I started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic (MMO) last weekend and was lost. It's like KOTOR1 with no party, an okay story(well, definitely better for me than Neverwinter MMO) and better graphics. And it's free, too!
I love it. Unfortunately, you can't "switch off" other players, so they're visible and are running around. But it's possible to turn off general chat and auto-decline all party/guild invitations. Aaaand you can't scale down the difficulty, so you have to skip some of the quests(my Dark Sith Warrior couldn't do the ship mission from Korriban to Dromund Kaas, the Twilek Padawan was too much for her. So I had to quit and create a Light Sith Inquisitor, and skip that quest altogether - maybe these quests will be available on higher levels, I don't know. Or maybe I'll have to stop playing, because it'll be too difficult solo).
Anyway, it's fun - for now, at least. I still have to try KOTOR2(got bored with the prologue, maybe because I created exactly the same-looking protagonist, but the protagonist herself wasn't the same), but SWTOR is very good.
(The most unfair thing is that you can't choose a companion, I guess. And, naturally, that you can't solo comfortably enough - difficulty scale is a bit too much for me. But it's still fun).