Well, I restarted a few times but...
As for the mods heheh
The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
Return to Faerun: The Mod itself (SandrahRTF_V103b.rar)
Return to Faerun: Additional mods (SandrahRTF_V1b_Pt2.rar)
Sandrah NPC: The Mod itself (SandrahNPC_V104b.rar)
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
It seems as if the program looks for the older versions of these mods that are no longer available. Amusingly I did the test check for mod availability and there were no problems.
And really when I try to make a back up install it seems to hang too. The "provide" command does not work nor any others except "exit" as the mods download. And the "back" or "continue" options do not work either. And while making the back up I can exit either and I need to forcefully close the program.
Maybe should I discard Sandrah for now and install her manually after BWS is done installing everything else?
I am just doing a BWS installation including Sandrah myself to see what the BWS guys have done. I had the same issue with the older versions but I used the (s)elect function and a browser opened where I could select the current rar files. When the program reported the false file size, I used (f)orce to make it accept the new version. Currently the program is extracting files, but I observe that all parts have been successfully extracted by this method.
I will provide a status report once the installation starts and more results are available.
Update; after all files from all mods were extracted, I received another error message about some mods including Sandrah. I choose Option (t)est and received "All files seem to be intact"
After © continue selected (n)o for the question "do you want to remove the mod from the Installation list"
Install has started now.
Installation has failed, claiming some of the forced mods to be responsible (Faren, Ajantis, SandrahRtF component 0006). There is no further information provided and no Debug logs were created for those mods.
Anyway, I have now I fairly updated database of all the Big Picture mods and will attempt another install.
Yes, if worse comes to worse you can install Sandrah last manually (which is what BWS does currently).
If you would PM Dabus on the issue. Of course BWP 15.2 just came out and I'm sure that they need a little time to properly update BWS to that.
I have made the following observations