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#41 Yovaneth


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 03:45 AM

Can you recall which steps you took in that dialog? If you can, I can probably help with a bunch of variables to set. It will also help me with debugging.



Edited by Yovaneth, 16 January 2014 - 03:45 AM.

#42 Yovaneth


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 04:37 AM

Next problem: Apparently I need a Harper.


1) Jaheira is not in my game. She's gone, for good, after I kicked her out early on. 


2) The Harper subquest is done, and the Harper hold door is locked.


What now?

You don't need a Harper. If Jaheira is in-party she provides interjections and nothing more.


I think this one might be related to the bug above.

Edited by Yovaneth, 16 January 2014 - 05:50 AM.

#43 Yovaneth


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 05:48 AM

Suggested new journal entry to trigger when the Black Lotus is burned in the fire:

@62 =~Fishing for Trouble: The Black Lotus Caravan

I have found the Black Lotus caravan in the Cloudpeak Mountains. After defeating the caravan guards and a particularly mean dwarf,I burned the shipment of Black Lotus. Based on the information from Ailoth Tam, my next step should be to find Maredudd Bengoch in the docks district of Athkatla and ‘convince’ him to end the shipments of Black Lotus through the region.~

Good idea but not needed. There's a typo in the fire pit script which means that line @424 detailing that the Black Lotus has been burned never shows. Fixed. Actually, I've fixed a lot this morning  :D



Edited by Yovaneth, 16 January 2014 - 05:49 AM.

#44 ibanix

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 07:06 AM

Next problem: Apparently I need a Harper.


1) Jaheira is not in my game. She's gone, for good, after I kicked her out early on. 


2) The Harper subquest is done, and the Harper hold door is locked.


What now?

You don't need a Harper. If Jaheira is in-party she provides interjections and nothing more.


I think this one might be related to the bug above.


Ah! I had entirely forgotten that. 

#45 Yovaneth


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Posted 17 January 2014 - 05:27 AM

I can't reproduce this problem by running the dialog normally. Try resetting these variables:





If you've paid the fee instead of talking, then you'll need this too:

This should completely reset the conversation with Angharad Firehair and Garalial Geltarath.

#46 ibanix

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:05 PM

Thanks, that worked.


So I waited the week as specified, went back to Portpentrych and... nothing?

#47 Yovaneth


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Posted 20 January 2014 - 12:27 AM

First check - hit ctrl+X and check the area number. If that's correct (ys1001):

1. if no-one is there, walk down to the upturned boats

2. if you can see a population, go to the Blue Harpy Inn.

#48 ibanix

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 10:08 AM

First check - hit ctrl+X and check the area number. If that's correct (ys1001):


Apparently not, I'm in YS1000. 


It's +10 days from my conversation with Garalial, is there a maximum time?

#49 Yovaneth


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Posted 22 January 2014 - 10:55 AM

Bollox. Something else to look at - what should have happened is that as the timer expired, baldur.bcs should have hidden ys1000 and revealed ys1001. I'd be grateful for a savegame please.





Edited by Yovaneth, 22 January 2014 - 11:00 AM.

#50 ibanix

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 11:00 AM

Yeah, I actually tried that, but Garalial wasn't in the Inn.


After some checking, I found that ys_TalkedToGarGel was "2" and ys_GarGelDislikesProt wasn't set at all! 


I set them to 7 and 0 respectively; now I think I need to force advance time to make sure the timer ends.

#51 ibanix

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 11:07 AM

I forced advanced time by another 10 days; Garalial is in the inn, but I always get the "hasn't been long enough" text from him. 

#52 ibanix

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 11:14 AM

YSLIFTCURSETIMER is currently set to '11885869'. I don't know what to set this to in order to force the curse lifted.

#53 Yovaneth


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Posted 23 January 2014 - 01:32 AM

Unbelievable - you've taken the only path through the whole Garalial dialog that has a typo in it - the timer name is wrong. What's amazing is that no-one else has taken that path (or not reported it). You chose this section of dialog:


"Do not try to be smart with me, Bhaalspawn. I make no threats; I only make promises."


I'm sorry about this, but you'll need to start a new timer and wait another seven days.


CLUAConsole:SetGlobalTimer("ysLiftCurse","GLOBAL", SEVEN_DAYS)


You could try creating the variable in ShadowKeeper and setting it to 50500 but I don't know how well that will work and just at the moment I'm trying to get out of the door to work!  :D

#54 ibanix

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Posted 23 January 2014 - 03:56 PM

Is there any reason I can't set the timer to expire immediately by using a value of '1'?

#55 ibanix

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Posted 23 January 2014 - 03:57 PM

Also, unfortunately, SetGlobalTimer isn't available from the CLUAConsole. I'll have to figure out some solution via ShadowKeeper.

#56 Yovaneth


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Posted 23 January 2014 - 04:09 PM

If that fails I'll give you a ysgargel.d file that runs with the typo.



#57 ibanix

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 10:18 AM

I manged to fix it by setting the variable in ShadowKeeper with a value of '1'. Everything worked correctly after that.


Well, I hope this has been productive in finding bugs!  :lol:

#58 Yovaneth


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Posted 24 January 2014 - 01:28 PM

I manged to fix it by setting the variable in ShadowKeeper with a value of '1'. Everything worked correctly after that.


Well, I hope this has been productive in finding bugs!  :lol:

Ohhhh - I'd say so!!  :D Bugs apart, what did you actually think of it?



#59 ibanix

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:26 PM

Well, I missed a bunch of stuff so I may have to go back and do it again. I never had to go find the other sister, or go to the desert area. And I heard there was a dragon somewhere? Also missed the subquest with the kid.


On the good side, you had an involved story with a bunch of puzzles and new areas. The traps of the living in particular confused the heck out of me. I thought the story was, overall, pretty solid, even if I kept missing pieces of it.


To make this mod really shine, I would take the larger areas - the keep and the new gov't area - and populate them with more named NPCs, with more variable responses, and some side quests. Also, items. The chances of finding interesting treasure helps to keep things exciting. Ditto for Portpentyrch, which is so large it begs for more content.


On a 1-5 scale I'd give it a 3.5.

#60 Yovaneth


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Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:19 PM

No dragon - I've no idea where that came from.  :blush:


Not surprisingly, what follows contains a shedload of spoilers.


I'm working on a v3.0 which will have to be the last release (unless someone finds a real gamebreaking bug). Porthpentyrch abandoned will incorporate some of your ideas but I doubt if I'll add anything to Porthpentyrch restored as that's the climax of the mod. If you paid Garalial the requested amount of gold instead of helping Angharad then you skipped a large chunk of Porthpentyrch abandoned. I deliberately made the cost stupid-high but some players will be able to take it.


Why did I do things like that? because I was bloody-minded determined not to railroad players on a linear path and also to provide some form of replayability.


All of your journal suggestions will be included.


Some major NPC conversations no longer end in the abrupt 'has nothing to say' e.g the Caravan Master, Lord Wultheof etc.


You missed at least three other sidequests in Govt. District West. They were entirely optional and standalone so have no effect on the plotline. Elizabeth Pavaral has been fixed so that sidequest can be ended.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Cerendor Hold because all dialog changes have to go out to translators, some of whom may also be short of time. Much to my amusement, when debugging the Caravan Master I found references to Countess Wultheof but she was never implemented. There's a possibility.


I'm sorry you missed Imradim because it was my favourite area overall (I think that will probably show) but Cerendor Hold main area is the one that graphically makes me think 'yes; that looks and feels right'. 


At a guess, if you go for a replay and don't pay Garalial and if you also go hunting around both GDW and Imradim there's probably as much as another two hours' worth of gameplay there.


Thank you very much for the bug reports and feedback. :Bow:

Edited by Yovaneth, 24 January 2014 - 04:21 PM.