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Fishing for Trouble v3.0 with Hotfix 1 full installer now available

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#1 Yovaneth


    The newly-appointed Master Builder of Baldur's Gate

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Posted 24 June 2013 - 02:50 AM

This version is not compatible with BG2:EE. That will come at some time in the future.


The ReadmeFirst.pdf contains a comprehensive list of changes and fixes since v1.0.


Listing of what was fixed for v3.0 hotfix 1




The missing setup-dq.tp2 file was added to the dq folder.


Cerendor Hold:


The order of actions in Ailoth Tam’s dialog was causing a variable to fail to set.




If you persuaded Moradin Rockfist to send Megred Darlesson to Cerendor Hold then you were not able to burn the Black Lotus because the check script believed the Red Wizard was still present. Both Moradin Rockfist’s and Megred Darlesson’s dialogs needed updating.




Basimah’s store did not open on one dialog path.



The restored village of Porthpentyrch did not appear after the week-long timer because an action line was commented out in ysbaldur.baf.

Edited by Yovaneth, 26 February 2015 - 09:46 AM.

#2 Yovaneth


    The newly-appointed Master Builder of Baldur's Gate

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Posted 26 February 2015 - 09:47 AM

Thread clean-up to remove irrelevant and out-dated information. Your posts haven't gone missing - they've been re-assigned the to the Nine Hells. :devil: :lol: :lol: