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BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

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#4481 konva

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Posted 08 January 2018 - 02:08 PM

Okay attached, btw how could I fix the world map, its black, and I only see locations

Attached Files

#4482 Roxanne



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Posted 08 January 2018 - 02:26 PM

Okay attached, btw how could I fix the world map, its black, and I only see locations
Install this Attached File  setup-bp-bgt_worldmap_pvrz.7z   21.85MB   785 downloads

The Sandrah Saga

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#4483 subtledoctor

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Posted 08 January 2018 - 10:52 PM

now mazy causes trouble
[spoiler]Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Choose a class for Mazzy -> Make Mazzy a paladin], rolling back to previous state

Uninstalled      5 files for [NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2] component 762.
ERROR: Failure("resource [%char%.cre] not found for 'COPY'")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-NPC_EE.DEBUG to SubtleD
Automatically Skipping [Choose a class for Mazzy -> Make Mazzy a paladin] because of error.<br />
Using Language [English]
NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Choose a class for Mazzy -> Make Mazzy a paladin

It's a bug in the mod. I just uploaded v3.1.2, should fix it.

#4484 konva

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Posted 08 January 2018 - 11:26 PM

ok thanks :) also thanks roxanne for map :)

#4485 konva

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 09:34 AM

Hi, according to mine upload of weidu, i noticed few odd things. 1) Shar-Teel cannot be killed with regular ways..
2) Shar-Teel initiate dialogue with Dorn, and they are at duel, but they stay at place and they cannot be clicked.

#4486 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 09:57 AM

Hi, according to mine upload of weidu, i noticed few odd things. 1) Shar-Teel cannot be killed with regular ways..
2) Shar-Teel initiate dialogue with Dorn, and they are at duel, but they stay at place and they cannot be clicked.

I assume this is your first meeting Shar-Teel?

She challenges your strongest male fighter for a duel - you agree - most likely that is Dorn. They start to fight. You sit back and watch. Do nothing.

When either of the two has lost some hitpoints, then Shar-Teel gives up and offers to join your party OR Dorn gives up and Shar-Teel takes 20GP from you.

The Sandrah Saga

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#4487 enderandrew

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 10:30 AM

- NEJ will never be an EE mod per decision of its author and there is nothing to comment here anymore, the guy has made that clear once and for all.
It looks like Vlad says right here that anyone is free to convert NEJ to EE without his involvement but has his blessing.


"Anyone who wants to adapt VC and NeJ3 to other installations (BP, BWP, EE etc.) is free to do so without my involvement. I don't claim any property, just ask credits. Good luck."
Nihilism makes me smile.

#4488 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 11:18 AM

- NEJ will never be an EE mod per decision of its author and there is nothing to comment here anymore, the guy has made that clear once and for all.
It looks like Vlad says right here that anyone is free to convert NEJ to EE without his involvement but has his blessing.


"Anyone who wants to adapt VC and NeJ3 to other installations (BP, BWP, EE etc.) is free to do so without my involvement. I don't claim any property, just ask credits. Good luck."

"Good luck."

The Sandrah Saga

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#4489 enderandrew

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 11:37 AM

"Good luck."
That's quite different from the author saying they definitely don't want it ported. They openly invited others to do it. I literally don't know the first thing about BG/Weidu modding or the specifics of why mods for EE versions are different and need porting. If there was a good starter guide I might give it a shot myself. It seems like you've ported quite a few and maintain them. I'm grateful for the work people put in to make these games better all these years later. I'm hoping one of the experienced and knowledgeable modders will add EET support to NEJ given that it may be the single best BG1 quest mod,.

I'm not opposed to trying to put time in to contribute myself. I was thinking of starting by looking at BGT mods that haven't been updated for EET and trying to determine if it is worth putting in the time to see i I can help with those. But people also have differing views on picking up abandoned mods. I would think authors would want a larger audience to enjoy their work over time, while some feel it is disrespectful to an author to pick up their abandoned work.

I've also considered digging through the BWS scripts to see if I could maybe assist with maintaining that if no one else is, and maybe adding in some mods that do work in EET, but aren't in BWS yet such as:

* Ajoc's minimod for EE and EET v1.0 or above (this update requires resources from original ajocmod)
* Amber NPC (EET version) v5.01 or above
* Bardic-Wonders (currently need to be downloaded from master Github branch)
* Custom Kits: The Spellsword v1.4.1 or above
* Evil Kits mod (Ravager and Palemaster) v1.1
* FlameWing's Multikit mod v0.27.3 (no changes)
* Generalized Biffing v2.2 (no changes)
* Isandir's Portrait Pack v1.3 or above
* Mystic Fire Paladin Kit (currently need to be downloaded from master Github branch)
* NPC_EE v2.3 or above
* Pai'Na NPC for BG2:EE v1.2 or above
* Pale Master Sorcerer Kit (currently need to be downloaded from master Github branch)
* Revised Battles 6.3 (needs testing)
* Rough World vBeta or above
* Sheena NPC v2.3 or later
* Solaufein's Rescue: Jastey's Solaufein NPC for BGII vAlpha_160128
* Southern Edge v1.0 or above
* Spontaneous Casting For Clerics and Druids v1.3 or above
* The Sellswords v5
* Tome and Blood: More Options for Wizards and Sorcerers v0.7 or above

On Southern Edge, you told me the author absolutely doesn't want that mod in BWS. I assumed you must know what you're talking about. But I noticed that same mod author has tons of other mods in BWS with no complaints. I also reached out to that author to ask if they'd update one of their mods to work better with the BWS installer (A single smart quote on the file name was messing up the download) and they updated/renamed the file). They seemed more than willing to support the BWS.

When you say the NEJ author was adamant that NEJ shouldn't be updated to EE, I don't know if you're potentially confusing statements, if Vlad changed their mind, or if there is some other reason why you're opposed to updating it.

I have to think that updating mods for EE and EET support is going to better preserve them over time. And because of the complexity of trying to find the latest versions of each, apply fixes, install them in the right order, identify conflicts, etc. that BWS is also a key component of preserving these mods in the long run as well. I hope to see more mods updated for EE/EET and hope to see BWS get some love as well.

I just don't know if I'm the right person to help with that because I have little to no knowledge of Weidu and Infinity Engine modding.
Nihilism makes me smile.

#4490 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 12:10 PM

I've also considered digging through the BWS scripts to see if I could maybe assist with maintaining that if no one else is, and maybe adding in some mods that do work in EET, but aren't in BWS yet such as:

* Ajoc's minimod for EE and EET v1.0 or above (this update requires resources from original ajocmod) Such patch attempts are not handled by BWS, however there seems to be an activity to upgrade this mod
* Amber NPC (EET version) v5.01 or above I am maintaining this mod myself, it is EET compliant and in BWS
* Bardic-Wonders (currently need to be downloaded from master Github branch)
* Custom Kits: The Spellsword v1.4.1 or above
* Evil Kits mod (Ravager and Palemaster) v1.1
* FlameWing's Multikit mod v0.27.3 (no changes)
* Generalized Biffing v2.2 (no changes) Biffing is not required in EE games and it may cause even problems with new file types
* Isandir's Portrait Pack v1.3 or above EET mods not approved by K4thos, this mod is by the EET author himself but technically not feasible
* Mystic Fire Paladin Kit (currently need to be downloaded from master Github branch)
* NPC_EE v2.3 or above
* Pai'Na NPC for BG2:EE v1.2 or above
* Pale Master Sorcerer Kit (currently need to be downloaded from master Github branch)
* Revised Battles 6.3 (needs testing) This has not been confirmed as compatible
* Rough World vBeta or above
* Sheena NPC v2.3 or later
* Solaufein's Rescue: Jastey's Solaufein NPC for BGII vAlpha_160128
* Southern Edge v1.0 or above
* Spontaneous Casting For Clerics and Druids v1.3 or above
* The Sellswords v5
* Tome and Blood: More Options for Wizards and Sorcerers v0.7 or above

Edited by Roxanne, 12 January 2018 - 12:10 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

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#4491 konva

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 12:53 PM

Hi, according to mine upload of weidu, i noticed few odd things. 1) Shar-Teel cannot be killed with regular ways..
2) Shar-Teel initiate dialogue with Dorn, and they are at duel, but they stay at place and they cannot be clicked.

I assume this is your first meeting Shar-Teel?

She challenges your strongest male fighter for a duel - you agree - most likely that is Dorn. They start to fight. You sit back and watch. Do nothing.

When either of the two has lost some hitpoints, then Shar-Teel gives up and offers to join your party OR Dorn gives up and Shar-Teel takes 20GP from you.

No they are at mine party kinda long time, but suddenly some dialogue opens.. :) and also when fighting with monsters, she cant just die :D

#4492 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 01:15 PM

Hi, according to mine upload of weidu, i noticed few odd things. 1) Shar-Teel cannot be killed with regular ways..
2) Shar-Teel initiate dialogue with Dorn, and they are at duel, but they stay at place and they cannot be clicked.

I assume this is your first meeting Shar-Teel?

She challenges your strongest male fighter for a duel - you agree - most likely that is Dorn. They start to fight. You sit back and watch. Do nothing.

When either of the two has lost some hitpoints, then Shar-Teel gives up and offers to join your party OR Dorn gives up and Shar-Teel takes 20GP from you.

No they are at mine party kinda long time, but suddenly some dialogue opens.. :) and also when fighting with monsters, she cant just die :D

Maybe you can post a savegame of the situation. Not sure what BWS has to do with it, I am not familiar with a mod that changes Dorn, so this might be original behaviour.

The Sandrah Saga

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#4493 konva

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 01:26 PM

it occurs randomly, shar teel initiates in party dialogue where she tells dorn that she has enough of him and want to fight with him


//well, since dorn is fully voiced in that dialogue, it seems that there is some bad relationship

Edited by konva, 12 January 2018 - 01:40 PM.

#4494 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 01:56 PM

it occurs randomly, shar teel initiates in party dialogue where she tells dorn that she has enough of him and want to fight with him


//well, since dorn is fully voiced in that dialogue, it seems that there is some bad relationship

It is a vanilla scripted fight. If there is a problem, you can advance progress with reading the value of


and just incrementing it stepwise by 1 until you solved the issue.

The Sandrah Saga

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#4495 konva

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 02:25 PM

Okay thanks, tried value 3, but problem is that they dont even start to fight, just stay at place.


//also I have noticed something with sandrah, i have got that portrait of her mother, got second "vision" .. talked much to her.. but still no demonic scroll quest, did I do some wrong?

Edited by konva, 12 January 2018 - 02:27 PM.

#4496 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 02:32 PM

Okay thanks, tried value 3, but problem is that they dont even start to fight, just stay at place.


//also I have noticed something with sandrah, i have got that portrait of her mother, got second "vision" .. talked much to her.. but still no demonic scroll quest, did I do some wrong?

Look for Global("NarQMessApp","GLOBAL") - maybe the messenger has been spawned and you missed him?


If it is greater than 0 but you have not seen that man Landrel, go to any outdoor area and do

C:SetGlobal("NarQMessApp","GLOBAL",0), wait a moment until Landrel talks to you.

Edited by Roxanne, 12 January 2018 - 02:37 PM.

The Sandrah Saga

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#4497 konva

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 02:37 PM

value is 1, well if I missed him, its unfortunate for me now

#4498 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 02:38 PM

value is 1, well if I missed him, its unfortunate for me now

Go to any outdoor area and do

C:SetGlobal("NarQMessApp","GLOBAL",0), wait a moment until Landrel talks to you.

The Sandrah Saga

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#4499 konva

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Posted 12 January 2018 - 02:45 PM

thanks, how long it could take until he arrives? I made this global check + set in naskhel

#4500 Roxanne



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Posted 12 January 2018 - 02:52 PM

thanks, how long it could take until he arrives? I made this global check + set in naskhel

??? Actually he should be there right away, just the moment that it takes until he walks up to you...


Ah, my mistake -

You also need

C:SetGlobal("NarQMessCre","LOCALS",0)  >>>> you must select Sandrah when you do enter as this is a LOCALS.

The Sandrah Saga

another piece of *buggy, cheesy, unbalanced junk*