeegraphics/tilesets/pvrz tis/patch/.~ ~override/.~
Water overlays in this version are mostly rendered correctly. I've noticed a couple of day tiles in several night maps however (e.g. AR2000).
Another issue which is probably easy to miss when installing several mods at once. Version 1.1 of the mod uses the unstable WeiDU version 23108 which doesn't properly support BG1:EE.
After fixing the issues I can only say you've done an amazing job with the night maps.