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BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

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#1321 Roxanne



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Posted 28 June 2015 - 12:10 AM

Well, I restarted a few times but...


As for the mods heheh :( :


The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:

Return to Faerun: The Mod itself (SandrahRTF_V103b.rar)
Return to Faerun: Additional mods (SandrahRTF_V1b_Pt2.rar)
Sandrah NPC: The Mod itself (SandrahNPC_V104b.rar)

Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?


It seems as if the program looks for the older versions of these mods that are no longer available. Amusingly I did the test check for mod availability and there were no problems.


And really when I try to make a back up install it seems to hang too. The "provide" command does not work nor any others except "exit" as the mods download. And the "back" or "continue" options do not work either. And while making the back up I can exit either and I need to forcefully close the program.


Maybe should I discard Sandrah for now and install her manually after BWS is done installing everything else?

I am just doing a BWS installation including Sandrah myself to see what the BWS guys have done. I had the same issue with the older versions but I used the (s)elect function and a browser opened where I could select the current rar files. When the program reported the false file size, I used (f)orce to make it accept the new version. Currently the program is extracting files, but I observe that all parts have been successfully extracted by this method.

I will provide a status report once the installation starts and more results are available.


Update; after all files from all mods were extracted, I received another error message about some mods including Sandrah. I choose Option (t)est and received "All files seem to be intact"

After © continue selected (n)o for the question "do you want to remove the mod from the Installation list"


Install has started now.

Installation has failed, claiming some of the forced mods to be responsible (Faren, Ajantis, SandrahRtF component 0006). There is no further information provided and no Debug logs were created for those mods.

Anyway, I have now I fairly updated database of all the Big Picture mods and will attempt another install.

Yes, if worse comes to worse you can install Sandrah last manually (which is what BWS does currently).


If you would PM Dabus on the issue.  Of course BWP 15.2 just came out and I'm sure that they need a little time to properly update BWS to that.

I have made the following observations


The Sandrah Saga

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#1322 Roxanne



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Posted 28 June 2015 - 01:04 AM

I cannot find Breagar anymore in the BWS??

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1323 Chasington

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 01:27 AM

I just attempted to install the tactics load-out from BWS and failed miserably. After the program attempted to download all of the mods it left quite a substantial amount behind, requiring I download them manually. Wouldn't have really been a problem but few of the mods that I downloaded manually and moved to my BWS downloads file seemed to work properly, a lot of the download links were also broken, would send me to a site which required a membership, or sent me to a site with no English. Even after I downloaded what I could I still got some of the same error messages I see some others here are getting; fine, but when it came to run the .batch nothing would happen just a blank cmd prompt. 


I've used the backup feature that comes with BWS but it doesn't seem to do a very good job :/. Every subsequent attempt would get messier and messier and restoring my backup would usually result in a failed message. I also noticed that the restore feature of BWS would remove all the unpackaged mods from the BG2 directory but left the packaged mods in the downloads folder alone - why then does the set-up need to re download all of them when I fail and I need to restart? The mods are already there and the same ones I dl'd manually are still there too and IT STILL ASKS ME TO DL THEM MANUALLY! What the heck? :(


I'm now at the point where I've completely deleted everything and am ready to do a clean install. I've tried following the guides but I find them frustrating because I do not follow along easily with the terminology. Much of what this guy says here isn't much help and I've spent hours trying to make sense of this. 


Honestly, the tactics mod probably is too much for me at this point so I'm wondering what compilations (if any) other people choose and what problems I can expect to come across. Also, how do I make a safe backup so I don't have to reinstall the game over and over? What is meant by, "create a new instance"?

#1324 Samriel

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 03:38 AM

I cannot find Breagar anymore in the BWS??

Me neither :(


Maybe they do not know there is an English version?


Ascalon Quest by the same author is there though and the mod indicates that it is even in English.


The mysteries...

Edited by Samriel, 28 June 2015 - 03:43 AM.

#1325 Bill Bisco

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 05:24 AM

I just attempted to install the tactics load-out from BWS and failed miserably. After the program attempted to download all of the mods it left quite a substantial amount behind, requiring I download them manually. Wouldn't have really been a problem but few of the mods that I downloaded manually and moved to my BWS downloads file seemed to work properly, a lot of the download links were also broken, would send me to a site which required a membership, or sent me to a site with no English. Even after I downloaded what I could I still got some of the same error messages I see some others here are getting; fine, but when it came to run the .batch nothing would happen just a blank cmd prompt. 


I've used the backup feature that comes with BWS but it doesn't seem to do a very good job :/. Every subsequent attempt would get messier and messier and restoring my backup would usually result in a failed message. I also noticed that the restore feature of BWS would remove all the unpackaged mods from the BG2 directory but left the packaged mods in the downloads folder alone - why then does the set-up need to re download all of them when I fail and I need to restart? The mods are already there and the same ones I dl'd manually are still there too and IT STILL ASKS ME TO DL THEM MANUALLY! What the heck? :(


I'm now at the point where I've completely deleted everything and am ready to do a clean install. I've tried following the guides but I find them frustrating because I do not follow along easily with the terminology. Much of what this guy says here isn't much help and I've spent hours trying to make sense of this. 


Honestly, the tactics mod probably is too much for me at this point so I'm wondering what compilations (if any) other people choose and what problems I can expect to come across. Also, how do I make a safe backup so I don't have to reinstall the game over and over? What is meant by, "create a new instance"?


A lot of the mods listed on BWS have to be downloaded manually because they are hosted in places that well...don't host well.  They require registration or other means.  Perhaps BWS could do a better job at the outset of selecting mods, that certain mods are not download friendly.


I don't recommend a Backup.  I recommend creating an instance.  An instance is a copy of the BG2 (or other) game in a different location than the original.  I recommend to always create an instance of your BWS game and to forever leave your vanilla game alone.  It's much preferable than risking messing up your vanilla game and having to reinstall completely.  BWS does a very good job of creating instances, and I have 6 of them at the moment.


I don't know exactly what happened with you, but I recommend creating a custom download folder somewhere on your computer and letting BWS download your mods for you.  I downloaded the default BWS expert and the Sandrah mod and experienced no problems.  Any default BWS installation should be fine.  An installation with different non-red options should be fine.

#1326 Chasington

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Posted 28 June 2015 - 01:23 PM

Awesome words of encouragement, I think I'll try again today, just one more questions: are you using the GOG version of the game, and if so have you ever run across this problem? This is the exact issue I ran into last time but It's from an old thread and I didn't think newer versions of BWS would have this problem considering how popular the GOG versions are. 

#1327 dreamer2007

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 07:40 AM

Awesome words of encouragement, I think I'll try again today, just one more questions: are you using the GOG version of the game, and if so have you ever run across this problem? This is the exact issue I ran into last time but It's from an old thread and I didn't think newer versions of BWS would have this problem considering how popular the GOG versions are. 

I am also curious if the install works fine with the Gog version of the game, since I've never tried one. I'm planning a reinstall, and with the Gog versions of BG1 and 2 it would be easier.. :)

#1328 Nightfarer

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 07:49 AM

I cannot find Breagar anymore in the BWS??

Me neither :(


Maybe they do not know there is an English version?


Ascalon Quest by the same author is there though and the mod indicates that it is even in English.


The mysteries...


Breagar and Questpack can be found here (White Agnus' GitHub).


Breagar is german only for now.

#1329 Bill Bisco

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 07:54 AM

Awesome words of encouragement, I think I'll try again today, just one more questions: are you using the GOG version of the game, and if so have you ever run across this problem? This is the exact issue I ran into last time but It's from an old thread and I didn't think newer versions of BWS would have this problem considering how popular the GOG versions are. 

Yes, I'm using the GoG version and I haven't had that problem.  Maybe avoid LoL's fixpack.  Lollorian is back at least for now.  Perhaps you should message him.

#1330 Chasington

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 11:20 AM

Update: everything is going as it should, creating a seperate instance instead of a backup seemed to streamline the process and .batch is running. I'm surprised at how I found ways to make this more complicated than it needs to be :P. When I can actually play the game I will update my progress because everything might go boom, but I doubt it :)

#1331 Roxanne



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Posted 29 June 2015 - 12:58 PM

I cannot find Breagar anymore in the BWS??

Me neither :(


Maybe they do not know there is an English version?


Ascalon Quest by the same author is there though and the mod indicates that it is even in English.


The mysteries...


Breagar and Questpack can be found here (White Agnus' GitHub).


Breagar is german only for now.

Thanks, I have the files - I was missing Breagar as an option for install in the BWS. It is not in the menu when you select english as preferred language. Anyway I have installed him manually.

Edited by Roxanne, 29 June 2015 - 12:58 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1332 -Evani-

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 11:15 PM



I've been lurking around the forums since well.....10 years ago or something. I've found BWS a few days ago and decided to complete my quest to install all the fun, possible mods correctly. For the record, my computer is Windows 8.1 and the original BGT (non GOG)

I've followed the procedures (clean install, save, turn off internet+ antiviruses, run BWS as admin, 640GB free) but, the program keeps crashing/freezing on the mod selection screen, selection export screen, conflict resolution, or 'the mod isn't installed in any of the versions' screen. Any idea how I could fix this? It's probably my 20th time trying before I couldn't stand repeating my selections over and over anymore. :(

I've gotten to a further stages before but I couldn't replicate them or finish the installs. Furthest I got was around 15% of the way where BWS encountered a fatal error from not being able to read the debug file. Then there's problems with crappack and BGT-SOS installation. Usually I just get stuck and reselecting the mods.

#1333 Evani

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Posted 29 June 2015 - 11:25 PM

Also latest official patch. I do use a crack because I honestly don't know where my originals are (clean install as in I copied over a intact vanilla copy from an external and change the .ini). Let me know if I'm missing some other info. Really want to play the game now that I found this and TobEx exist.

#1334 Bill Bisco

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 02:29 AM

I've been lurking around the forums since well.....10 years ago or something. I've found BWS a few days ago and decided to complete my quest to install all the fun, possible mods correctly. For the record, my computer is Windows 8.1 and the original BGT (non GOG)
I've followed the procedures (clean install, save, turn off internet+ antiviruses, run BWS as admin, 640GB free) but, the program keeps crashing/freezing on the mod selection screen, selection export screen, conflict resolution, or 'the mod isn't installed in any of the versions' screen. Any idea how I could fix this? It's probably my 20th time trying before I couldn't stand repeating my selections over and over anymore. :(
I've gotten to a further stages before but I couldn't replicate them or finish the installs. Furthest I got was around 15% of the way where BWS encountered a fatal error from not being able to read the debug file. Then there's problems with crappack and BGT-SOS installation. Usually I just get stuck and reselecting the mods.

Did you download the master or repository version? Also, run as admin = uac disabled?

I'm not sure if a cracked version is problematic or not. I think BWS might already crack the game for you or at least NeJ does I think.

You can save your ini selections in BWS. Also you could just manually install Sandrah or mods which say "will just be completely installed" and you would avoid that screen in BWS.

#1335 Nightfarer

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 02:37 AM


Breagar is german only for now.

Thanks, I have the files - I was missing Breagar as an option for install in the BWS. It is not in the menu when you select english as preferred language. Anyway I have installed him manually.


Premise: I don't use BWS.


My guess is that it well might be due to the fact that, as I was saying, it's german only as of now; in such a case you should choose english and german at least.


There might be other reasons as well... probably others could offer a proper answer.

Edited by Nightfarer, 30 June 2015 - 02:40 AM.

#1336 Evani

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 09:36 AM

I used the master version-BigWorldSetup-bigworldsetup-d0761ce21893. UAC is disabled. BWS seems to crash before I could get to export the .ini selection( as soon as I press export) once I go through 3? categories of mods I want.

How do I know which mods "will just be completely installed"? If I remember correctly, mods like Vecna can be installed by BWS but needs one of the components that would be installed.

EDIT: Could it be the image reflection issue with windows 8.1? My C drive doesn't have a lot of space....

I've been lurking around the forums since well.....10 years ago or something. I've found BWS a few days ago and decided to complete my quest to install all the fun, possible mods correctly. For the record, my computer is Windows 8.1 and the original BGT (non GOG)
I've followed the procedures (clean install, save, turn off internet+ antiviruses, run BWS as admin, 640GB free) but, the program keeps crashing/freezing on the mod selection screen, selection export screen, conflict resolution, or 'the mod isn't installed in any of the versions' screen. Any idea how I could fix this? It's probably my 20th time trying before I couldn't stand repeating my selections over and over anymore. :(
I've gotten to a further stages before but I couldn't replicate them or finish the installs. Furthest I got was around 15% of the way where BWS encountered a fatal error from not being able to read the debug file. Then there's problems with crappack and BGT-SOS installation. Usually I just get stuck and reselecting the mods.

Did you download the master or repository version? Also, run as admin = uac disabled?

I'm not sure if a cracked version is problematic or not. I think BWS might already crack the game for you or at least NeJ does I think.

You can save your ini selections in BWS. Also you could just manually install Sandrah or mods which say "will just be completely installed" and you would avoid that screen in BWS.

Edited by Evani, 30 June 2015 - 12:53 PM.

#1337 dabus

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 02:11 PM

If it crashes with an Autoit Error window and saying Line XY File bla: Line Error: Array variable has incorrect dimension or something like that, run the BWS with the DebugMode vbs-file.
Let it crash and then let it modify the code to get some more info about used variables. Then try to do the same and let it crash again and post the output.
Also I would not spend to much time to customize if it crashes anyway and try to export after just a few changes. Successful exports should have around 18 KB upwards.

I did not read that carefully here and I'm not as keen to fix errors as I was some years ago, so please don't expect fixes soon if you post them.

If I encountered so many problems with the BWS like you, I'd just threw it away and tried to use the BiG World install batch.
You could tried to install some mod that gives you crashes and try to resume the install though. The BWS would recognize that it's installed and skip that mod.
I also think that it should run on Windows 8.1 as some forum users said that it works, don't have it to confirm it though.

I'm also out of the mods configuration madness, so I won't/can't answer anything related to that and I just won't update the master-branch.
Actually playing some games / watching film is so much more fun than struggling to keep up with the BWP / fixing stuff. Sorry for being honest and not much help here. ;)

Edited by dabus, 30 June 2015 - 02:19 PM.

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#1338 Evani

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Posted 30 June 2015 - 10:30 PM

Lol. I totally understand. Thanks for the heads up. Debugging is the worst part of coding.

I'm almost but just not quite desperate enough to manually install/supervise 300 or something mods yet.


The debug version got me much further than before. I don't know why. At least I managed to export all my mod selections so I don't have to start from scratch each time.
I'm not getting output/log from the debug, just frozen on "just completely installed" screen during conflict/dependencies resolution. I did almost get through to the end of it though. Will update tmr.

If it crashes with an Autoit Error window and saying Line XY File bla: Line Error: Array variable has incorrect dimension or something like that, run the BWS with the DebugMode vbs-file.
Let it crash and then let it modify the code to get some more info about used variables. Then try to do the same and let it crash again and post the output.
Also I would not spend to much time to customize if it crashes anyway and try to export after just a few changes. Successful exports should have around 18 KB upwards.

I did not read that carefully here and I'm not as keen to fix errors as I was some years ago, so please don't expect fixes soon if you post them.

If I encountered so many problems with the BWS like you, I'd just threw it away and tried to use the BiG World install batch.
You could tried to install some mod that gives you crashes and try to resume the install though. The BWS would recognize that it's installed and skip that mod.
I also think that it should run on Windows 8.1 as some forum users said that it works, don't have it to confirm it though.

I'm also out of the mods configuration madness, so I won't/can't answer anything related to that and I just won't update the master-branch.
Actually playing some games / watching film is so much more fun than struggling to keep up with the BWP / fixing stuff. Sorry for being honest and not much help here. ;)

#1339 dabus

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Posted 01 July 2015 - 12:54 PM

What's frozen on "completely" installed dependencies/conflicts-screen?
You did not install anything/did not view the backup/download options and all that...

Do you try to exit the selection screen and click on a solve dependencies-button? If you do, you likely have selected one of the bad/faulty configurations.
Kagain from BG1NPCSoa, Dynaheir from BG1NPC with drizztsaga and DrizztIsNotStupid are those that likely have issues, Kagain being a reason for crashes for sure.
If you want to solve them automatically, you can solve conflicts and remove mods that don't work as they have open dependencies. Or you solve the issues above and then try to solve by addition.
Remember to use the context-menu on those entries that you want to solve yourself, go back and export your again to save yourself some work/time.
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#1340 Evani

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Posted 01 July 2015 - 01:44 PM

The screen that says the mod will have to be just completely installed itself.

The mod seems to be different each time, but none of the above.


At any rate, using the debug script seems to make everything work. I'm about 10% through actually installing the mods now :)

What's frozen on "completely" installed dependencies/conflicts-screen?
You did not install anything/did not view the backup/download options and all that...

Do you try to exit the selection screen and click on a solve dependencies-button? If you do, you likely have selected one of the bad/faulty configurations.
Kagain from BG1NPCSoa, Dynaheir from BG1NPC with drizztsaga and DrizztIsNotStupid are those that likely have issues, Kagain being a reason for crashes for sure.
If you want to solve them automatically, you can solve conflicts and remove mods that don't work as they have open dependencies. Or you solve the issues above and then try to solve by addition.
Remember to use the context-menu on those entries that you want to solve yourself, go back and export your again to save yourself some work/time.

Edited by Evani, 01 July 2015 - 01:45 PM.