What's up with EET and where does it come from? Tried an installation, It looks like some tutu rework and many bg2 mods fail to install afterwards because the game engine is not recognized by the many checks. Also it appears that you have to install mods on bg1ee before installing EET on bg2ee which is not documented or done by the BWS in its current state.
BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)
Posted 06 February 2015 - 02:54 PM
Posted 06 February 2015 - 03:10 PM
What's up with EET and where does it come from? Tried an installation, It looks like some tutu rework and many bg2 mods fail to install afterwards because the game engine is not recognized by the many checks. Also it appears that you have to install mods on bg1ee before installing EET on bg2ee which is not documented or done by the BWS in its current state.
The EET should be from here. IT'S A BETA -mod, as in it hasn't been publicly released yet, and there hasn't been many -if any- completed runs with it, let alone with other mods. It incorporates the BG1EE into the BG2EE game, just like the BGT-weidu does the BG1+TotSC into the BG2:ToB, but I would use caution in adding mods to it, let alone megamoding it.
AND no one says you have to install the BG1EE mods into the BG1EE game before you install the EET to BG2EE, you can install them in, but personally I would install the mods to the combo game only after the mods have been updated by the official sources.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:34 PM
Dude I could click links to find that github repository, and I also understand what it entails as well as mega-modifications so I don't need the useless speech about beta and compatibility and that stuff that I can handle but thanks for answering anyway. So let me reiterate :
Who is developping this and where is it even discussed if contribution can be done? I just learnt about it by downloading the latest bws which already tries to incorporate it into BWS.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:10 PM
Dude I could click links....Ouh, but you can't then just search for the user name ? In G3, SHS and PPG ... and go from there. Nope, you don't need to be a forum member...
And if you get the membership, you can ask his résumé via PM, if you need that too. Who was DavidW before SCS, nobody in the BG2 community, now, he has done a lots of things.
The github is very open to contributions, you just need to submit a pull request. Of course it's very code based, so it might reduce the interactivity that way.
Edited by The Imp, 06 February 2015 - 06:54 PM.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:44 AM
And your OS is ?I have disabled UAC, I have the game installed in c:\GOG Games\BGII - SoA\
I have gave permissions for full control, I still get the error tmp.bat not found!!!
Earlier, if you had Windows 8 (the 8.1 didn't exist), you had to have all files you intended to modify in the c:\users\<user name>\ sub-folders; So c:\users\imp\Games\BGII - SoA\ would be a folder I could install the game to, for them to be fully controllable by me.
Yes, Windows 8.x add restriction to C: drive - even if you are administrator, you have to confirm every operation. Please move/re instali games to C:\Users\<username> or use another partition.
Ok, guys, I'll check them today...
OS is win8.1 !!!!
Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:50 AM
And your OS is ?I have disabled UAC, I have the game installed in c:\GOG Games\BGII - SoA\
I have gave permissions for full control, I still get the error tmp.bat not found!!!
Earlier, if you had Windows 8 (the 8.1 didn't exist), you had to have all files you intended to modify in the c:\users\<user name>\ sub-folders; So c:\users\imp\Games\BGII - SoA\ would be a folder I could install the game to, for them to be fully controllable by me.Yes, Windows 8.x add restriction to C: drive - even if you are administrator, you have to confirm every operation. Please move/re instali games to C:\Users\<username> or use another partition.
Ok, guys, I'll check them today...
OS is win8.1 !!!!
I got error in line 295
ShellExecuteWait('Tmp.bat', '', $g_GameDir, '', @SW_HIDE)
from that loop:
ElseIf StringRegExp($Array[$a], '(?i)\ACMD') Then $Split=StringSplit($Array[$a], ';') IniWrite($g_BWSIni, 'Options', 'Start', $a); create entry to enable resume If UBound($Split)>6 Then; only look for requirement if line has enough semicolons If $Split[6] <> '' Then; skip if requirements are not met. No feedback - it's just a cmd like copy/del. If _Install_CheckCondition($Split[6]) = 0 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf FileDelete($g_GameDir&'\BWS_Finished.nul') GUICtrlSetData($g_UI_Static[6][2], _GetTR($Message, 'L7')); => run batch $Handle = FileOpen($g_GameDir & '\Tmp.bat', 2); jeah, this looks stupid, but how would I now that the action is done? FileWriteLine($Handle, '@echo off'); be quite FileWriteLine($Handle, $Split[2]); >> Do not comment if not debugging!!! FileWriteLine($Handle, 'copy "BWS_Dummy.nul" "BWS_Finished.nul" 2>nul 1>nul'); be a little more quite FileClose($Handle) If Not StringRegExp($Array[$a], '(?i)\s(Call|For|xcopy)\s|_IDS') Then; just avoid some annoying and useless linefeeds _Process_SetConsoleLog($Split[2]) ShellExecuteWait('Tmp.bat', '', $g_GameDir, '', @SW_HIDE) Else _Process_Run('Tmp.bat', 'BWS_Finished.nul') EndIf
installation path is:
c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA\
owner is trotos
I have changed it to users
changed it to Administrators
I do not run the BWS.vbs as it I am not allowed to
I run the AutoIt3 and select the BWS.au3
Do I have to run it as administrator?
Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:51 AM
And your OS is ?I have disabled UAC, I have the game installed in c:\GOG Games\BGII - SoA\
I have gave permissions for full control, I still get the error tmp.bat not found!!!
Earlier, if you had Windows 8 (the 8.1 didn't exist), you had to have all files you intended to modify in the c:\users\<user name>\ sub-folders; So c:\users\imp\Games\BGII - SoA\ would be a folder I could install the game to, for them to be fully controllable by me.Yes, Windows 8.x add restriction to C: drive - even if you are administrator, you have to confirm every operation. Please move/re instali games to C:\Users\<username> or use another partition.
Ok, guys, I'll check them today...
OS is win8.1 !!!!
I got error in line 295
ShellExecuteWait('Tmp.bat', '', $g_GameDir, '', @SW_HIDE)
from that loop:
ElseIf StringRegExp($Array[$a], '(?i)\ACMD') Then $Split=StringSplit($Array[$a], ';') IniWrite($g_BWSIni, 'Options', 'Start', $a); create entry to enable resume If UBound($Split)>6 Then; only look for requirement if line has enough semicolons If $Split[6] <> '' Then; skip if requirements are not met. No feedback - it's just a cmd like copy/del. If _Install_CheckCondition($Split[6]) = 0 Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf FileDelete($g_GameDir&'\BWS_Finished.nul') GUICtrlSetData($g_UI_Static[6][2], _GetTR($Message, 'L7')); => run batch $Handle = FileOpen($g_GameDir & '\Tmp.bat', 2); jeah, this looks stupid, but how would I now that the action is done? FileWriteLine($Handle, '@echo off'); be quite FileWriteLine($Handle, $Split[2]); >> Do not comment if not debugging!!! FileWriteLine($Handle, 'copy "BWS_Dummy.nul" "BWS_Finished.nul" 2>nul 1>nul'); be a little more quite FileClose($Handle) If Not StringRegExp($Array[$a], '(?i)\s(Call|For|xcopy)\s|_IDS') Then; just avoid some annoying and useless linefeeds _Process_SetConsoleLog($Split[2]) ShellExecuteWait('Tmp.bat', '', $g_GameDir, '', @SW_HIDE) Else _Process_Run('Tmp.bat', 'BWS_Finished.nul') EndIf
installation path is:
c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA\
owner is trotos
I have changed it to users
changed it to Administrators
I do not run the BWS.vbs as it I am not allowed to
I run the AutoIt3 and select the BWS.au3
Do I have to run it as administrator?
Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:55 AM
more details from debug:
WeiDU.exe "Setup-WeiDU.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-WeiDU.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23700 Installing [23700] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED 23700 c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWS.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWS.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23700 Installing [20150104 - Updated by Silent] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED 20150104 - Updated by Silent c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWFixpack.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWFixpack.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23700 Installing [BiG World Fixpack v14.3.7z] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED BiG World Fixpack v14.3.7z c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWTrimpack.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWTrimpack.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23700 Installing [BiG World Trimpack v14.0.2.7z] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED BiG World Trimpack v14.0.2.7z c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWInstallpack.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWInstallpack.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23700 Installing [BiG World Installpack v14.3.1.7z] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED BiG World Installpack v14.3.1.7z c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA>cd /D "c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA\" c:\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA>BiG World Install Call BGMain-BG2-PolishSagaBGConversion.bat IF EXIST Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Italiano\setup-osx.tra attrib -S Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Italiano\setup-osx.tra IF EXIST Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Russian\setup-osx.tra attrib -S Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Russian\setup-osx.tra
Posted 07 February 2015 - 03:37 AM
Since the vbs would always start the Autoit3 as admin, you have to do it yourself.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 05:11 AM
I did, still same error!!!
the tmb.bat file it is beeing refreshed everytime, so the script has access to that file.
still after installation it says "succesfull"
...there seems to be a problem with mod "wheels of profecy" although both setup and folder are there "setup-wheels.exe"
and some other mods give me errors of dependencies although everything is extracted in BG2 main folder
I am letting it run... is there any way that I can check that things will run smouthly after installation of mods?
Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:36 AM
After all, the first problem I encountered was that the dialogues are not clickable... I can make no selection
I did, still same error!!!the tmb.bat file it is beeing refreshed everytime, so the script has access to that file.
still after installation it says "succesfull"
...there seems to be a problem with mod "wheels of profecy" although both setup and folder are there "setup-wheels.exe"and some other mods give me errors of dependencies although everything is extracted in BG2 main folder
I am letting it run... is there any way that I can check that things will run smouthly after installation of mods?
Posted 07 February 2015 - 08:34 AM
I don't have Windows 8.1 to reproduce this and I don't know if your PC is blocking something or was configured that way (e.g. the PC not able to run vbs-files).
All I can tell you is that BWS uses the cmd-entries to install fix/smooth/textpacks and so on, which wouldn't get applied if these fail, and that would be a load of unnecessary (and already fixed) faults. So either redo the install as it was and stop before the real install starts and start the BiG World Installpack yourself (start the cmd as admin and navigate into the games directory) or go back, switch to the installpack-option and let that go through.
Edited by dabus, 07 February 2015 - 08:36 AM.
Posted 08 February 2015 - 12:31 AM
Ok, I'll try that and I'll come back to you.
Posted 08 February 2015 - 06:33 AM
now that is weird it is running... but I do not know if it is doing what it supposed to do.
I got the game installed in user/document
got the BWS extracte in the BGII - SoA folder (is the GOG versio)
run the script, selected the recommended from community
run it...
1st, did not regognized the mods in the download folder??? I let it redownlad everything, everything worked
let it extracted everething, seems fine
BUT, nothing in the game folder
everything is in:
c:\VTRoot\HarddiskVolume2\Users\trotos\Documents\BGII - SoA\
what is this VTRoot???
Posted 08 February 2015 - 06:42 AM
Posted 08 February 2015 - 07:32 AM
for some interesting reason, seems to work ok. I 'll see what happens after script finishes....
will it be possible to ovewrite from that VTRoot file all files back to the BG2- SoA and replace all original files? will it work?
Posted 08 February 2015 - 07:51 AM
will it work?
Not likely if you still have the Comodo Firewall / Virus protection on / installed. It's likely that you need to disable it and REinstall the game, the mods and so forth.
"my advise to you is to uninstall Comodo Internet Security" - source.
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 08 February 2015 - 09:10 AM
...yeah after all those problems I will certainly will.
I will probably go back to avg or avira
Posted 12 February 2015 - 03:50 AM
Posted 17 February 2015 - 05:09 PM