Suggestion: (and I know people will not like this one
Only keep content mods selected in any BWS preselection (Minimal, Maximized & Expert)
- Minimal : Only vanilla content (BG1 + BG2) with just fixes and engine tweaks (yes 1PP & IA included - EE includes them so it's canon
- Maximized : All content mods that are not buggy selected
- Expert : Everything selected
The amount of new content can be objectively measured while quality & difficulty cannot - so separate the Recommended & Tactical selections from the others (rename them to Team BWS' recommendations & Team BWS' tactical selection or something
Consider the Tashia example:
- suppose you patch Tashia's dialogue when Sandrah is installed to match the fix you posted
- if the fix gets included in the BWPFixpack (because someone confirms it is fixed thanks to your patch), Tashia will already have the fix when Sandrah is installed if using the latest BWPFixpack. It might be nice if Sandrah doesn't patch the dialogue in this case