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Mod bugs

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#81 The Imp

The Imp

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 06:34 AM

Yep, it's there in current.... fft30ng.rar\dq\area scripts\ysbaldur.baf -file.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#82 Yovaneth


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 08:08 AM

Oh crap. I'd forgotten I'd shut that off for timer testing. Yes, uncomment it and re-run the installer. As regards the Red Wizard variable ("ys_BLRWIsDead","GLOBAL",1): it should have been set when you killed Megred Darlesson (it's in his cre script). So, either Darlesson ran away screaming :ph34r: or the IE failed to set it.



//I'm dead
    RESPONSE #100



I'd bet the latter because 'Dead' is not the most reliable of trigger ids.




[Edit] ysbaldur.baf attached to the main download post with instructions on what to do with it.

Edited by Yovaneth, 18 February 2015 - 08:28 AM.

#83 -secure-

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 10:45 AM

Yes, it's an easy fix if you know about it, but anyone playing that is unaware of it might think that the area disappearing is the end of the quest and that it's supposed to happen.



Sorry if I was unclear with the caravan issue. The problem isn't when you kill both Darlesson (ysblrwz) and Rockfist (ysblmr), that works fine for me. However you have given the player the option of convincing Rockfist that Cerendor Hold was attacked by hillmen/raiders, which makes Rockfist send Darlesson away to check it out (i.e. Darlesson exits the area, still alive). So it's not a matter of the death script not firing correctly, it's that he's simply not around to be killed when you grab the lotus shipment because he's by design no longer in the area. The result is that you can't burn the lotus shipment.


Relevant part in ysblmr.d (@2768 = ~Just do it. You. You've said your piece, now if you're staying with this waggon train keep your heads down and remember; keep yourselves *out* of the waggons.~). The code is probably correct, it's just here to show you that yes, you have ysblrwz set to exit the area depending on the dialogue.

    SAY @2768



Note that for some reason Darlesson only actually leaves if you talk to him first, convince him that Cerendor Hold was attacked and then first afterwards convince Rockfist that the attack happend. If you talk to Rockfist first and convince him directly about the attack then Darlesson never leaves, despite Rockfist telling him to do so. So that's another bug, although one that is oddly enough beneficial due to the previous one as that means you actually get to kill Darlesson. So there are a few places that probably should have him move away from the area


Another minor bug is how many guards you are supposed to fight. There is a second wave of twelve guards and the conditions to get them to spawn are very odd. You have to follow very specific dialogue chains to actually get them to spawn. I assume they are actually supposed to always spawn during the fight, unless Darlesson has gone to Cerendor Hold. The dialogue when he's sent away clearly states that he would take twelve men (exactly as many as the spawn) with him and that the caravan guard would be weakened because of this. But as I said, at the moment only specific dialogue choices with Rockfist gets them to spawn get them to spawn.

The timer ys_PrimeBLGuards or variable ys_RedCompanyFight control whether they spawn, so you'd have to go through the dialogue there to make sure they are actually set properly.


Finally, it seemed like you could go ahead and kill both Darlesson and Rockfist using force attacks without any of the guards responding. As with the previous minor bug you'd probably want to make sure that the twelve guards actually spawn in this situation as well.

#84 Yovaneth


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 01:11 PM

Thank you for the clear and concise feedback. I'd say that merits a hotfix.



#85 micbaldur


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 06:01 PM

Yovaneth i don't know have you noticed these problems that i accidently posted here some time ago.


I should have posted those in this topic, sorry. :blush:

CHARNAMEs excellent adventures in the world of BWP expert-install here


Thanks to Leonardo Watson for making this possible

#86 Yovaneth


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 02:53 AM

Thanks for that micbaldur. I just completely missed your post.



#87 Yovaneth


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 03:57 AM

Hotfix 1 for FFT v3.0 has been uploaded.


To answer -secure-'s point about the spawning of the Red Guards; how many you get to fight depends on your attitude when talking to Rockfist. I admit, it did get a bit random at times :lol: but there's no bug.

#88 Rakhu

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Posted 11 April 2015 - 12:00 AM

Tried an install yesterday, received the following error:


Compiling 1 dialogue file ...

[action list near line 98, column 44 of dq/dialog/ysbasima.d] PARSE WARNING at line 99 column 23-61
Near Text:
    syntax error
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("ysTalkedToBasimah","GLOBAL",2)
             StartStore("ysBasima",LastTalkedToBy()~: Parsing.Parse_error
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...


Is there a right parenthesis missing?

#89 Yovaneth


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Posted 11 April 2015 - 01:33 AM

You're right - there is a right parenthesis missing. I'm surprised Weidu traified it without complaint. Open \dq\dialog\ysbasima.d and go to dialog 16, reply @2929. The error is in that block.


Alternatively, download the new installer. Same name, just uploaded.



Edited by Yovaneth, 11 April 2015 - 01:38 AM.

#90 -Guest-

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Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:35 AM

You're right - there is a right parenthesis missing. I'm surprised Weidu traified it without complaint. Open \dq\dialog\ysbasima.d and go to dialog 16, reply @2929. The error is in that block.


Alternatively, download the new installer. Same name, just uploaded.



I have the package called fft30hf1.full, downloaded yesterday and I get such errors. Namely these:


[action list near line 184, column 14 of dq/dialog/ysailoth.d] PARSE WARNING at line 186 column 16-25
Near Text:
    syntax error
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("ys_TalkedToAiloth","GLOBAL",1)
        EscapeArea~: Parsing.Parse_error



[action list near line 98, column 44 of dq/dialog/ysbasima.d] PARSE WARNING at line 99 column 23-61
Near Text:
    syntax error
WARNING: cannot verify action ~SetGlobal("ysTalkedToBasimah","GLOBAL",2)
             StartStore("ysBasima",LastTalkedToBy()~: Parsing.Parse_error



I have opened the files but I don't see anything wrong with a parenthesis or anything. What is wrong? I really want to play this mod :crying:

#91 Yovaneth


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Posted 29 April 2015 - 04:20 PM

Oops :ermm: . Corrected lines follow:-


EscapeArea is missing the final brackets - should be EscapeArea()


StartStore("ysBasima",LastTalkedToBy() is missing one closing bracket - should be StartStore("ysBasima",LastTalkedToBy())


In both cases the actual dialog file is correct but the traified file is not. That gives me ample room to blame Weidu for the missing bits :D. New installer uploaded too.



Edited by Yovaneth, 29 April 2015 - 04:30 PM.

#92 Shaitan

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Posted 29 April 2015 - 10:39 PM

Well I installed yesterday and I had no troubles installing. Would it pose a problem in-game?


Good to see you Y



#93 Yovaneth


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Posted 30 April 2015 - 02:04 AM

Not really. Ailoth Tam will remain in Cerendor Hold instead of disappearing and you won't be able to go back to Basimah's store. There's no effect on the plotline.


I'm still here and working on something new :D


Can you do me a very quick favour please? Let me know what the name of the current available package is (it should be fft30hf12.full.rar).  I'm not convinced that the available installer really is the latest one.



Edited by Yovaneth, 30 April 2015 - 02:12 AM.

#94 Shaitan

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Posted 30 April 2015 - 11:54 PM

It says fft30hf12%2efull.rar is the name on the file when I click download. Can't really download now since I'm at work.

#95 Yovaneth


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Posted 01 May 2015 - 01:51 AM

Thanks Shaitan - that's the correct package.



#96 Shaitan

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Posted 27 September 2015 - 06:59 AM

Hello Yovaneth


I ran into Ceinwen troubles again. She's no appering in the (admitted) crowded Government Building with the Cowled Wizzies. NoCeinwenAtTheGovernmentBuilding.jpg


Don't know if anything is to do about this, but I'll try to find a way to CLUA her in again.


If you ever get to find the time I have but one wish: make the travelling time between Govt. west, and the rest of Athkathla 0 and not 8 hours. That would be swell :)



Edited by Shaitan, 27 September 2015 - 07:18 AM.

#97 -Mo-

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 02:42 PM



A couple of comments:


1. In Cerendor Hold, Nallia ells the caravan master that her mother would reward him. Trouble is, her mother is long dead, now her father is dead also, leaving only her aunty, who currently isn't talking to her. 


In fact, being as I play a fighter and did that whole fighter stronghold quest, I guess that makes my character the boss in those parts, no? Yet, nobody acknowledges that. a bunch of people actually asked how come I was even allowed on the top floor of the keep.


2. The innkeeper in the village of Port-whatsitsname - once restored - when asks about his daughter's piano, talks about Duke Eltan of Athkalta. Except Athkalta - and the rest of Amn, presently, are ruled by the Council of Six. Duke Eltan actually rules Baldur's Gate, IIRC, in game 1. (...which I haven't played in over a decade, so don't count on it...)


Speaking of his inn, in the cursed village, the sign says 'Blue Harpy Inn' if you click it - but not in the restored village.






P.S. If anybody knows how to go about finding the food-thief in Cerendor Hold, please let me know.

P.P.S. Once the Thayans in Cerendor Hold, the caravan site and the docks are dealt with, and the fishing village restored, is there ought else to do in this mod? Also, I told the guy in the docks I'll check on him, but I didn't get any new dialog options with either Brianna (or was it Bylanna? the magistrate in Co6 building, anyway) or Brega.

#98 -Mo-

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 02:44 PM



A couple of comments:


1. In Cerendor Hold, Nallia ells the caravan master that her mother would reward him. Trouble is, Nallia's mother is long dead, now her father is dead also, leaving only her aunty, who currently isn't talking to her. 


In fact, being as I play a fighter and did that whole fighter stronghold quest, I guess that makes my character the boss in those parts, no? Yet, nobody acknowledges that. a bunch of people actually asked how come I was even allowed on the top floor of the keep.


2. The innkeeper in the village of Port-whatsitsname - once restored - when asks about his daughter's piano, talks about Duke Eltan of Athkalta. Except Athkalta - and the rest of Amn, presently, are ruled by the Council of Six. Duke Eltan actually rules Baldur's Gate, IIRC, in game 1. (...which I haven't played in over a decade, so don't count on it...)


Speaking of his inn, in the cursed village, the sign says 'Blue Harpy Inn' if you click it - but not in the restored village.






P.S. If anybody knows how to go about finding the food-thief in Cerendor Hold, please let me know.

P.P.S. Once the Thayans in Cerendor Hold, the caravan site and the docks are dealt with, and the fishing village restored, is there ought else to do in this mod? Also, I told the guy in the docks I'll check on him, but I didn't get any new dialog options with either Brianna (or was it Bylanna? the magistrate in Co6 building, anyway) or Brega.

#99 -hammyH-

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Posted 18 January 2016 - 07:58 AM

When talking to Ystanarr (demons in towers) with the key and Edwin is in the party but not in the area, the conversation can not proceed past state 39 in Ystanarr.dlg - and the quest breaks at that point.  As the conversation requires that Edwin speak, the way it is currently coded.


I will often not bring the whole party into an area if I don't have to.  I had to go into the .dlgs with near infinity to figure this one out.


Instead of InParty("Edwin"), you should maybe use something to detect him in that particular area (top of the tower).  He can not respond if he's not in the same area.

#100 -hammyH-

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Posted 19 January 2016 - 11:21 AM

Finished most of the mod.   (v3.012 in BWP, using BWS)


Overall:   I liked it!  Imaginative and a nice little adventure feel.


The black lotus could have a bit more background.  Background information about how corruptive it is and maybe a decent street value?  Good parties would destroy it and evil would sell it.


The town restoration path could also have an evil option where you fight Geltherath or tell him you are done and keeping the orb.  The Orb could be worth quite a bit or have some use (once per day minor spell?).


1. I never did the lost ring quest so I can't comment on it.


2. The main bugs for me:


-Finding the door for the guy with the key to the lighthouse was tricky and I went by it many times. 


-The dialog with Demons when Edwin was in the party but was not in the lighthouse area stumped me, until I eventually checked the Deamon's .dlg file for clues.


-Initially I just ran by the traps(speed) of the dead and got the key.  I also wanted to try the potions, but when one of my party NPCs used it, he still could not get by the traps.  Does it need to be the main character?


-Caravan forces never went hostile no matter what dialog options.  I could steal the lotus without hostile.   The lotus would not burn unless caravan forces were dead.  They died one by one without going hostile.


-After getting Gelterath to restore Porthpentyrch, Gelterath and the other two could not be found before a week (near boats) or after (in Blue Harpy).  Porthpentyrch was corretly replaced with the restored village version.  I suppose I could have used CluaCreateCreature or foiund the correct global to tweak, but forum information made me realize the quest was basically done....so I just left things there.  I read that the only thing after that would be to find Elminister in the Den of Seven vales and he was not there, either.