While it might seem, that I love to spam that very sub-forum I encountered a nasty bug, which prevented me from advancing further into ToB, without editing your scripts.
Anyway, after you beat Don Jon in the 2nd phase, your wake-up script is executed in the temple. After doing the 2nd fight like more than 8times and hereby editing/changing things each times, I was rendered mind-fucked (honestly, sorry this time for using swearing thingies).
Guess, your scripts are more linked than I actually thought. Yet, in 4 tries without changing a thing, I oddly had -i think - 4 different outcomes while calling up the cutscene itself:
1st: (some Party member died - Keldorn)
Cutscene is triggered with Kyo standing..dialog stuff..kyo goes to sleep/wakes up/Kyo goes like 2-3 steps and went into sleep mode and is being teleported back to the starting location of this very cutscene :> -> cutscene doesn't end
2nd: (Kova died...darn that stupid OP slayer killing thingie in SCS^^)
Cutscene triggered with Kyo sleeping..dialog stuff..standing up/going sleep mode -> cutscene doesn't end
3rd: wicked...cause PC died exactly in that very moment some1 did the Don Jon finishing blow, still it was a win-win situation ^^
Cutscene...dialog..kyo standing..dialog...she walked this time like ~20 feets or that long the wait(2) was scripted [that's where I started to change that value as well or thereafter after trying different weird things] -> cutscene doesn't end
4th: everyone survived *hooray* !!!!
THat is, where things started to get very weird
-> Ellesime cutscene started (the basic one from the game)...ToB area loaded - > Kyo scene triggered; I honestly can't remember if she was awake or asleep anymore, still the cutscene was in an endless mode
ANd cause I tried to fix it for myself after going thru aaaaall your cross-whatever-linked files, I couldn't find the cause of it. (that pissed me off slightly, cause according your scripting I missed out a ton of awesome cutscenes!). I finally redid the Don Jon battle with the SLEEP_AWAKE or whatever condition removed from one script, just to advance to ToB and edited the files to being properly married to get the ring.
If you can get me some very insight what has to be changed, I'd so damn appreciate it; cause I saved the final-fight files and I soooooooooooooo want to see the whole wedding ceremony stuff/wedding night and so on.
Maybe, even to skip this awake-kyo sequence and go straight to the follow-up part ^^
I really do hope, this time I wasn't that offensive in my posting as I did the last time and am still very sorry for it. Yet, the mighty edit with some minor complains though any complains usually are more welcome than sweet honey smeared around your mouth, or so the Miss' said. [I guess there exist a proper phrase or expression to that in English, but since am not a native speaker it was just translated literally but you should get my point]
As mentioned, it's a shame, that after the serious troubles I had (again..lvl 30 wizards and god-like assassins ffs! *lol*), while going thru your mod, that I can't enjoy the marriage thingie
<-sad panda
Just for the sake of whatsoever: THIS posting was not meant to offend anyone/body..or it wasn't my very intention in doing so to begin with. Dont really mind the *erm* *erm* nope..I won't talk bout it...