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yvette possibly bugged?

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#21 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 04:29 AM

Because Yvette is not an easy chick, ibanix. She just got back to usual life, you talked to her 4 times and you picked:

IF~~THEN REPLY ~And I'm here to steal your lips, girl! (Smile, grab her and kiss her lips.)~ GOTO Yv05x17

It's too soon and you broke the romance. Romance won't get serious that fast.


You may use code to change the "romanceactive" variable to 1 or you may do it the legal way. I think that somewhere at the Promenade I added a special "I'm sorry" gift that may make her forget about this incident :P

#22 ibanix

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Posted 04 January 2014 - 11:50 AM

Ah. Some sort of comment from her to the effect of "it's over" might be helpful for us =)

#23 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 04:35 AM

I thought


~(Yvette looks confused, but after a moment she tries to slap your face.)~

~Don't dare to do such a thing ever again. You're much more insolent than I though you were.~


Is rather clear :P She wouldn't even give another chance :P Unless you use one of the tricks I mentioned.

#24 ibanix

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Posted 06 January 2014 - 08:51 PM

See, this is my problem with most "romances". One false step and BAM, over. It's a damn good thing real world relationships aren't like that! No one would ever stay together!

#25 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 02:43 PM

They are to be a challange and you are to think over your responses. Real life romances aren't the same and they will never be.

And if you talked to Yvette you should have known she wouldn't be happy with something like that.

#26 ibanix

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 04:24 PM

If you want to encourage role-playing, why not aim for a character/romance who is multi-dimensional enough to not drop someone for one misstep. A man or woman who can forgive? Who can see that a person might be worth enough to say "I didn't like that, but a long term relationship with you may still be worth while, please don't say that again". Who, well, actually communicates?


We play these characters who fight dragons, the undead, evil mages, through all sorts of obstacles and hardship, but seem to have egos made of eggshells. It always bothered me with the Bioware NPC romances; I had hoped for more resilient NPC romances from mods.


A romance would be particularly interesting if it had multiple endings (other than 'good', 'bad', and 'indifferent').  Where the NPC can be pushed a little, and pushes back. Who is sometimes not on their best behavior, and realizes it; or needs a good dressing down to bring them back to reality. Who needs to sometimes be forgiven, but can also forgive.


I'd love to write a character like this, but I know next to nothing about creating BG2 mods. 

#27 ibanix

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 04:27 PM

By the way, this isn't to say that I dislike Yvette. She has been an interesting addition to my party. I liked the unique way she is 'discovered' and shows up in the party.


Side note: One other mod (I forget which) adds a temple of sune to the promenade, but Yvette doesn't seem to notice or have any unique banter about it. This surprised me. 

#28 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 04:37 PM

All NPCs in game will always be kinda artificial. And I know there are moments in which Yvette is difficult, but... she's just kinda idealistic and romantic and her personal story kinda shaped her. I'm afraid you know too little about her right now to know what I mean and everything becomes clear at the end of ToB.


And I know mods can be always better and a bit more...real (yet never fully real), but then the mod would need to add like 300% dialogues. Really. And I wouldn't stand it. It's already my biggest mod when it comes to number of dialogues....


Not sure if you kicked her out of your party or gave her the gift or what... I just hope that next time you will try to be more...patient with her. She's a bit shy and even when jokes...well, it's a bit like a mask. She's not confident or strong.

#29 ibanix

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Posted 07 January 2014 - 04:41 PM

I reset her romance counter and continued on. Her starting low level has made her a bit challenging, but in a good way, as I attempt to keep her in one piece enough to use her clerical abilities. She also doubles as my only thief. Playing with her, a monk (PC), paladin and necromancer is.... interesting. 

#30 Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 01:56 AM

Remember to be nice :P Inside she's a bit like Aerie, just without the wings drama. She's such an idealistic girl. Huh.

Good luck with the romance.