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Proposed mod in Dices to Percent and more

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#1 -Mebendazol-

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 07:01 AM

I feel like sharing a heretical idea for a mod.


BG rules are D&D, of course - and random values are presented as dices - optimal for table D&D.

Although we are all used to them, I suppose most BG players remember being startled by mysterious "THAC0" etc.


If all "dice" values would be converted to %, all variables will be on one scale and easier to consider.


i.e. THAC0 11 = -(THAC0 - 20)x5% = 45% chance to hit in attack roll.

Save throw vs. breath 14 = -(Save throw - 20)x5% = 30% chance of save

No effect of actual gameplay, but much easier to imagine...


All nice with dices

d20: 1 point = 5%

d10: 10%

d8: 12,5%

d4: 25%

Slightly worse with

d6: 16,66%

d12: 8,33%


So the list of propositions:

1. Dice roll values convert to % and replace in all menus (Record, items & spells description)

2. Damage rolls shown without dices: 2d12+9 show as 11-33

3. THAC0 replace with THAC10 in % (call the value Attack for example - ATK attribute or else), so THAC0 7 = ATK 115%

4. AC attribute replace with something like Defense DFS (or else), -(AC) + 10, so that AC -1 = DFS 11

And how pleasant it will look at last! Unarmored character has DFS 0, one in full plate + 1 has DFS 11


Negative sides of my proposition :devil:

1. Breaks tradition

2. Intuitively unscrutable game attributes may have contributed to BG popularity. It intrigued, made people rummaging manuals to resolve those mysteries of THAC0, chess game abbreviations 2d6, and "the lower AC, the better"

3. Intuively understandable game variables doesn't force to make arithmetical calculation in mind. Less training - less intellect ^-)

4. This would have been very popular mod 13-14 years ago. Now any person who plays BG know these things by heart and can calculate in if wake up in middle of the night

5. Don't know if it technically possible, and if possible - how to do it... And then, manual edit of all itmes/spells descriptions needed. Somewhat inspiring.



#2 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:32 AM

The game engine handles all the values in dices, you can't just go and change it...
But you can only see it in the rule numbers, and they are actually just probability numbers.
The AC has a minimum of -20, so trying to get the rules changed will be ruined by this fact alone.

Edited by The Imp, 06 December 2013 - 10:34 AM.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#3 Mebendazol

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 11:58 AM

The AC has a minimum of -20, so trying to get the rules changed will be ruined by this fact alone.


My heresy :twisted: doesn't stretch as far as changing game rules - only presentation of values in other scale, i.e. after engine calculates value (e.g. THAC0 of a character), before it is shown in the interface, additional line converts it by formula "-(AC) + 10", so the highest possible AC looks on screen like 30, the lowest AC looks like 0 (I set AC 10 in my scale as 0 - representing unarmored character; by some effects it may be negative: if AC is 20 it looks -10). This way each AC unit (may be renamed DFS) gives +5% chance to evade hit, and the more DFS player has, the better. Lether armor gives DFS 2, studded 3 etc.


My proposition is purely cosmetic :lol2:, to present game mathematics conveniently for computer user - hiding dice calculation from user view. Per cent are much easier for understanding of chance/attribute. Player needs to understand dice calculation only if he's going to roll dice by hand on the table.

#4 Mike1072

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 02:27 PM

It's not technically possible.  The only values you could actually change would be the ones listed in item descriptions.  All the interface screens would show the actual THAC0 and AC values: there is no way to mod it so they are converted into something else.


I know the AD&D rules are quite confusing.  3rd Edition uses pretty much the same rules for attack and defence rolls, but they make it a lot more intuitive.  In AD&D, your THAC0 and AC get lower as you become stronger and bonuses to your THAC0 and AC translate into reducing them further.  This is weird.  When something "reduces" your armor class, the natural instinct is to think that's a bad thing.  3rd edition gets rid of this backwards system by making all positive increases to AC and Attack Rolls good and all negative increases bad.

Edited by Mike1072, 06 December 2013 - 02:27 PM.

#5 Mebendazol

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Posted 07 December 2013 - 01:55 AM

Thanks Mike1072. 2nd rules are convenient for table-pen D&D - so player understands what dice to take and how to roll and add values.

Despite mathematics presentation is confusing for computer-based D&D, I admit they add some intriguing puzzle to gameplay.