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BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

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#1561 Roxanne



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Posted 12 October 2015 - 02:40 AM

It's only a message for Github WEB interface, not for the git itself. I believe you files were uploaded but you won't be able to list them all via web interface.


It's only a message for Github WEB interface, not for the git itself. I believe you files were uploaded but you won't be able to list them all via web interface.

I just check that - I download the mod from github and compare it to the original to see all is there.

Hope you are right.


Thanks to your help I have managed to upload now everything but that one large file

I tried github lfs but even with this tutorial https://help.github....e-file-storage/ I am unable to get that file up to there. This would be the last hurdle to take now.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1562 Roxanne



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Posted 12 October 2015 - 03:21 AM

Git Large File Storage is only for the payed accounts, you can't use is. But this filesize is caused by bug, when you fix you wed file, it should be much much smaller.

This is what I tried as well - problem is that I have not succeeded yet, neither NI nor DLCTEP could handle it.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1563 Roxanne



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Posted 12 October 2015 - 03:23 AM

RTF166.WED does indeed contain about 140 MB of unused data. I can't repair the file myself as I'd also need the ARE file for this, but the real size of this WED shouldn't exceed 41 kb.

I tried everything I could think of already, I would be very happy if you could find a solution, here is the corresponding are

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1564 Argent77

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Posted 12 October 2015 - 06:24 AM

Try this: Attached File  RTF166_fixed.zip   15.62K   278 downloads

In addition to the huge amount of bogus data, the polygon structure for "DOOR05" contained invalid data. I've tried to reconstruct it, but you should double-check to make sure.


#1565 Roxanne



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Posted 12 October 2015 - 06:58 AM

Try this: attachicon.gifRTF166_fixed.zip

In addition to the huge amount of bogus data, the polygon structure for "DOOR05" contained invalid data. I've tried to reconstruct it, but you should double-check to make sure.

GREAT - I will check it in game as well and notify when I finally uploaded the whole mod for BWS at github.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1566 Roxanne



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Posted 12 October 2015 - 02:19 PM

@Roxanne: Might I suggest another temporary hosting site? Google Drive for example? All 3 of Sarah's packages are sitting at 50-70% downloaded and are not proceeding further :(



Roxanne, it's definitely what BWS needs - the whole process of "extract it to somewhere and then move SandraNPC folder, tp2 and setup.exe to the game directory." is covered by BWS when downloading something from guthub.

Dropbox eliminated itself by disabling the files due to too much traffic once again.

I checked Google Drive but they have a similar daily limit (just do not openly say it)

Github has failed on SandrahRtF because of max single file limit of 100mb - there is a single wed file in the mod of 136mb. So now I try to find why that wed file is extremely large (no other wed has such a size). If I can find a solution, I will use github further, otherwise I need to look for other alternatives.


Now the github links are available (Great and many thanks to Alien and Argent77 for their support in this)



The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1567 Lollorian


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Posted 13 October 2015 - 07:30 AM



Cool stuff :) (I just wish github master links were resumeable :crying:)


@BWS Peeps: Please have a look at this commit - I removed the addon links for sandrahrtf, I dunno what breaks because of that :unsure: (please don't hit me)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#1568 Roxanne



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Posted 13 October 2015 - 07:49 AM



Cool stuff :) (I just wish github master links were resumeable :crying:)


@BWS Peeps: Please have a look at this commit - I removed the addon links for sandrahrtf, I dunno what breaks because of that :unsure: (please don't hit me)




Cool stuff :) (I just wish github master links were resumeable :crying:)


@BWS Peeps: Please have a look at this commit - I removed the addon links for sandrahrtf, I dunno what breaks because of that :unsure: (please don't hit me)

I downloaded and installed both mods from github for test before commiting the links, SandrahRtF is now in one big file - everything installed without error. (the only reason for having 2 parts was SHS 500mb limit).


I have removed the google drive links again, they required user interaction/confirmation so they would have been unusable for BWS - the Dropbox links have a 20GB download limit per day, in the end github seems to be the best alternative. (Now that I figured it out finally - maybe I should write an idiot tutorial about it)


PS What about the file size check in BWS?? If I update something now, would that not change whenever I push the change to github? BWS would raise an error or not?

Edited by Roxanne, 13 October 2015 - 07:58 AM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1569 Lollorian


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Posted 13 October 2015 - 08:06 AM

Yes the BWS would understand the mod updated and try to download it again :P

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#1570 Roxanne



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Posted 13 October 2015 - 11:50 AM


Git Large File Storage is only for the payed accounts, you can't use is. But this filesize is caused by bug, when you fix you wed file, it should be much much smaller.

Liar! https://github.com/b...-storage-v1-0  :devil:  :clap:

In the end the large file was large due to a problem with the file itself which could be solved by Argent77.

A different issue is a large repository (i.e. a large mod). My 512MB failed a couple of times, which is cumbersome because you need to start all over again. Anyway this could be overcome by pushing it to the host in several batches of around 100mb. The advantage of the repository  design is that you can upload a bit and then continue to build it step by step (or push by push as they name it).

So finally it is done - another advantage I see that from now on all I need to do in the future is to provide the changes made but not again the full data set.

Edited by Roxanne, 13 October 2015 - 11:52 AM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1571 Argent77

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Posted 13 October 2015 - 12:29 PM

So finally it is done - another advantage I see that from now on all I need to do in the future is to provide the changes made but not again the full data set.

That's right. But since you're only working with a single master branch, you should only push your local changes when your're planning to release a new version of your mod. Alternatively I'd suggest to create a second development or working branch, where you can safely apply your modifications all the time. New branches are cheap (storage-wise) and can be quickly created or deleted.

#1572 Roxanne



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Posted 13 October 2015 - 12:49 PM

Yes the BWS would understand the mod updated and try to download it again :P



So finally it is done - another advantage I see that from now on all I need to do in the future is to provide the changes made but not again the full data set.

That's right. But since you're only working with a single master branch, you should only push your local changes when your're planning to release a new version of your mod. Alternatively I'd suggest to create a second development or working branch, where you can safely apply your modifications all the time. New branches are cheap (storage-wise) and can be quickly created or deleted.

Now I am confused. May or may I not push minor intermediate corrections to the mod between releases or will it bother BWS.


One example - I just discovered some minutes ago that Drizzt Saga has recently changed a trigger I use from Global("MeetDrizztInBeard","Global",1) to Global("F_MeetDrizztInBeard","Global",1) so I need to adjust that to have my mod use OR(2) and have both.

Can I do that right away or store it for a next full release?

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1573 Argent77

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Posted 13 October 2015 - 01:00 PM

Yes, you can. But you have to consider that all pushes are immediately available to everyone. This makes it more difficult to find solutions for reported incompatibilities or bug reports, since it's much harder to find out which version is installed on the user's system.

Edited by Argent77, 13 October 2015 - 01:01 PM.

#1574 Roxanne



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Posted 13 October 2015 - 01:10 PM

Yes, you can. But you have to consider that all pushes are immediately available to everyone. This makes it more difficult to find solutions for reported incompatibilities or bug reports, since it's much harder to find out which version is installed on the user's system.

This was exactly my consideration here. The example I gave may prevent some of these reports and for those who have not the update I can report the solution.

So I think the best way is to decide on a case to case basis.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1575 -Guest-

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Posted 17 October 2015 - 06:48 AM

I get this on UB for BG1:



And worse yet, the installer didnt stop, or even told me at the end that it had failed to install the mod.


What is wrong here?

#1576 The Imp

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Posted 17 October 2015 - 07:55 AM

[BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 5480 column 1-56
Near Text: END
    GLR parse error

[BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2]  ERROR at line 5480 column 1-56
Near Text: END
ERROR: parsing [BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error


What is wrong here?

During the patching, something went horribly wrong and the program receives wrong instructions which makes it abort.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#1577 -Guest-

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Posted 17 October 2015 - 08:51 AM

I get this on UB for BG1:



And worse yet, the installer didnt stop, or even told me at the end that it had failed to install the mod.


What is wrong here?

Ok I found out what is wrong. It seems that lollorian was right a few pages back (it was because I saw his post that I found the problem). BWS points to the master branch of bg1ub, which seems not tested, because the tp2 I get from that download has this error and does not even let me begin the install. However the latest beta here https://github.com/A...beta_150718.zip which is posted on their forum, seems to work.

#1578 Creepin

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Posted 17 October 2015 - 11:32 AM

Ok I found out what is wrong. It seems that lollorian was right a few pages back (it was because I saw his post that I found the problem). BWS points to the master branch of bg1ub, which seems not tested, because the tp2 I get from that download has this error and does not even let me begin the install. However the latest beta here https://github.com/A...beta_150718.zip which is posted on their forum, seems to work.
Ahh, just perfect. I always felt that old, dependable v.1 to v.2. to v.3 is so much better than modern sneaky-sketchy commits, pushes and branches, and now I understood why exactly.

By the way, if you're saying that BWS didn't warn you about install failure, how did you noticed there was one?

The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)

#1579 Roxanne



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Posted 17 October 2015 - 01:01 PM

SandrahNPC has been revised and two of the input options have been revised (option to change Imoen and Minsc). This is now provided by choices that can be made in gameplay itself.

The option to have CtB Candlekeep scores offered in the BG1 to SoA transition enabled/disabled is still there.


This may be relevant to BWS. The version is on github.

Edited by Roxanne, 17 October 2015 - 01:01 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1580 -Guest-

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Posted 17 October 2015 - 01:21 PM

By the way, if you're saying that BWS didn't warn you about install failure, how did you noticed there was one?

Because I have taken a habit of at least looking into the Big World install log for a few minutes after the install has finished. To see if everything really went well. I just Ctrl-F "error" and "warning" and usually it turns up nothing important. Sometimes a mod has warnings but it doesn't matter. And sometimes some content gets skipped which is harmless but I really wanted that content and so I do a re-install and fix what was wrong.


This is the first time a mod has completely errored out whilst BWS didn't say anything. I even looked in my weidu.log to make sure, and it wasn't even listed. It's probably a bug with BWS.