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Granting permission to continue/expand/improve Chloe

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#1 Lucythebeast


    Chloe's bitch

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Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:37 PM

Just making it clear, I am perfectly fine with someone taking up the reins to Chloe and improving the mod, adding new content including a Throne of Bhaal segment, and creating a conclusion to the romance itself. I was ok with it before but I didn't make it clear enough, So... now I have.''


I may not check in again for a long time (last time I logged in was apparently 2006...) so if someone does decide to take the mod up, I likely won't be around to answer any questions. I doubt I could anyway... I've forgotten most of what I did with this mod and where I was going with it. My vague recollections on ToB plans wouldn't really help any new potential author anyway.


And I don't know if there is any interest there but just in case there is, I feel the community would call the author on it was completely contrary to the first half of the mod so I'm not worried about that. So... any potential future author that takes over, if you want to make some changes that have Chloe grow as a character in a believable way, feel free. The only plan I can recall was that I intended to have Chloe grow less arrogant and a little more vulnerable in the second half, and more affectionate. Basically she'd be warmed up to the party and not so... thorny. Toss that if you come up with something better though and good luck.



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#2 ark7

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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:30 AM

Chloe is definitely one of my favorite NPC mods, I've been waiting a looooong time to hear this! Unfortunately, I've been away from BG2 for so long that I've forgotten just about everything I knew about modding, so I hope someone with actual coding skills volunteers! If you want, I could help by writing dialogues and designing quests and whatnot =)

Edited by ark7, 13 December 2013 - 08:32 AM.

namida de nijimu yuuyake iro

#3 Lassal

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Posted 15 September 2018 - 09:37 PM

Don't know if it is a right topic.
I am asking permission to use undead Abygail in my mod Vampire World.
I plan to either resurrect her or to patch Chloe dialogues.

Vampire World for EET - http://www.shsforums...-world-for-eet/
Mercenaries of Sword Coast for EET - http://www.shsforums...-coast-for-eet/
Bank of Baldurs Gate for EEThttp://www.shsforums...s-gate-for-eet/
Caelar's Fall for EEThttp://www.shsforums...2-caelars-fall/
Pregnancy for EE/EET - http://www.shsforums...or-bg1bg2eeeet/
Sister of Bhaalspawn for EEThttp://www.shsforums...lspawn-for-eet/

#4 Lucythebeast


    Chloe's bitch

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Posted 17 September 2019 - 04:47 PM

Lassal, on 16 Sept 2018 - 05:37, said:

Don't know if it is a right topic.
I am asking permission to use undead Abygail in my mod Vampire World.
I plan to either resurrect her or to patch Chloe dialogues.


Sure, I don't have a problem with that. 

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