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BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

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#1301 Bill Bisco

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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:35 PM

FYI, always download the repository version of BWS before you use it.  Get it at: https://bitbucket.or...setup/downloads


The mandatory selections that you can't undo are there for good reason.  The program will download those and install them as part of the Installation process.  The installpack and fixpack fix several bugs fixed nowhere else that are introduced by mods.  As such, BWP/BWS helps ensure the most bugfree game as possible.  If you were doing, the BWP instead, you'd also have to download all of these, BWS just makes this easier for you to auto download and auto install.


What's in your download folder and what your BG2 instance installs are 2 different things.  BWS will check your download folder for every mod that you had checked to be part of your install.  If the mod is in the folder, BWS will check the next mod.  If a mod is not in the folder, BWS will auto download that mod into the folder

Once BWS verifies that you have every mod you need fully downloaded then it will prompt you to install your "instance" which is only the list of mods that you had checked earlier.  BWS will not install mods that were not checked.  Mods in the Downloads folder that weren't selected will not be part of the install that BWS does.


I hope that's clear,



#1302 Samriel

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Posted 26 June 2015 - 10:38 PM

FYI, always download the repository version of BWS before you use it.  Get it at: https://bitbucket.or...setup/downloads


The mandatory selections that you can't undo are there for good reason.  The program will download those and install them as part of the Installation process.  The installpack and fixpack fix several bugs fixed nowhere else that are introduced by mods.  As such, BWP/BWS helps ensure the most bugfree game as possible.  If you were doing, the BWP instead, you'd also have to download all of these, BWS just makes this easier for you to auto download and auto install.


What's in your download folder and what your BG2 instance installs are 2 different things.  BWS will check your download folder for every mod that you had checked to be part of your install.  If the mod is in the folder, BWS will check the next mod.  If a mod is not in the folder, BWS will auto download that mod into the folder

Once BWS verifies that you have every mod you need fully downloaded then it will prompt you to install your "instance" which is only the list of mods that you had checked earlier.  BWS will not install mods that were not checked.  Mods in the Downloads folder that weren't selected will not be part of the install that BWS does.


I hope that's clear,



Is the repository version the same one that is in the opening post of this thread? That is the one I downloaded.


Also during testing I got "Some files may be of no use for the current "BiG World Setup". Please keep in
mind that this applies to unselected mods, too.
Should these files be deleted or moved?
Enter [r]emove, [m]ove, [k]eep or [c]ancel."


Which would be best?


Also...after using independent installation assistant I got now a new install of BG2. Should I check it if it works or how exactly did this process help?


Furthermore, any advice on Program Defaults and Mod Defaults options? Like...any experiences of slowdowns or crushing if choosing a higher resolution?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 12:05 AM.

#1303 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:24 AM

As I was installing stuff I got this:


The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:

Item Revisions: The Mod itself (Item Revisions V3 Beta 1.1.rar)**
Gavin NPC for BG2:ToB: The Mod itself (gavin_tob-20111125.exe)

The following mods cannot be installed because of missing dependence:

Item Revisions Shatterfix:
0000: Iron crises shatttering effect [New]

Ninja and Waki Fix:
0000: Quickfix for wakizashis and ninja-tos

** Loading from the website requires manual interaction.

Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?




Does it mean that I need to find and download Item Revisions V3 Beta 1.1 and gavin_tob-20111125 personally and put it in the download folder or does the "missing dependance" refer to something else in this case?

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 03:27 AM.

#1304 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:58 AM

The repository version is the one you downloaded from the first post of this thread (master link). It's up to you if you want to keep those files or not. If you're short ot space I might delete them. If not, I'd keep them. Your new bg2 install should work fine. Just double click bgmain.exe The benefit to having a clean bg2 install is that you can always delete your modded game and you will never need to reinstall/ pull out your CD or .Exe file to install baldur's gate. Fyi, you can completely copy your bg2 game folder to another windows computer and click bgmain.exe and it will run the game (assuming no uac issues). BWS should tell you exactly what you need to solve mod dependencies. It looks like Item Revisions is not hosted in an ideal format online and you'll have to find and download it to your downloads folder manually. Try again for Gavin, sometimes websites have trouble the first pass.

#1305 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 04:09 AM

Alrighty, I somehow managed to find those two mods and put them in the download folder  The Gaving mod that BWS tried to download was for some reason bigger than the one that I downloaded from the Gibberlings site(despite it being the same version).


Any advice for this:


Starting the "silent" extraction of the NSIS-packages.  There will be message-boxes that ask you if you want to install several mods. They should disappear directly. If that's not happening, please press Enter or click "Yes" to continue.  There are also some black console-windows (DOS-windows) that should be closed automatically. If you encounter DOS-windows that aren't closed, please do it manually. Don't care about the shown ERROR-messages in the DOS-windows, because the BWS stops the NSIS-installation at this point.  Since your security software may interfere, you may want to disable it after you are disconnect from the internet.

#1306 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 04:29 AM

Alrighty, I somehow managed to find those two mods and put them in the download folder  The Gaving mod that BWS tried to download was for some reason bigger than the one that I downloaded from the Gibberlings site(despite it being the same version).


Any advice for this:


Starting the "silent" extraction of the NSIS-packages.  There will be message-boxes that ask you if you want to install several mods. They should disappear directly. If that's not happening, please press Enter or click "Yes" to continue.  There are also some black console-windows (DOS-windows) that should be closed automatically. If you encounter DOS-windows that aren't closed, please do it manually. Don't care about the shown ERROR-messages in the DOS-windows, because the BWS stops the NSIS-installation at this point.  Since your security software may interfere, you may want to disable it after you are disconnect from the internet.

Yeah, for a short bit you need to not do anything on your computer and let some batch operations play out.  There will be a lot of windows moving around and disappearing.  This will go away relatively quickly and you'll be prompted to let you know that you can use your computer again during the regular process.


In short, continue on.  All is well!

#1307 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 06:16 AM

Hmmm...it looks like the installation was completed...but it looks rather small.


..............Errr, could it be that what BWS installs isn't just the stuff that was put in the download folder BUT ONLY the stuff that was selected in the "choose your mods" window?


I though that maybe it was just to download the stuff one wanted to have it later installed(along with all that one put there beforehand).


So...if that wasn't the case then if I were to choose plenty of mods which are already in the download folder then it would proceed straight to the installation part skipping the downloads?


Though...I couldn't find there a few mods that I was looking for like Sandrah, so I hoped that maybe the Setup will unpack and install all that was in the download folder regardless of how much(or little) mods I selected.


.....Ummmm, if I screwed up then  does it mean that I can just use BWS to add the missing stuff to the BG2 folder that I created(where BWS installed some stuff already) or should I start all over and this time select all that I want in the "Choose Mods" window?


What a gaffe...

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 06:20 AM.

#1308 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 07:21 AM



The above is what my BWS Looks like.  Notice how it auto detected my GoG BG1 & BG2.  I manually modified the downloads location to a centralized folder where I keep all my mod downloads for my BG2 instance installs.


Below is a snapshot of some my mod selections.  Note that Garrick: Tales of a Troubador is not checked nor is Big Picture checked.




Only the mods that are checked will get installed by BWS regardless of whether my download folder has them or not.


You can always check the Weidu.log in your game folder to see what mods were installed.


If you made a mistake, or don't like what you installed.  My simple suggestion for you is to delete that folder, recycle it, and start anew with a new instance location for your next install.


Edit: If you want to find a mod, use the search function on the top right




BWS effectively is a mod browser and installer.  

Edited by Bill Bisco, 27 June 2015 - 07:29 AM.

#1309 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 09:56 AM


Ehhh, new problems.


Namely during the install the program does this:


Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks) or just continue?



But as I choose to do this:


Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.


Nothing happens. When I installed just a few mods during my previous installation I could by inputting "P" look for the missing mod in my downloads folder. But now whether I retry or provide nothing happens and I have to exit.



#1310 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 10:55 AM

Sometimes it hangs and you have to restart. Try restarting. What mods are the problem?

Edited by Bill Bisco, 27 June 2015 - 10:56 AM.

#1311 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 11:10 AM

Well, I restarted a few times but...


As for the mods heheh :( :


The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:

Return to Faerun: The Mod itself (SandrahRTF_V103b.rar)
Return to Faerun: Additional mods (SandrahRTF_V1b_Pt2.rar)
Sandrah NPC: The Mod itself (SandrahNPC_V104b.rar)

Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?


It seems as if the program looks for the older versions of these mods that are no longer available. Amusingly I did the test check for mod availability and there were no problems.


And really when I try to make a back up install it seems to hang too. The "provide" command does not work nor any others except "exit" as the mods download. And the "back" or "continue" options do not work either. And while making the back up I can exit either and I need to forcefully close the program.


Maybe should I discard Sandrah for now and install her manually after BWS is done installing everything else?

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 11:43 AM.

#1312 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 12:08 PM

Yes, if worse comes to worse you can install Sandrah last manually (which is what BWS does currently).


If you would PM Dabus on the issue.  Of course BWP 15.2 just came out and I'm sure that they need a little time to properly update BWS to that.

#1313 Roxanne



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Posted 27 June 2015 - 12:39 PM

Well, I restarted a few times but...


As for the mods heheh :( :


The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:

Return to Faerun: The Mod itself (SandrahRTF_V103b.rar)
Return to Faerun: Additional mods (SandrahRTF_V1b_Pt2.rar)
Sandrah NPC: The Mod itself (SandrahNPC_V104b.rar)

Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?


It seems as if the program looks for the older versions of these mods that are no longer available. Amusingly I did the test check for mod availability and there were no problems.


And really when I try to make a back up install it seems to hang too. The "provide" command does not work nor any others except "exit" as the mods download. And the "back" or "continue" options do not work either. And while making the back up I can exit either and I need to forcefully close the program.


Maybe should I discard Sandrah for now and install her manually after BWS is done installing everything else?

I am just doing a BWS installation including Sandrah myself to see what the BWS guys have done. I had the same issue with the older versions but I used the (s)elect function and a browser opened where I could select the current rar files. When the program reported the false file size, I used (f)orce to make it accept the new version. Currently the program is extracting files, but I observe that all parts have been successfully extracted by this method.

I will provide a status report once the installation starts and more results are available.


Update; after all files from all mods were extracted, I received another error message about some mods including Sandrah. I choose Option (t)est and received "All files seem to be intact"

After © continue selected (n)o for the question "do you want to remove the mod from the Installation list"


Install has started now.


Yes, if worse comes to worse you can install Sandrah last manually (which is what BWS does currently).


If you would PM Dabus on the issue.  Of course BWP 15.2 just came out and I'm sure that they need a little time to properly update BWS to that.

I have made the following observations


Edited by Roxanne, 27 June 2015 - 01:11 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*


#1314 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 01:04 PM

BWS does not spoil those who aspire to greater modding challenges.


Right now I've got the program saying this:


The extraction of the following mod(s) failed: Ascension: The Mod itself (Ascension-WeiDU-v1.4.24.exe) The following mods cannot be installed because of missing dependence:  Longer Road   Some files were not extracted. Do you want the BWS to run an integrity test on those files first, provide the files yourself (see remarks) or just continue?


Seriously though I have no idea what version of LR does BWS want as I got the 1.5 version that is provided on this site in my download folder. Is BWS aiming at an older version or a newer one that I did not hear about?


BWS sure is demanding with having the very exact version of the mod it requires. Though in this case it does not indicate which version it actually wants as no number is attached *sight*


Maybe should I post my BWS here so that others can see what potentially could have happened or if it works correctly for them with the settings I choose?


As for the commands like "provide" not working now I got them doing well when I just installed the obligatory mods in the minimum install. Perhaps some big mods are messing it all up?

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 01:13 PM.

#1315 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 02:53 PM

Sam, I honestly don't know what is wrong with your Longer Road and Ascension.  I used BWS to download it and Ascension and it unpacked and all that jazz just fine. 


My Ascension Weidu is named:  Ascension-WeiDU-v1.4.24.exe

My Longer Road is LongerRoad_v1.5.1.zip

#1316 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:09 PM

How about installing Ascension, LR and finally Sandrah now that my installation was completed and seemingly everything works well?


Or is Ascension one of these mods that should be installed first?

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 03:09 PM.

#1317 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 03:17 PM

Or is Ascension one of these mods that should be installed first?

If it's the Ascension-WeiDU-v1.4.24 then sorry, but it needs to be installed it as one of the very first weidu mods, not last because it overwrites everything it touches.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#1318 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 05:38 PM

Just a note.  I don't know if any of the original mods you unpacked when you shouldn't have affected your later installs.  If worse, comes, you should try doing a clean vanilla install and then creating an instance.

#1319 Bill Bisco

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 06:31 PM

Samriel, I was just thinking.  You originally unpacked your mods when you shouldn't have.  Maybe one of those unpacked mods did something to the base install that couldn't be undone.    If all else fails, you may want to reinstall your vanilla game and then create another instance from it.

#1320 Samriel

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Posted 27 June 2015 - 10:25 PM

Samriel, I was just thinking.  You originally unpacked your mods when you shouldn't have.  Maybe one of those unpacked mods did something to the base install that couldn't be undone.    If all else fails, you may want to reinstall your vanilla game and then create another instance from it.

Nah, I did a reinstall with a clean game(every time BWS failed as it did leave some mods installed and I recall that it needs to be clean when used again) and the mods in the BWS download folder are all packed. This time I left all unpacking to the program.


Maybe...having a few mods in the download folder that I did not check in the mod selection did cause some mindscrew for the program? Should I count every mod in the download folder and then check only those that are there? I was a bit undecided with what to choose as to have a great experience but not go too far at the same time, so I put as many mods in the download folder as I could. I also got different versions of the same mods there so that the program is satisfied with it version demands.


That said, maybe I should delete BWS and unpack a "fresh" version. Perhaps I messed something there?


Anyway I got even back ups of my vanilla BG2 so I guess I'm well prepared at least :)


Still, I did not fail completely as every mod I choose except for Ascension and LR did actually install. Even Sandrah did...though the last 2 elements of her mod failed to install(so I can't play her ToB part) but nevertheless I can play seemingly all of her BG1 and BG2SoA part and I got her in my party already :) . So now I'm just aiming for a perfect install rather than 95% successful.

Edited by Samriel, 27 June 2015 - 10:52 PM.