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Mod bugs

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#61 ibanix

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:32 PM

DIdn't one of the NPCs say something about a dragon being rumored or spotted in the same area the caravan was?


Also, what was with the small cave and ledge in that area? I kept thinking I missed something important.

#62 BlackWidow89

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:38 PM

Anybody has problems with dowloading rar with this mod? I tried several times and some past versions of it and nothing:<

#63 Yovaneth


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Posted 25 January 2014 - 03:38 AM

Anybody has problems with dowloading rar with this mod? I tried several times and some past versions of it and nothing:<

The download seems to be working fine - I just tried it.



DIdn't one of the NPCs say something about a dragon being rumored or spotted in the same area the caravan was?


Also, what was with the small cave and ledge in that area? I kept thinking I missed something important.

I've run a search a cross all of the dialog and it returned nothing for 'dragon'.


You didn't miss anything with that ledge. If you take the 'wrong' path through the caravan scene then you stand a (randomised) chance of facing a small army, so I've given you somewhere to hide and fight back. Cheese, if you like  :D

Edited by Yovaneth, 25 January 2014 - 03:40 AM.

#64 ibanix

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 02:40 PM

Anybody has problems with dowloading rar with this mod? I tried several times and some past versions of it and nothing:<

The download seems to be working fine - I just tried it.



DIdn't one of the NPCs say something about a dragon being rumored or spotted in the same area the caravan was?


Also, what was with the small cave and ledge in that area? I kept thinking I missed something important.

I've run a search a cross all of the dialog and it returned nothing for 'dragon'.


You didn't miss anything with that ledge. If you take the 'wrong' path through the caravan scene then you stand a (randomised) chance of facing a small army, so I've given you somewhere to hide and fight back. Cheese, if you like  :D



Hm, I have a ton of mods installed, one of the other ones must be referencing the dragon. Woo, that means a hidden dragon yet to find!

#65 -Vapid-

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 09:44 AM

More of a critique, but when you tell somebody the culprits vanished into the sewer, you are essentially telling them to search the sewer first. There really should be a clue of some sort placed down there to find. (Like, say, a bribable street vendor catching some sewer 'chickens' for his cart who saw something noteworthy.) And the actual place you need to go is a small stretch, given that the city is overrun with independent talent. Also, why on earth would an officer rat out a fellow member to an outsider right in front of his boss? I'd expect to be caught up in instant bloodshed in that situation. You should more logically be sent to the fence, who would swear he didn't know how that got into his inventory, and charge you a hefty finder's fee on top of it.


In the desert, after sorting out Lavon, Akil's bandits don't mind if you fail a pickpocket here and there, so they're easy to clean out for some +1 short bows and +1 arrows. And they don't fight back if you attack them, and each drops AC3 bracers when they die. Seems a bit excessive, assuming it's not due to some random mod cross pollination, as I tend to install and uninstall them somewhat randomly. Last did this in 2.6, if it makes a difference.


And there are a few too many 'extras' wandering around in several map areas in my opinion. Cerendor Hold, in particular, with its narrow corridors and small doors is a pain to navigate with all the free roamers.


That said, please allow me to express my appreciation for your hard work. It's quite an impressive achievement putting all this together and making it function.


Best wishes.



#66 Yovaneth


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Posted 26 January 2014 - 10:19 AM

Thank you for the feedback.


Elizabeth Pavaral's ring: I don't think it's a thief officer ratting on a colleague. After all, you're being watched and if you do something stupid you are surrounded. I've also changed the journal entry slightly so that it's obvious you believe the Thieves Guild is to blame.


Cerendor Hold: The Red Guards are preventing anyone from leaving Cerendor Hold but they can't stop them arriving, so it will get crowded.


Kill Akil: I've tweaked Akil and friends slightly so that they should respond if you attack them. Akil should also now help you against Levon's thugs if you chose that path. I've taken the bracers off the Desert Bandits but not the +1 bows and arrows; my thinking there was that Akil used to be rich and probably still had money to outfit a band of raiders. Plus, you are told that he is very successful at raiding.



Edited by Yovaneth, 26 January 2014 - 10:27 AM.

#67 ibanix

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 01:45 PM

Yeah, I had the same experience with the sewers, I went there right away.


Maybe change it to "vanished into a disguised doorway" or "vanished in a large puff of smoke"?

#68 Yovaneth


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 02:32 AM

The journal's been updated to make it clear.



#69 -Klonk-

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 01:45 AM

I still have problems with the Akil - Levon quest. I chose the Akil path and I ended up being with the two of them in Levon's mansion, but Akil keeps saying that I should bring him Leven and Levon only asks me if I've found Akil.

#70 Yovaneth


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Posted 18 April 2014 - 02:00 AM

No idea what's happened there - it's the first time it's been reported. I'm assuming that you've spoken to Rimon, otherwise you shouldn't be in the mansion with Akil. In that case




should fix the problem.

#71 -Klonk-

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Posted 18 April 2014 - 02:27 AM

Unfortunately this didn't change anything. I still can only answer that I haven't found Akil yet. They both are in the ground floor.

Yes, I spoke to Rimon.

#72 Yovaneth


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Posted 19 April 2014 - 12:02 PM

Please post a savegame so that I can get a look at the variables.



#73 Hack'N'Slash

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Posted 13 June 2014 - 10:20 PM

I just came across the same problems with the Levon, Akil both standing there. I got it to trigger by:   CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("TalkedToLeron","GLOBAL",2). 

#74 Yovaneth


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Posted 14 June 2014 - 03:30 AM

Should be fixed in v3.0.



#75 veecou

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 03:07 PM

Hmmm I got the same problem just now... Levon and Akil do nothing just giving same replies..

Here's the solution it worked for me in case someone has same problem:

I tried both suggested variables ("ysTalkedToAkil","GLOBAL",2) and ("TalkedToLeron","GLOBAL",2).  but didn't work .

i had a look to dialog files by convert them from .d to .txt to check the correct variables ,then i confirm with shadow keeper that both ("ysTalkedToAkil","GLOBAL",2) and -just in case- ("ysTalkedToRimon","GLOBAL",3) were present so I could have add them if not.. and so I realized the one missing for me was:


YEAH!! it works : :D

So even if someone misses another variable can always check and find out :)

BTW I was confuse trying to write talk to LEVON but it is LERON in variables  :P

#76 Yovaneth


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 01:32 AM

Yeah - I can't spell! :ROFL:



#77 veecou

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:25 AM

Yeah - I can't spell! :ROFL:



Yeaah!!I'm not the only one  :whistling:

#78 -secure-

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Posted 17 February 2015 - 06:58 PM

So far I have encountered two major bugs.


The first is when you intercept the lotus caravan. You can talk your way into getting the mage to leave, but then he will remain alive and thus you can't actually burn the lotus shipment. The variable ys_BLRWIsDead has to be set to 1 to enable you to burn the shipment, but that only happens if he's dead.


The second one has to do with finally lifting the curse on Porthpentyrch. Unless I'm missing something it seems like you hide the cursed Porthpentyrch (ys1000) area without ever revealing the uncursed version (ys1001). I'm assuming ys1001 should be revealed at the same time as ys1000 is hidden in baldur.bcs, but  you've commented out the reveal part of it so it never shows up on the world map. I don't know what else would reveal it either. So once the required week has gone by you can't go to Porthpentyrch any more and thus can't complete the quest, short of using the console to MoveToArea yourself there.


This is with the latest available download.

#79 Yovaneth


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Posted 18 February 2015 - 03:45 AM

1. Noted.

2. There have been sporadic reports about this problem but I've never been able to reproduce it. Long period timers in the Infinity Engine are known to be sometimes unreliable; I've had to assume that this is the problem. You're the first to report this in just over two years.

#80 -secure-

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Posted 18 February 2015 - 04:53 AM

Hm, well with the download I have (i.e. fft30ng.rar) this is the relevant part of ysbaldur.baf that is added onto baldur.bcs.

//Change Porthpentyrch area
    RESPONSE #100
//        RevealAreaOnMap("ys1001")

RevealAreaOnMap is commented out so the command will not make it into baldur.bcs. Maybe I'm overlooking something because it's not like I'm a modder, but where else would it be revealed if not in that script chunk?


Thanks for the mod by the way. Modding can be a somewhat ungrateful hobby when you don't get any feedback.