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Spell Durations

Spells Durations Effects

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#1 Callirgos

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Posted 22 August 2013 - 11:02 PM



I've been trying to change the spell duration for Spike Growth in IWDII, SPPR320. 


I've noticed that all spells with manually configured durations have the the same flag set in 0x18, "Non-magical Ability (14)".  This flag does not seem to effect saving throws from attribute modifiers ( INT, WIS, CHA ).  I'm assuming it is mislabeled and it actually controls setting a spells duration.  Can someone verify this?


I've also noticed that some spells seemingly can NOT have thier durations set, and follow some preset duration of the graphic effect.  For example Spike Growth runs for 20 rounds, no matter how I set the spell duration.  The graphic effect runs for 20 rounds and so do the effects.  This seems linked to the projectile type in field 0xa8.  Can someone confirm this as well?


Is there a way to set spell durations for spells with graphic effects linked to their projectiles?  I'd like to run Spike Growth for 10 rounds, not 20.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Spells, Durations, Effects