Greetings everybody.
I recently discovered Big World Setup and first I want to thank all the people who have worked on the project.
I want to share on this forum what is my experience so far. I will list some little issues I have found. To start, I must clarify that I'm using the software whose name is "", found here: https://bitbucket.or...ranch-downloads (Branches -> EET). At the moment it is the most recent version uploaded.
1) Ascalons Questpack and Jarls BGT Adventure Pack, altough marked with "[EN]" and installed with English selected, are in German. I found out when I started meeting German speaking bunches of NPCs

2) The Item Randomiser mod asks to input, during the install procedure, the percentage of items not to be randomised, pausing the install process. Letting the user input this value while chosing components would avoid this.
3) If you select "Portraits for Tower of Deception", this component will not be installed. This is what you get:
You haven't installed ToD, skip this component
Portraits for Tower of Deception (BGT NPC Portraits) was skipped.
That is not true, in fact I *did* install ToD.
4) The great mystery: Widescreen Mod no longer installing. Tonight, after my final installation, I was ready to start the big game. I noticed in dismay that for some unknown reason, the chosen resolution had not been applied. I opened setup-widescreen.exe just to get this error message:
Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory.
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Not a game directory")
I checked the debug log and I read this:
##### Widescreen Mod #####
### 0000: Widescreen Mod -> for the original Infinity Engine (CHOOSE THIS!): Widescreen Mod ###
Ready for installation
WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWS_Final.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWS_Final.Debug"
[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800
Installing [Make quick-logged WeiDU-entries visible]
SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Make quick-logged WeiDU-entries visible
C:\BWP\BGII - SoA>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWS_Final.tp2" --no-exit-pause --game "." --language 0 --force-uninstall-list 0 --log "Setup-BWS_Final.Debug"
[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800
Removing [Make quick-logged WeiDU-entries visible] (component #0)
Will uninstall 0 files for [SETUP-BWS_FINAL.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 0 files for [SETUP-BWS_FINAL.TP2] component 0.
SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED [Make quick-logged WeiDU-entries visible] (component #0)
C:\BWP\BGII - SoA>The following originally selected mods could not be installed:
Mod: Aurora Patch
Component: Aurora Patch
Mod: BGT NPC Portraits
Component: Portraits for Tower of Deception
My log file ends here. You see? There is no "SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED" for Widescreen Mod. This is a mystery. I did another install, and the same thing happened. This time, however, running setup-widescreen.exe allowed me to properly set the resolution. I hope this hasn't screwed anything. I think not, because no relevant mod was installed after Widescreen mod, but could you reassure me? I wouldn't want to discover problems later on.
5) Almost forgetting. Every time I quit the game, I get this:
Firma problema:
Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
Nome applicazione: BGMain.exe
Versione applicazione:
Timestamp applicazione: 3b71b6f4
Nome modulo con errori: ntdll.dll
Versione modulo con errori: 6.1.7601.18798
Timestamp modulo con errori: 5507b3e0
Codice eccezione: c0000005
Offset eccezione: 0002dfe4
Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040
Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 5a5a
Ulteriori informazioni 2: 5a5ac0ac09a83b7d6ba54412932970f3
Ulteriori informazioni 3: a038
Ulteriori informazioni 4: a038881f26ab6967595bf216b9cec223
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Messages are in Italian, but as you can see it's the classic APPCRASH event window. This error seems to have no effect.
I'm attaching the install debug file and my mod selection.
Thank you!
Edited by Blash2, 11 May 2015 - 08:22 AM.