* Planar Sphere Mod added to BG2EE/EET selection (thanks Ineth and Lollorian for patches!)
BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)
Posted 13 January 2016 - 10:07 AM
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 10:57 AM
Wow guys, I'm LOVING all of these new, constant and fresh updates!
Your work is amazing, keep it up!
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:02 AM
Still not able to register an account (so no copy 'n' paste).
What failed, installation or extraction of mod.
Mod extracted from Zip into BG II - SoA directory, extraction duplicated directory structure in Zip file.
Installation of mod failed. I assumed installer was looking for
BGII - SoA\generalized_biffing\generalized_biffing.tp2
But extraction had created
BGII - SoA\generalized_biffing-master\generalized_biffing\generalized_biffing.tp2
So, changing location of the TP2 file meant that installation could proceed:
BGII - SoA\generalized_biffing\generalized_biffing.tp2
I'll try with latest and report back
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:19 AM
Another odd conflict report:
SCS component "move npcs to more convenient locations" conflicts with bg1npc project "aloras starting location". I don't think this should be the case because scs readme does not mention moving Alora with this component.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:21 AM
@roxanne why the hate on tweak/kit mods? What's so special about the Blade, Skald and Jester that, of all the kits ever written for 2E bards, those three get put on a pedestal? Is not the game better - does not the player have more interesting chances for replaying it - if he or she can also be a Gallant, Meistersinger, Loremaster, Dirgesinger, or Acrobat?
Edited by subtledoctor, 13 January 2016 - 11:40 AM.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:30 AM
* aTweaks updated to v4.50
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:35 AM
(I apologize for double post... I'm guest so can't edit my last post)
Another report:
BGT tweak pack "restore xp bonus for pick locks etc" actually also conflicts with atweaks "altered xp rewards from pick locks and etc"
I think they are meant to complement eachother. Maybe you already took care of this after my report with BP balancer but I'm unsure so I report this as well just in case.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:43 AM
BP Balancer and ding0's Experience Fixer then apply a percentage modifier to the baseline. So you could use both of these but it makes more sense to pick one and the percentage you want.
Edited by agb1, 13 January 2016 - 11:50 AM.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:48 AM
Re-ran BWS set-up (version b692bec). This time with the minimal install though, problem I had was only with this generalized biffing archive which is installed with the minimal install. Everything ran fine.
The issue I had has been fixed. Thanks!
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:49 AM
As for Alora's starting location, I think that is a documentation error in SCS (I think the component does move her). Will double check later.
Checked SCS and you were correct. It does not move Alora.
Edited by agb1, 13 January 2016 - 03:20 PM.
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 11:49 AM
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 12:15 PM
Edited by Creepin, 13 January 2016 - 12:15 PM.
The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)
Posted 13 January 2016 - 12:49 PM
After latest BWS install, which goes without a single hiccup by the way, I have noticed that in Near Infinity it got 43 warnings for baldur.bcs and 11 warnings for baldur25.bcs. Far as I understand every warning equals something (item, spell, creature) that is referred to in the script but doesn't actually present in game resources. Is it something I should be worrying about, or the game most probably will run just fine as it is?That depend on what weed the ass is smoking. Aka, if you copy paste the warnings it gives, we can make jump cut judgements on them. And you got a NI v1.36-20160112 correct ?
Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit).
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 01:13 PM
That depend on what weed the ass is smoking. Aka, if you copy paste the warnings it gives, we can make jump cut judgements on them. And you got a NI v1.36-20160112 correct ?Hmm, I have had no idea that NI is still being updated, so I've used 1.35-20140520. However I've re-checked with 20160112, and results are the same: baldur.bcs & baldur25.bcs. I am further attaching weidu.log of install in question, just in case. Could any other files be of use?
Attached Files
Edited by Creepin, 13 January 2016 - 01:15 PM.
The Old Gold - v0.2 WIP (mod for BGT/BWP/BWS)
Posted 13 January 2016 - 01:23 PM
That depend on what weed the ass is smoking. Aka, if you copy paste the warnings it gives, we can make jump cut judgements on them. And you got a NI v1.36-20160112 correct ?Hmm, I have had no idea that NI is still being updated, so I've used 1.35-20140520. However I've re-checked with 20160112, and results are the same: baldur.bcs & baldur25.bcs. I am further attaching weidu.log of install in question, just in case. Could any other files be of use?
To say more, baldur.bcs would be required - however those warnings appear harmless, mostly DVs that are not in your game or other resources that do not trigger. Should not cause any issue in your game. (I have more than 300 warnings in my baldur.bcs but no issue so far.)
Posted 13 January 2016 - 03:21 PM
* Corrected conflict rule for "Move BG1 Alora to more convenient starting location" tweak -- removed SCS #4030 as it does not move Alora (thanks to liz for reporting this mistake!)
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 06:32 PM
Attempting a moderate sized BGT installation (no mega mods) with BWS (with fingers crossed, sigh... usually do this manually but have no time these days); is it normal that at this point in the process:
WeiDU.exe "Setup-WeiDU.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-WeiDU.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800 Installing [23800] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED 23800 C:\BGT>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWS.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWS.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800 Installing [20150812 - Updated by Silent (installation date Tue 01/12/2016)] Copying and patching 1 file ... SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED 20150812 - Updated by Silent (installation date Tue 01/12/2016) C:\BGT>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWFixpack.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWFixpack.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800 Installing [BiG-World-Fixpack-master.zip] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED BiG-World-Fixpack-master.zip C:\BGT>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWTrimpack.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWTrimpack.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800 Installing [BiG World Trimpack v14.0.2.7z] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED BiG World Trimpack v14.0.2.7z C:\BGT>WeiDU.exe "Setup-BWInstallpack.tp2" --game "." --language 0 --force-install-list 0 --quick-log --log "Setup-BWInstallpack.Debug" [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23800 Installing [BiG World Installpack v15.6.1.7z] SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED BiG World Installpack v15.6.1.7z C:\BGT>cd /D "C:\BGT" C:\BGT>BiG World Install Call BGMain-BG2-PolishSagaBGConversion.bat IF EXIST Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Italiano\setup-osx.tra attrib -S Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Italiano\setup-osx.tra IF EXIST Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Russian\setup-osx.tra attrib -S Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Russian\setup-osx.tra IF EXIST 1Sylm-setup.tp2 ren 1Sylm-setup.tp2 setup-1Sylm.tp2 IF EXIST 1Sylm-setup.exe ren 1Sylm-setup.exe setup-1Sylm.exe IF EXIST "setup RGenie.tp2" ren "setup RGenie.tp2" setup-RGenie.tp2 IF EXIST "setup RGenie.exe" ren "setup RGenie.exe" setup-RGenie.exe IF EXIST "Setup-BWL Contest.tp2" ren "Setup-BWL Contest.tp2" Setup-BWL_Contest.tp2 IF EXIST "Setup-BWL Contest.exe" ren "Setup-BWL Contest.exe" Setup-BWL_Contest.exe IF EXIST SandrahToT-Setup.tp2 ren SandrahToT-Setup.tp2 Setup-SandrahToT.tp2 IF EXIST SandrahToT-Setup.exe ren SandrahToT-Setup.exe Setup-SandrahToT.exe IF EXIST setup-b!tweak.exe move .\b!tweak\setup-b!tweak.tp2 "." IF EXIST setup-b!tweak.exe ren setup-b!tweak.exe setup-btweak.exe IF EXIST setup-b!tweak.tp2 ren setup-b!tweak.tp2 setup-btweak.tp2 IF EXIST setup-b!tweak_lite.exe move .\b!tweak_lite\setup-b!tweak_lite.tp2 "." IF EXIST setup-b!tweak_lite.exe ren setup-b!tweak_lite.exe setup-btweak_lite.exe IF EXIST setup-b!tweak_lite.tp2 ren setup-b!tweak_lite.tp2 setup-btweak_lite.tp2 IF EXIST setup-LavaIt!.exe move .\LavaIt!\Setup-LavaIt!.tp2 "." IF EXIST Setup-LavaIt!.exe ren Setup-LavaIt!.exe Setup-LavaIt.exe IF EXIST Setup-LavaIt!.tp2 ren Setup-LavaIt!.tp2 Setup-LavaIt.tp2 IF EXIST Setup-R*deur.exe ren Setup-R*deur.exe Setup-Rodeur.exe IF EXIST Setup-R*deur.tp2 ren Setup-R*deur.tp2 Setup-Rodeur.tp2 IF EXIST SetupP!Bhaal.exe ren SetupP!Bhaal.exe Setup-PBhaal.exe IF EXIST SetupP!Bhaal.tp2 ren SetupP!Bhaal.tp2 Setup-PBhaal.tp2 IF EXIST setup-grimuars_v4.1.exe ren setup-grimuars_v4.1.exe setup-grimuars.exe IF EXIST setup-grimuars_v4.1.tp2 ren setup-grimuars_v4.1.tp2 setup-grimuars.tp2 IF EXIST lyricsetup.exe ren lyricsetup.exe setup-lyric.exe IF EXIST lyricsetup.tp2 ren lyricsetup.tp2 setup-lyric.tp2 IF EXIST Setup-Jedi^&Sith.exe ren Setup-Jedi^&Sith.exe Setup-Jedi_Sith.exe IF EXIST Setup-Jedi^&Sith.tp2 ren Setup-Jedi^&Sith.tp2 Setup-Jedi_Sith.tp2 IF EXIST .\!BInfinitySounds\Setup-!BInfinitySounds.tp2 move .\!BInfinitySounds\Setup-!BInfinitySounds.tp2 "." IF EXIST Setup-!BInfinitySounds.exe ren Setup-!BInfinitySounds.exe Setup-BInfinitySounds.exe IF EXIST Setup-!BInfinitySounds.tp2 ren Setup-!BInfinitySounds.tp2 Setup-BInfinitySounds.tp2 IF EXIST ".\vecna\setup-vecna.tp2" copy /Y ".\Vecna v23 - Text Overhaul v1.1\Language\English\*.*" ".\vecna\Language\English" IF EXIST .\acm_upsample.exe move .\acm_upsample.exe .\1pp_hq_music_BGT\convert IF EXIST ".\override\override" move ".\override\override\*.*" ".\override" IF EXIST ".\override\override" rmdir /s /q ".\override\override" IF EXIST ".\BiG World Installpack\BiG World Smoothpack" move ".\BiG World Installpack\BiG World Smoothpack\_modify\*.*" "." IF EXIST "BiG World Textpack GERMAN\override\_optional" rmdir /s /q ".\BiG World Textpack GERMAN\override\_optional" IF EXIST "Big World Fixpack\_aD&L" ren ".\BiG World Fixpack\_aD&L" "aD&L" Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BWP compatibility read me.txt .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\Animus\Animus.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\BGTComp\toAR0602.baf.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\CtB\areas.tbl.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\edwin\_depends\NeJ3\edwin_degardan.baf.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\edwin\_depends\NeJ3\edwin_degardan_romance.baf.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\Eilistraee\areas.tbl.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\Animate.ids.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\ANISND.IDS.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\DHJOLLDE.D.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\TGVERBD.baf.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_rename .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_copy\misc\spin506.spl .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_copy\sExt\oCUT01G.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_copy\sExt\sCUT01G.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_delete .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\cre\larrel2.cre .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\dar1.tbl .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\dar2.tbl .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\eAR9799.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\links.tbl .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\nRot.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\o2Aerie.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\o3Aerie.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\o3Baldur.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\o3Minsc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\o6Baldur.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\oCUT01G.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\oRot.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\tisunpack.exe .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\NeJ3\_copy\wafixes\yoshfix.d .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\Shar-Teel Bonus Portrait 2\_copy\sExt\sMinsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\Shar-Teel Bonus Portraits\_copy\sExt\SMINSC.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends\Shar-Teel Bonus Portraits\_copy\sExt\sMinsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\CITTERN.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\coffee.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\ELFWINE.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\SERPSCA.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\wcwight.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\ZZA7CH.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sExt\oCUT01.BCS .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sExt\oCUTD1.BCS .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sExt\sMinsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\spl\SPCL221.SPL .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\spl\spcl242.spl .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\Setup-NeJ2.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\Setup-NeJ2Biffer.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\TuEzek.d.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_copy\fix\BKACHI.D .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_copy\fix\KachiJ.D .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_copy\fix\SimeJ.D .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\n2Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\n3Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\n3Minsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\n6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\o2Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\o3Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\o3Minsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\bg2fixpack\_copy\sFix\o6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\CtB\aWMART2.d.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\CtB\DARUNDEL.D.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\CtB\TafficJ.D.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\CtB\_copy\Leina\scripts\oAR0400.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\Shar-Teel Bonus Portraits\Setup-NeJ2v691.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\TDD\_copy\sFix\n3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends\TDD\_copy\sFix\o3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends\NEJ3\_depends_not\Shar-Teel Bonus Portraits\Setup-NeJ2v68.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\Setup-NeJ2.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\Setup-NeJ2Biffer.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\DagSeb.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\DeRing3.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\DeRing5.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\invcloak.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\misc73n.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\itm\TuPotnD1.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\n2Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\n3Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\n3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\n3Minsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\n6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\o1Edwin.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\o2Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\o3Aerie.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\o3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\o3Minsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2\_depends_not\NEJ3\_copy\sFix\o6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2pat\dlgfix.d.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2pat\DMIREK.D.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2pat\_copy\itm\HELMLA.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2v602\Setup-NeJ2v602.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2v602\_copy\invcloak.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ2v602\_copy\SERPSCA.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ3\_copy\are\TT7002.ARE .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ3\_copy\itm\Auril.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ3\_copy\itm\CELEBRA.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ3\_copy\itm\HELMLA.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NeJ3\_copy\itm\J2HAXE.ITM .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\NTotSC\_depends\Vault\NTTORDIO.D.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\PofKits\Setup-Pofkits.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\RAZIEL.d.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\Setup-Raziel.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\nNEWGAME.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\nNEWGAMEBGT.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\nNEWGAMENEJ.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\nNEWGAMENEJBGT.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\oNEWGAME.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\oNEWGAMEBGT.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\oNEWGAMENEJ.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_copy\baf\oNEWGAMENEJBGT.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_depends\ImoenRom\_depends_not\imoenRomance\_copy\baf\nNEWGAME.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\raziel\_depends\ImoenRom\_depends_not\imoenRomance\_copy\baf\oNEWGAME.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\NeJ\n3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\NeJ\n6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\NeJ\o3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\NeJ\o3Minsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\NeJ\o6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\noNEJ\n3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\noNEJ\n6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\noNEJ\o3Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\noNEJ\o3Minsc.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_copy\mess\noNEJ\o6Baldur.bcs .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\TS\_depends\Kachiko Bonus Portrait\_delete .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\virtue\ET_VALYG.BAF.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\virtue\RB_5O.baf.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\virtue\setup-virtue.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\virtue\_copy\bg2\npcs\ET_GENER.BAF .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\virtue\_copy\system\scripts\RB_3NEW.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\virtue\_copy\system\scripts\RB_3OLD.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\Yikari\interject.tra.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\Yikari\setup.tra.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\Yikari\Yikari.tp2.patch .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BP-Ascension_for_SCSII\gparcher_asc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BP-Ascension_for_SCSII\gpmage_asc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BP-Ascension_for_SCSII\gpthief_asc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BP-Ascension_for_SCSII_AI\gparcher_asc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BP-Ascension_for_SCSII_AI\gpmage_asc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_BP-Ascension_for_SCSII_AI\gpthief_asc.baf .\BiG World Fixpack\_BWP compatibility\_TheUndying_for_BP\ovampir1.baf 138 File(s) copied C:\BGT>IF EXIST "Big World Fixpack\BW_Herbs\_optional\Improved Animations\_copy" move ".\BiG World Fixpack\BW_Herbs\_optional\Improved Animations\_copy" ".\BiG World Fixpack\BW_Herbs\_copy" IF EXIST "Big World Fixpack\BW_Herbs\_optional" rmdir /s /q ".\BiG World Fixpack\BW_Herbs\_optional" IF EXIST "Big World Fixpack\BW_Herbs_BG2\_optional\Improved Animations\_copy" move ".\BiG World Fixpack\BW_Herbs_BG2\_optional\Improved Animations\_copy" ".\BiG World Fixpack\BW_Herbs_BG2\_copy" IF EXIST "Big World Fixpack\BW_Herbs_BG2\_optional" rmdir /s /q ".\BiG World Fixpack\BW_Herbs_BG2\_optional" Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_Lolfixer\lolfixer_LOGGER.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_Lolfixer\lolfixer_ONLY_DEBUG_MODE.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_Lolfixer\setup-lolfixer.tp2 .\BiG World Fixpack\_Lolfixer\lolfixer\Area Stuff - MAJESTIC Area Fixer.txt .\BiG World Fixpack\_Lolfixer\lolfixer\Introduction & stuff.txt 5 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\setup-res_fixer.tp2 .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_cre_eff_v2.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_cre_reindex.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_cre_validity.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_spl_itm_reindex.tpp 5 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_crefixer_v2\setup-crefixer.tp2 .\BiG World Fixpack\_crefixer_v2\crefixer\cre_log.txt .\BiG World Fixpack\_crefixer_v2\crefixer\readme-crefixer.txt .\BiG World Fixpack\_crefixer_v2\crefixer\lib\fj_cre_eff_v2.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_crefixer_v2\crefixer\lib\fj_cre_reindex.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_crefixer_v2\crefixer\lib\fj_cre_validity.tpp 6 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_Innate_Fix\Setup-Innate_Fix.tp2 .\BiG World Fixpack\_Innate_Fix\Innate_Fix\backup\keep.me 2 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_Area_Patcher\Setup-Area_Patcher.tp2 1 File(s) copied C:\BGT>IF EXIST Setup-Area_Patcher.tp2 MD ".\Area_Patcher" Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\ACTION.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\ANIMATE.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\GENDER.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\GTIMES.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\KIT.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\SHOUTIDS.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\SPECIFIC.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\SPELL.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\STATE.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_IDS_ref\STATS.IDS 10 file(s) copied. C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_AuroraPatch\setup-aurpatch.tp2 1 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_CtBcutImp\setup-CtBcutImp.tp2 .\BiG World Fixpack\_CtBcutImp\CtBcutImp\ij#ctble.itm .\BiG World Fixpack\_CtBcutImp\CtBcutImp\ij#ctbpl.itm 3 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_Gavin_Hotfixes\setup-gavin_bg2_bgt.tp2 1 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_iwditemfix\setup-iwditemfix.tp2 1 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat .\BiG World Fixpack\_shatterfix\item_rev_shatterfix.tp2 1 File(s) copied C:\BGT>Tmp.bat C:\BGT>IF NOT EXIST ".\BWP_workspace\override" MD ".\BWP_workspace\override" IF EXIST tisunpack.exe copy tisunpack.exe ".\BWP_workspace\override" Tmp.bat
it just stops and sits there displaying 'Running batch command' with nothing apparently happening for 20 minutes? I know some components or larger mods like BGT can take a very long time to install, but I'm used to seeing the usual weidu Dos box where I could see weidu was at work, and in this case I'm seeing ... absolutely nothing. It seems like it's waiting for a user input response, except... it's not, or at least the UI doesn't ask for an input, just sits there, can't even close/shut down BWS. The Pause button does nothing, the Resume button does nothing, the Exit button does nothing. Attempting to exit BWS by other means (X box in upper right hand corner, right click on application on the toolbar, etc) does nothing.
Edit: apparently right clicking on the small icon in windows 7 toolbar shows a checkmark next to 'Script Paused'. Finally managed to shut down BWS by clicking 'exit' from this icon, and restarting it seemed to resume the installation process, starting with BigWorld Fixpack... it hasn't even gotten to the mods; something is definitely is odd, makes me wonder if the GUI failed to initiate a prompt to the user such as 'installation ready to continue, press x to proceed' or some such...
Edited by Ithildur, 13 January 2016 - 06:49 PM.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 06:40 PM
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 06:59 PM
Forgive me for having to ask this, but have you disabled User Account Control and antivirus software?
BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)
BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)
Latest version: https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip
Posted 13 January 2016 - 08:09 PM
Still in mid-install... currently tmp.bat reads:
@echo off
IF EXIST ".\BWP_workspace\override\C#AJAN16.CRE" move ".\BWP_workspace\override\C#AJAN16.CRE" ".\override"
copy "BWS_Dummy.nul" "BWS_Finished.nul" 2>nul 1>nul
I believe at the time that BWS seemed to hang, it was something different, not Ajantis related (btw I do not have any Ajantis mods picked to install...)
As far as User account control and antivirus, yes and yes.
Edited by Ithildur, 13 January 2016 - 08:11 PM.