* BWS: Select-Helper.au3 - In the selection tree-view, the "setup-name" (a.k.a. the MODNAME portion of Config\Global\MODNAME.ini, which is also how the mod is identified in the conflicts and dependencies notes under the mod description) will now be displayed on the same line as the version info (over the description) for the mod last clicked/highlighted in the tree-view above
* BWS: Select-Helper.au3 - For mods without revision/version text ('Rev=') in the MODNAME.ini, BWS will display (size MB, lang) instead of (, size MB, lang) on that line
* BWS: Select-Tree.au3 - Multiple-choice MUC components without a MUC Init line above for the same mod will now display a warning message-box instead of crashing BWS
* BWS: Select-Tree.au3 - A line in Select.txt not starting with ANN/CMD/GRP with less than six semicolons will now display a warning message-box instead of crashing BWS
These two only occur if we made a mistake updating Select.txt, so users will only see these if we made a mistake AND didn't test our changes
BGT: Animal Companions - Custom companion name now accepts letters only (unicode supported) if you right-click the component and choose Edit
* BG1EE/
BG2EE: Lighting Pack: Shader Scripts - All components are now a multiple-choice menu (choose only one) with a submenu where you can edit the values (right-click each one)
* BG1EE/
BG2EE: Item Revisions - Selectable components list corrected for v4 (several components from v3 were removed -- thanks Yllib for report!)
* BG1EE/
BG2EE: Divine Remix #1000 (sphere system) component install order changed - moved down to just before Faiths & Powers (after all other divine kit mods, in particular)
* Corrected readme link for Ggib Eht Tweak Pack
* Changed Save filename for GitHub Latest Release mods to MODNAME-latest.zip: BWS will rename new zip files after download to the specified Save filename, which means BWS will replace older versions of the mod in the download folder with the latest, instead of accumulating new zip files for each commit version
1. Ascalon's Questpack (AC_QUEST)
BG1 Unfinished Business (
3. Disable Enhanced Edition NPCs (A7NoEENPCs)
4. Improved Archer Kit (A7#ImprovedArcher)
5. Keeping Yoshimo (7C-Yoshi)
6. Lighting Pack: Shader Scripts (lightingpack)
7. Recolored Toolbar Buttons (recoloredbuttons)
8. Widescreen Mod (widescreen)