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Reunion in BG2 should be improved

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#1 egbert

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 12:37 AM

First: I have just finished a SoA-friendship-Tour with Isra (now continuing in ToB).
SHE IS GREAT! 8-))and I'm looking for a future love-tour...

While (at least in BGT) the current transfer to BG2 is a bug (notified in that section), I discovered that a reunion forced me to "shadowkeep" her first. 8-(

At least her stats and profiencies (better her eqipment also) should be same (or better) than in BG1! (That seems a common problem with chars you know from BG1 - e.g. ALORA.) If that's not possible, there should be a believable cause WHY they changed / were cut down.

Edited by egbert, 31 July 2013 - 12:38 AM.

#2 Rhaella

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 10:25 AM

BG1 and BG2 are two separate games, and use different variables to avoid conflicts in BGT. That makes transferring the character straight from BG1 into BG2 instead of spawning a new version entirely difficult, but I'll look into seeing if it can be done.