When arriving to Porthpentrych, there is absolutely no indication where the lighthouse man is. Used the forums to get to him.
Deliberate. The whole village has disappeared and you need to search every building in an effort to find out why.
Traps of Life don't work - Used the Ghoul's bed as specified, had to use boots of speed trick to get the key.
Can't reproduce - works every time here, which doesn't mean it works for you. We had a few non-reproducible oddities during testing.
When going back to the demon with the appropriate key, demon (which is oddly enough named after my char?) doesn't not disappear. Also, no note 'left by the wizard of Thay' appears in the Inv. The only indication of how to proceed from there is the journal which magically updates.
Was fixed in v2.5
Cerendor hold - no interaction whatsoever from most of the characters in the keep - very one sided. Red guards don't talk, Hold guards don't talk, limited dialogues for commoners in the keep (apparently all commoners present are there for the 'first time').
Correct about the guards.- dialog added in v2.7. The commoners don't have much to say, although there's fourteen possible replies depending on circumstances.
After freeing guard 'serjeant' (spelling error there) there is no interaction immediately after gaining there freedom
He's a soldier - he knows what he has to do. Not a spelling error - for a while I considered using the even earlier 'serjente' but I thought that really would cause a fuss.
Cloudpeak mountains or some such, aka Black Lotus caravan - Got the box of drugs, absolutely no entry about what to do with them. How did I become a force of righteous narcotic destroying power of goodness, not clear.
No, I didn't give you the option to sell them although it did cross my mind, but that would have expanded the mod hugely as I would have needed to add in yet another plotline. You were supposed to burn them there and then but the firepit script was not being compiled. Fixed in v2.7.
Next - arriving back at West Gov (of course, no need to mention, the 'not really in Athkatla bug' - 8 hour travel time,no coweled wizard interaction when casting spells)
Engine bug. We never did find a workaround.
go to the house with the elven wizard and hubby - the conversation about the orb starts oddly in the middle - the whole beginning is cut out oddly enough. Did the whole, silverale inn encounter, got back to the medical facility of some such, talked to the guy in charge, got back to the elven wizard and hubby. - Got the, don't worry about it, get to Porthpentrych in a week. Can't find them ever since, quest end for me. (Not a week after, or a day after, anywhere is the port). Nothing about Imradim place or some such.
That really does sound like something got trashed on installation - it does happen. There was a problem with the conversation with Geltarath which was fixed in v2.5 but it didn't lead to a trail of destruction that bad.
*Lastly, have to point out something about the journal entries and the talk-backs- they are either lacking or non-existent - got the flamedance ring quest - journal entry is about two sentences - ' We were hired to find the thieves of the ring ' - Where to look? Where to even begin looking? In the conversation something was said about sewers. Looking both in the slums and the temple sewers, couldn't find anything, gave up on that quests.
There's only one place that the thieves hang out. Your contact is there.
Talk backs - When returning to speak with the quest characters - without any real advancement - the response is always - 'nothing to say'.
Much the same as the original Bioware plotlines. I guess I could have forced the last conversation to re-run, which would have helped.
Another discovery - If I go back to save before agreeing to get the orb, talk to the elf and hubby again, and agree to pay the 30,000(which I didn't do the last time), the quest progresses as normal (notice: I never go and get the orb)
Couldn't reproduce this, even trying to take the conversation line you thought you'd taken. Possibly fixed in v2.5 but I can't guarantee that was so.
Long story short - got to the desert. Beautiful. Absolutely well done. Enjoyed that part of the quest very much.
Thanks. I enjoyed creating that area the most. It very nearly didn't happen.
When going to get the cup for Aeisha, multiple cups are obtainable from the artificer, as though you never got one. From my experience, - I got one for free, the next for 50gp calling him a thief, and the whole thing restarted (again, one for free and so on).
Fixed in v2.7.
If you talk to the bandit leader in Kill Akil, and then talk to Levon for the first time, and disagree to go on his 2000gp killing spree, the quest is void, you can get up to point Akill is in Levon's estate, then nothing - Akill has nothing to say. If you agree to go on his spree, Levon stays in his estate and the quest progresses normally. Notice that there is absolutely no quest reward, and the journal entries are lacking badly.
Still trying to find the failure point but so far I'm pretty sure it's a bug. It will be fixed for v2.7.
[Edit] Has been fixed for v2.7
Exiting the cave makes the map markers tags multiple - That means, if the map is marked Aeish's house, it will be marked "Aeish's house Aeish's house" upon exiting.
Bloody annoying that. It looks like an engine bug because the code that adds the map markers is properly bounded.
[Edit] Found the cause - for AddMapNote() you need to use Area and not Global. Fixed in v2.7.
Portal Mirror can be used in Athkatla to teleport you straight to hubby house as many times as you want, although said to have ' one charge '
Couldn't reproduce. I tried it in multiple areas.
*Quest ends with Elminster normally - journal entries not erased properly.
Again, that's a bloody annoyance. The journal entries have the same script structure throughout the mod but some of them just will not erase.
Alright, thanks guys
Only me
'We' refers to the testers who put so much work into this, pre-release.