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Mod bugs

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#1 -Manoman-

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 01:01 AM

Hi, been playing the mod, encountered some topics I'd like to ask about:


Bugs & Odd ends Encountered

* When arriving to Porthpentrych, there is absolutely no indication where the lighthouse man is. Used the forums to get to him.

* Traps of Life don't work - Used the Ghoul's bed as specified, had to use boots of speed trick to get the key.

* When going back to the demon with the appropriate key, demon (which is oddly enough named after my char?) doesn't not disappear. Also, no note 'left by the wizard of Thay' appears in the Inv. The only indication of how to proceed from there is the journal which magically updates.

* Cerendor hold - no interaction whatsoever from most of the characters in the keep - very one sided. Red guards don't talk, Hold guards don't talk, limited dialogues for commoners in the keep (apparently all commoners present are there for the 'first time'). After freeing guard 'serjeant' (spelling error there) there is no interaction immediately after gaining there freedom.

* Cloudpeak mountains or some such, aka Black Lotus caravan - Got the box of drugs, absolutely no entry about what to do with them. How did I become a force of righteous narcotic destroying power of goodness, not clear.


* Next - arriving back at West Gov (of course, no need to mention, the 'not really in Athkatla bug' - 8 hour travel time, no coweled wizard interaction when casting spells) go to the house with the elven wizard and hubby - the conversation about the orb starts oddly in the middle - the whole beginning is cut out oddly enough. Did the whole, silverale inn encounter, got back to the medical facility of some such, talked to the guy in charge, got back to the elven wizard and hubby. - Got the, don't worry about it, get to Porthpentrych in a week. Can't find them ever since, quest end for me. (Not a week after, or a day after, anywhere is the port). Nothing about Imradim place or some such.


*Lastly, have to point out something about the journal entries and the talk-backs- they are either lacking or non-existent - got the flamedance ring quest - journal entry is about two sentences - ' We were hired to find the thieves of the ring ' - Where to look? Where to even begin looking? In the conversation something was said about sewers. Looking both in the slums and the temple sewers, couldn't find anything, gave up on that quests. 

Talk backs - When returning to speak with the quest characters - without any real advancement - the response is always - 'nothing to say'. 


Bottom line - I'm off to Spellhold to save Imoen. Tell me if there is a fix for all of this.

#2 -Manoman-

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 01:19 AM

Just to clarify - This is 2.4 installed.

#3 -Manoman-

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 03:39 AM

Another discovery - If I go back to save before agreeing to get the orb, talk to the elf and hubby again, and agree to pay the 30,000(which I didn't do the last time), the quest progresses as normal (notice: I never go and get the orb)

although, It might have something to do with a conversation option which I took the last time around , something with ' I've paid you enough , not about to help you again' when asked to go tend his sick sister' - One of these triggers the hubby telling you to meet him in Porthpent, before ever being in the Calim desert.

Long story short - got to the desert. Beautiful. Absolutely well done. Enjoyed that part of the quest very much.

Some bugs in Calim - 


*When going to get the cup for Aeisha, multiple cups are obtainable from the artificer, as though you never got one. From my experience, - I got one for free, the next for 50gp calling him a thief, and the whole thing restarted (again, one for free and so on).


* If you talk to the bandit leader in Kill Akil, and then talk to Levon for the first time, and disagree to go on his 2000gp killing spree, the quest is void, you can get up to point Akill is in Levon's estate, then nothing - Akill has nothing to say. If you agree to go on his spree, Levon stays in his estate and the quest progresses normally. Notice that there is absolutely no quest reward, and the journal entries are lacking badly.


* Exiting the cave makes the map markers tags multiple - That means, if the map is marked Aeish's house, it will be marked "Aeish's house Aeish's house" upon exiting.


* Portal Mirror can be used in Athkatla to teleport you straight to hubby house as many times as you want, although said to have ' one charge '.


*Quest ends with Elminster normally - journal entries not erased properly. 


*No idea what to do with Black Lotus shipment as of yet.


Alright, thanks guys


#4 Yovaneth


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Posted 12 September 2013 - 05:47 AM

Some of those are definately valid points, some have been fixed already in v2.6 - I'll need a few days to check the others. The Black Lotus question I can answer straight off:-



Edited by Yovaneth, 12 September 2013 - 06:02 AM.

#5 Yovaneth


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Posted 05 October 2013 - 02:15 PM

Okay - I've been working through some of these. Really don't read these if you don't want to reveal huge chunks of the mod. Just assume that any bugs have been fixed for v2.7.



Edited by Yovaneth, 06 October 2013 - 03:08 PM.

#6 ibanix

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 11:17 PM

Using v2.7.


It is possible, as I did, to complete the section inside the tombs before going to the lighthouse, thus missing some part of the story. You may want to make the hammer/pick not spawn until after opening the lighthouse, or something to that effect.

#7 ibanix

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 11:21 PM

Correction, the version is 2.8. The mod still writes "version 2.7" to the WeiDU log; there's a small bug to fix.

#8 Yovaneth


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Posted 08 January 2014 - 01:05 AM

Many thanks.



#9 ibanix

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Posted 08 January 2014 - 05:25 PM

Cerendor Hold bugs/issues:


1) There are a crazy number of generic NPCs. There really needs to be more named NPCs, or less total NPCs, or both. This whole area is begging for side quests and more flavor; it's Boring Hold right now.


The same could be said for the Fishing town, which is a whole lot of walking for nothing other than finding one NPC and two more maps. Dead bodies? NPC possessions? Journals? Anything?


2) The Red Guards are laughably easy to defeat. Ditto for the Wizards. Also, the Red Guards don't attack, even when hostile, until you attack them; they stand around doing nothing even if you're beating on their friends in the same room.


3) Rooms and rooms of nothing. Needs more containers with loot, or some traps, or anything to break up the wall of nameless and generic NPCs.


4) The NPCs (Hold Guards in particular) have no change in dialogue after you start retaking the hold or have retaken it. This is rather odd. The Earl says nothing to the PCs during/after the hold retake.


5) After I finished defeating all the NPCs, the Caravan Master told me to find the last Red Wizard. I never found him, but my next talk with the Caravan Master completed the quest and rewarded me the experience. My journal updated, but I have no idea what 'very interesting information' he gave. 


6) The priest of helm in the hold has some missing punctuation (periods) in his dialogue tree. @1153 and @1154 in particular.




I'm thoroughly confused by what is going on in this mod, except something about Black Lotus shipments, so I'm off to the next location to see if I can figure out what's going on. 


By the way, the readme claim of '221 new NPCs' and '109 new areas' is less impressive if you're counting the hold Nobles, Commoners and Guards each; and if those areas include the interior houses of the fishing town, which are empty.

Edited by ibanix, 08 January 2014 - 06:19 PM.

#10 ibanix

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Posted 08 January 2014 - 05:57 PM

I'd like to echo an earlier poster:


* Cloudpeak mountains or some such, aka Black Lotus caravan - Got the box of drugs, absolutely no entry about what to do with them. How did I become a force of righteous narcotic destroying power of goodness, not clear.


^ This was my experience. You need to leave a hint for players other than fires that happens to be there; it looks just like a scene feature to me, and those are frequently present in BG2 without being connected to any quest or trigger. A journal entry to the effect of: "Have secured the Black Lotus. Now I need to destroy it...." 


and/or a trigger over the fire which says "You could burn something in this, if you wanted to."


Also, when actually burning the Lotus, the info you get is "The flames from the fire burn hot and high", which is not very helpful. I suggest, "You dump the Black Lotus into the fire. It is quickly consumed, giving off a sweet odor". AND, needs a "The Party Has Lost an Item" indicator. 

Edited by ibanix, 08 January 2014 - 06:01 PM.

#11 ibanix

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Posted 08 January 2014 - 06:08 PM

After burning the Lotus, nothing changes, so... I'm at a loss for what to do now. 

#12 Yovaneth


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Posted 09 January 2014 - 02:12 AM

1. Cerendor Hold: it's a staging post on a major travel route so you should have countless numbers of nameless people there at any one time.

     Porthpentyrch: was abandoned in a hurry. Have to admit that a journal is a good idea though.

2. Red Guards: dammit - there's a bug in the script which stops them from attacking you. That serves me right for experimenting and not checking before upload. 

3.  Unfortunately there's only so many sidequests that one person can think up  :)

4. The Hold Guards do comment on the Red Guards before the fight and on the fight itself afterwards. The dialog is randomised so if you're very unlucky it's possible never to see any of these comments. The Earl acknowledges you after the fight is complete and rewards you for clearing the Hold. If you got the instruction from the Caravan Master to search for the Red Wizard then the Earl will have that one speech with you because both actions need the same variable.

5. Do you have a savegame before talking to the Caravan Master and after the fight? If so, please drop all non-canon NPCs and attach the savegame here. In theory that shouldn't happen. What you missed was a load of exposition as to why the drug is passing through here and where to go next (I can tell you that, if you want?).

6. I'll catch up with that.

7. I'll add a better description for the burning of the Black Lotus.


There's more than 221 new NPCs. Guards, nobles and commoners only get one count for each cre.



Edited by Yovaneth, 09 January 2014 - 06:39 AM.

#13 Miloch



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Posted 09 January 2014 - 04:12 PM

3.  Unfortunately there's only so many sidequests that one person can think up

Just run this thing a few times. Problem is then implementing all those random ideas. :D

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Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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#14 ibanix

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 09:34 PM

3.  Unfortunately there's only so many sidequests that one person can think up

Just run this thing a few times. Problem is then implementing all those random ideas. :D


That... is pretty damn awesome.

#15 ibanix

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 09:38 PM

1. Cerendor Hold: it's a staging post on a major travel route so you should have countless numbers of nameless people there at any one time.
     Porthpentyrch: was abandoned in a hurry. Have to admit that a journal is a good idea though.

It might be full of hordes of nameless people, but it doesn't make it *interesting* or *fun*. And interesting and fun is why we play the game! Right?


Ditto for Porthpentyrch. If I spend a good long time wandering around a map, I expect to find _something_. Items, clues, monsters, traps, NPCs, etc. Both the Hold and Porthpentyrch have a very low excitement-to-time-spent value.

#16 ibanix

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 09:43 PM

I could really use the exposition or info, because I didn't get it in Porthpentyrch from the demon either. And I'm still out of ideas for what to do now...

#17 Yovaneth


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 01:31 AM

<irony>Thanks Miloch</irony> - you can spend minutes flicking through that thing and then days implementing anything.


Ibanix: are you happy reading a dialog file? For example, here is the top four blocks of the conversation you missed:

An alternative is to try this first:
and for safety:

Now go to the first floor in Cerendor Hold (second floor if you're American/Canadian - area ys0330) - it's the area with the main dining room in it. On the west wall is a restroom/toilet: Ailoth Tam is hiding in there. His precise co-ordinates are [932.631]. If he's not there then your installation is fouled up for this area, in which case 
Don't try this unless the top two variables are set.
One other thing:

6) The priest of helm in the hold has some missing punctuation (periods) in his dialogue tree. @1153 and @1154 in particular.

Those lines belong to the blacksmith:

@1153 = ~Thank you~
@1154 = ~Not at the moment, thank you~
I guess you mean the ending periods.

Edited by Yovaneth, 10 January 2014 - 01:45 AM.

#18 ibanix

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 07:43 PM

Now go to the first floor in Cerendor Hold (second floor if you're American/Canadian - area ys0330)

Heh, I was wondering why the 'first floor' was upstairs from where I currently was.

Those lines belong to the blacksmith:

Ok. I knew it was one of those guys...

#19 ibanix

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 02:10 PM

Ok so, what do I do after the I burned the Lotus?

#20 ibanix

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 09:49 PM

Retraced my steps:

1) Crendor Hold: Nothing new, no new dialogue options from Duke or Caravan Master. You'd think after you'd killed the caravan and burned the Lotus they'd have SOMETHING to say.

2) Trademeet: Nothing new.

3) Portpentrytch: Nothing new.

4) Seven Vales: No Elminster.

If there is another place to go or person to speak to, it's not in my journal or never was mentioned by a character in a useful way.