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BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

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#1241 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:25 AM

*duplicate post*

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 05:37 AM.

#1242 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:26 AM

*duplicate post*

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 05:37 AM.

#1243 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:29 AM

*duplicate post*

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 05:37 AM.

#1244 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:30 AM

*duplicate post*

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 05:37 AM.

#1245 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:32 AM

*duplicate post*

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 05:37 AM.

#1246 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 05:34 AM

Ok, forum went crazy and gave me database errors while it actually published all my attempts to post. Sorry for the mess lol, I hope some moderator cleans up.

So you tell me that an entire playthrough without this kind of error is possible..

Of course. Baldur's Gate is a stable game in general (for me at least). Both vanilla and with mods. The only mod that has crashed this game for me earlier is SpellPack. It crashed my game randomly in combat. So I don't use that. Now, something crashes my game at a new game and it has never happened before.

You mean the spell packs of the IWDification mod? Please don't tell me it's this one because I like it very much :-/
Edit: I had a look around, I think you refer to http://forums.blackw...?showtopic=4073

I wanted to write about another thing too. I found out about an awesome option of TobEx that for some reason is not configurable with BWS. Could you add the proper option please? I attached the image that makes clear what's missing.

The line, as you can see, is "Engine:Disable End On Player1 Dead=0". It seems to work as intended, and it's wonderful for long BGT no-reload playthrough. I also tested petrification: when the main character gets petrified he gets chunked after being petrified but his portrait remains. I think this was some way around a possible hard coded feature preventing main character from being removed from party.Tobex option.png

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 06:09 AM.

#1247 dabus

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:11 AM

Spellpack is SpekpackB6.
Disable End is not in there because there's no component in the tp2 that would enable that tweak.
Fixpack and timely updates: Look at the history, then you know about release dates.
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#1248 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:15 AM

Disable End is not in there because there's no component in the tp2 that would enable that tweak.

It's just about placing a "1" instead of a "0".. but I think I'm not understanding, could you elaborate?

#1249 dabus

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:30 AM

BWS install logic is not made for editing files.
It was made to tell weidu to install x with language y and maybe give an answer when subcomponent z should be selected.

Because there is no weidu-component to edit the tobEx.ini, BWS does not show it or install it thus WeiDU does not edit the file.
Just use --list-components and --list-languages or take a look at Config\Global\%Modname%.ini and look for WeiDU-EN to get the components that can be installed.
If you ran BWS and selected a game, you can also use Config\%GAMENAME%\WeiDU-EN.ini or look at the builtin editor.

Edited by dabus, 15 May 2015 - 07:31 AM.

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#1250 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:41 AM

WeiDU shows this:

@100=TobEx - Core
@101=Apply Concentration Check On Damage [WIP]
@102=Awaken On Damage
@103=Blindness As Spell Description
@104=Disable Stoneskin Grey Colour [C]
@105=No Spell Interruption On Zero Damage
@106=Use Caster Level On Mirror Image [C]
@107=Allow All Races to Dual Class
@108=Allow Equipping Armor in Combat
@109=Disable Experience Boost
@110=Disable Force Inventory Pause
@111=Disable Silence On Charm
@112=Level One Proficiency Restrictions
@113=Remain Hidden On Pickpocket Success [C]
@114=Rest Spawns Advance Time
@115=Dialogue Greeting Subtitles
@116=Enable Animation Attack Sounds
@117=Universal Four Inventory Weapon Slots
@118=Subtitles For Standard Soundsets
@119=Remove all race-class restrictions
@120=Drop Inventory on Disintegrate
@121=Drop Inventory on Frozen Death
@122=Drop Inventory on Stone Death
@123=Enable Auto-Pause On All Screens
@124=Make All Attack Animations Genuine Attacks

So, that tweak is in fact missing. Is there any way to add it to the list of manageable tweaks for WeiDU?
Or I simply manually edit the value in the TobEx ini? Won't it mess anything after a complete BWS install?

#1251 -agnes-

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 07:43 AM

You mean these spell packs? Please don't tell me it's this one because I like it very much :-/

No, I mean the mod that's actually called "Lost Crossroads SpellPack". I never found out why, but I never install it now, and the game has been 100% stable ever since. The key is to know which mods can cause instabilities and not use them. Only a few mods can cause that anyway.


In my current game however, it's the first time I'm trying 1PP version 4. I used the previous version without any issues at all. So, maybe it causes issues I have no idea but I suspect it to be the cause of my crash at least (tbh since it's such a big mod that affects so many things, and since it's so "new" and also unmaintained, I would put it as a prime suspect to any crash atm)

#1252 dabus

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 08:01 AM

ToBEx is a launcher that injects its code directly into the BGMain.exe, so it's not using the override-folder of biffs or anything that would cause trouble if you change it.
So you can edit that ini-file any time if you don't like something or want to have extended logging or something else.
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#1253 -agnes-

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 08:02 AM

So, that tweak is in fact missing. Is there any way to add it to the list of manageable tweaks for WeiDU?
Or I simply manually edit the value in the TobEx ini? Won't it mess anything after a complete BWS install?

Well, to answer your question, you can just toggle this yourself after the install has finished.


But, the author of tobex has said that this tweak is not recommended for a normal user because it is not intended as a gameplay tweak as such. It can glitch your game if you decide to continue the game when the main character is dead etc. Instead, it is made to assist mods that need the game to not end when the main char dies. Such mods will in that case toggle this setting by themselves when they are installed. So you really should not toggle this yourself.


See this mod for something that does what you want, instead: http://www.shsforums...sytutu-and-bgt/ (it's included in BWS)

#1254 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 08:40 AM

I already saw that mod, but I don't quite like it..

I did some testing and seems that the game gets crazy when you transition between areas with your main character dead. I think I could definitely activate that tweak only in BG2, when I'll be able to resuscitate directly on site and immediately. That should not pose any problem, right?

P.S.: Shouldn't Jaheira get Harper's Call in the BG1 part when she reaches the right level with BGT installed?

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 08:48 AM.

#1255 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 09:19 AM

P.S.: Shouldn't Jaheira get Harper's Call in the BG1 part when she reaches the right level with BGT installed?
Yes, she should, it's level 5 spell, so druid at level ~9. You can use temples in BG1 to bring people back. And as the cost is directly level based, it's way out of starting party leagues, but you could get a lots of gold before it's all stolen, so you could use it on this...

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#1256 Blash2

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 09:24 AM

P.S.: Shouldn't Jaheira get Harper's Call in the BG1 part when she reaches the right level with BGT installed?

Yes, she should, it's level 5 spell, so druid at level ~9.  

Well, among my experiments I brought her to level 10 with CLUAConsole and there is no sign of Harper's Call.. Can't understand why..
I noticed that the master branch is being updated on Bitbucket; are all the commits from EET being merged as well? What are the differences between the two branches now?

Thinking about starting my hopefully definitive game tonight, I need an answer please :-P

Edited by Blash2, 15 May 2015 - 09:57 AM.

#1257 Bill Bisco

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 10:01 AM

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Blash2" data-cid="577611" data-time="1431710681"><p>
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="The Imp" data-cid="577610"><p><br />
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Blash2" data-cid="577607"><p><br />
P.S.: Shouldn't Jaheira get Harper's Call in the BG1 part when she reaches the right level with BGT installed?</p></blockquote>Yes, she should, it's level 5 spell, so druid at level ~9.  <br />
 <br />
 <br />
<br />
<br />
Well, among my experiments I brought her to level 10 with CLUAConsole and there is no sign of Harper's Call.. Can't understand why..<br />
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Blash2" data-cid="577579"><p>I noticed that the master branch is being updated on Bitbucket; are all the commits from EET being merged as well? What are the differences between the two branches now?<br />
<br /></p></blockquote>
Thinking about starting my hopefully definitive game tonight, I need an answer please :-P</p></blockquote>

It should be ok to use the eet branch. It has bgt stuff there. I believe it should be merged later because some generic changes at least were made. I had an iaaue with my widescreen mod and the eet log said it fixed a widescreen issue. so I'm going to try eet first

#1258 Bill Bisco

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 10:01 AM

It should be ok to use the eet branch. It has bgt stuff there. I believe it should be merged later because some generic changes at least were made. I had an iaaue with my widescreen mod and the eet log said it fixed a widescreen issue. so I'm going to try eet first

Edited by Bill Bisco, 15 May 2015 - 06:25 PM.

#1259 Bill Bisco

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Posted 15 May 2015 - 06:26 PM

There's a direct link to the Lester NPC at: ftp://eros.gram.pl/bg2/Lester_NPC_v0.8.zip


I couldn't download this from BWS despite multiple attempts but got it the first try using that link.  Can we use it directly?

#1260 Blash2

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Posted 18 May 2015 - 01:09 PM

So you tell me that an entire playthrough without this kind of error is possible..

Of course. Baldur's Gate is a stable game in general (for me at least). Both vanilla and with mods. The only mod that has crashed this game for me earlier is SpellPack. It crashed my game randomly in combat. So I don't use that. Now, something crashes my game at a new game and it has never happened before.

Another crash :-( This time after entering Nashkel shop.. The mouse cursor freezes and remains frozen, the standard Windows cursor appears too and I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to go to desktop where I find the bgmain.exe appcrash message.. No SpellPack, no 1PP high quality music..
I really can't understand why..


I was not able to reproduce the crash in any way. They seem completely random. I fear it's about some hardware/driver/OS problem, I will try resuscitating my old desktop PC: overclocked Athlon XP 3200+, 2 GB Corsair RAM, Raid0, Radeon X800 Pro. Any suggestion is appreciated.


Anyway, I wrote to Leonardo about a pair of bugs I found, that is the item in Stone of Askavar and the problem with the portraits of Tower of Deception, he wrote back that he'll include the fixes in the next release.

Edited by Blash2, 18 May 2015 - 10:16 PM.