Why aren't you using the BWS ? It's more updated and can do all things better than the BWP.
Perhaps because it's the first time I've heard about it?

But the thing with your model, that's really bad is that as there's countless of possible variations, well actually the number is 1749 factorial, which is a humongous number... as in: What if I don't want the Z mod ? Yes, the BWP has 1749 components, and weather or you don't install the component gives you a factorial of that number of possibilities, as a reference the 1!=1, 2!=2, 3!=6, 4!=24, 5!=120... 9!=362880...
Yeah, that's why I said you wouldn't get the options - someone would have to make an authoritarian decision on what goes in and what doesn't (and also ask all modders for permission, but that's beside the point). Still, as a newcomer to BG (I was in high school when it first came out and sort of didn't have the time then) I'd take it any day over the selection process... Then again, veterans are very likely to disagree, which is understandable.
Anyway, thanks for the help! I just got to Beregost. Gosh, this game is hard...