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H'D and Keto

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#1 Lasivern

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 02:45 PM

Not sure if this is an H'D mod thing, or a Keto one, but here goes.  I spoke with Keto before completing the Planar Prison quest, but didn't offer to take her into my party.


After completing the Prison and freeing H'D, there are now *two* Keto's, which have the same lines regarding H'D.


I imagine I can, one time only, enable cheats and kill one of the Keto's but it probably shouldn't happen in the first place...  ;)


My WeiDu log if that helps: Attached File  WeiDU.log   9.37K   317 downloads



#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 29 July 2013 - 03:15 PM

That's not the Haer'Dalis Romance, though, that'd a Keto bug :) Best to report that on her forum on PPG.

#3 Lasivern

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 06:17 PM

Thanks for the quick reply.  Yeah, as I did some more searching around, I came across mention of this in the Keto forum.  However, since the last mention of it being a bug [with no mention of fixing it] was in 2009 or something, I figured it wasn't worth bothering posting anything new.  :(


Guess I'll enable cheats for the first time in about 6 years and disntergrate one of them!  >laffs<


I am not very far along in the H'D romance, basically just broke him out of the Planar Prison, but I like what I see so far.  Nice to see more than just the {good}, {neutral} and {evil} reply options - he does give you *lots* of choices!  :) Very immersive and in-character, based on what I have seen.


Again, thanks for the quick reply for something that wasn't even your problem.  Take care.