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Hubelpot and AR0707: possible incompatibilities

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#1 Kulyok

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 02:46 AM



I think I've hit a small or not so small, because it likely means my mod won't work with vanilla coding issue. Currently, Hubelpot mod edits area AR0707, which is Enge's shop, this way: Hubelpot's .tp2 file replaces the script link to AR0003.bcs with a new link to AR0707.bcs. Which is, um, kind of bad for me, because I'm adding a character to this area, too.


I'm not sure if any other mods do that(though I would appreciate an update). From my understanding, Fixpack doesn't - it simply states via some commented code that

"ar0707 - assigned ar0003.bcs (DNE), ar0707.bcs also DNE"

(DNE probably stands for Does Not Exist).


I'm not sure what the solution should be. I can probably just add the script to both AR0003 and AR0707. But I think it's best for everyone if we all follow CamDawg's example, bring him tribute and virgins and so on,  and leave script assignment as it is, i.e. AR0707.are = AR0003.bcs.

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 June 2013 - 03:35 AM

I can't see Hubelpot being updated to fix this soon; in the meantime, why not check if Hubelpot is installed and append to the other script? :)

#3 Kulyok

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 04:40 AM

A check for Hubelpot would later become a royal pain in the ass once Hubelpot *does* update its script. I'm just hoping there's no other mod or obscure item pack or some quest thingy I might have just missed which does exactly the same thing.

#4 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:11 AM

Yeah... I really wish we had some kind of global resource which tracked all of these things, heh. 

What about something like this?


COPY_EXISTING ~ar0707.are~ ~override~
  READ_ASCII 0x94 ar0707_script

EXTEND_BOTTOM %ar0707_script% ~your/mod/directory/file.baf~

#5 Kulyok

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:34 AM

Oh wow! Looks like a cool solution. I've never tried anything with these tricky variables before, but it seems they're capable of amazing things.


Okay, let me run a test...


Nope, for some reason the character didn't appear; I checked - both scripts remain empty. I used


// Kaeloree's solution to this problem:
COPY_EXISTING ~ar0707.are~ ~override~
READ_ASCII 0x94 ar0707_script

EXTEND_BOTTOM %ar0707_script% ~Modname/Scripts/AR0707.baf~

#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 June 2013 - 06:08 AM

Looking into it for you now, will test in my game in a bit and figure out the solution.

#7 Argent77

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 07:31 AM

You need to add the extension ".bcs" to the area script name, because it isn't stored in the area file.


Using the example from above, it should look like this:

COPY_EXISTING ~ar0707.are~ ~override~
  READ_ASCII 0x94 ar0707_script

EXTEND_BOTTOM ~%ar0707_script%.bcs~ ~your/mod/directory/file.baf~


#8 Kulyok

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Posted 01 June 2013 - 08:21 AM

Great! This one worked wonders on my install. Thank you!

#9 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 June 2013 - 01:45 PM

Ah awesome, thanks Argent!


Sorry Kulyok, been burning it at both ends this last week and fell asleep, heh. :D