Not sure if this is quite precisely the place to put it, but as it's this mod causing the confusion....anyway.
I'm trying to mod up my BiG World Installer, and I only want the following components from Bigg Tweaks: 100 150 200 300 9150. The problem: I'm not sure how to fix up this block of the installer for JUST those.
EDIT: Think I just figured it out. I need component 7000 due to Divine Remix (Druids can cast in metal armor), so....I just remove line 2 and 3, right, then replace line 1's components with my chosen ones, and the 9100 in line 11 with 9150?
%IFSD% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "100 150 200 300 1250" %IFT% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "2050" %IFSI% BWP_DUNGDRAG Call %INST% tb#tweaks "4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500" findstr /I /M "ITEM_REV.TP2~.*#.*#15./ DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~.*#.*#403./ DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~.*#.*#409./" WeiDU.log if %errorlevel%==0 ( %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %TXT% | findstr @373 | %C% >> %E% ) else ( Call %INST% tb#tweaks "7000" ) %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %IF% ".\override\DAVAEO.CRE" move ".\override\DAVAEO.CRE" "%TEMP%" | %M% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "9100" %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %IF% "%TEMP%\DAVAEO.CRE" move "%TEMP%\DAVAEO.CRE" ".\override" | %M%
So that the final version looks like....
%IFSD% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "100 150 200 300" findstr /I /M "ITEM_REV.TP2~.*#.*#15./ DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~.*#.*#403./ DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~.*#.*#409./" WeiDU.log if %errorlevel%==0 ( %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %TXT% | findstr @373 | %C% >> %E% ) else ( Call %INST% tb#tweaks "7000" ) %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %IF% ".\override\DAVAEO.CRE" move ".\override\DAVAEO.CRE" "%TEMP%" | %M% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "9150" %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %IF% "%TEMP%\DAVAEO.CRE" move "%TEMP%\DAVAEO.CRE" ".\override" | %M%
Hmmm. After more thought and research, along with double-checking the called components of Item Rev and Divine Remix, seems the best option for me might be to just go with the following since I have none of those three called pieces.
%IFSD% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "100 150 200 300" %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %IF% ".\override\DAVAEO.CRE" move ".\override\DAVAEO.CRE" "%TEMP%" | %M% Call %INST% tb#tweaks "9150" %IFS%tb#tweaks.exe %IF% "%TEMP%\DAVAEO.CRE" move "%TEMP%\DAVAEO.CRE" ".\override" | %M%
Edited by Jenavee, 14 December 2013 - 02:07 AM.