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Does Tashia actually do anything???

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#1 zahratustra

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Posted 24 November 2003 - 09:58 AM

I have recruited her early in the game, flirted with her and rescued her from minions of her evil ex boyfrend but is she gratefull??? NOPE! Ok she told me some riddles and spoke maybe a sentence or two.....now we left Underdark but it doesn't look like it improved her mood at all....

I know that Tashia's romance takes a while but there isn't that much of SoA left to play and I'd rather play Watcher's Keep from ToB than SoA!!!!

#2 CamDawg



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Posted 24 November 2003 - 10:39 AM

Tashia's romance is dependent on events that can not occur until chapter 6. What's the value of TashiaRomanceActive?

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#3 zahratustra

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Posted 24 November 2003 - 11:11 AM

Oh it's 1, I am watching it carefully in ShadowKeeper.....

btw do you know what Global "tashiainterestmatch" refers to???

#4 Rastor


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Posted 24 November 2003 - 12:49 PM

It's probably the same thing as "XXXMatch" used in the Bioware romances. My guess is that if the romance has already started, then you don't have to worry about its value.
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#5 Darlatan

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Posted 24 November 2003 - 06:21 PM

tashiainterestmatch is actually different that tashiamatch.

*spoilers below*

On some of the dialogs, your responses to her questions (Would you aid your immoral country, or help the other side? What would you wish for if you could? Etc.), and how you handle the little girl cutscene affects your tashiainterestmatch, raising or lowering it. Too low at a certain lovetalk, and the romance is axed. The Lovetalk in question is where you get a hug cutscene. :wub: I think it needs to be higher than 3 to keep the romance.

EDIT-Oh, and TashiaRomanceActive is actually a 1 through all the old lovetalks. After the last one, and in chapter 6, is the bit with Arilistan. After that's all done, you get RomanceActive=2. So as long as the Romance doesn't get axed to a 3, you're fine. Quite a number of odd things about Tashia's romance that are odd. It took a LOT of searching to find where the Romance switches to 2.

#6 zahratustra

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Posted 24 November 2003 - 08:56 PM

I am relatively early in chapter 6 and so far T didn't say a word (my "tashiaromancematch"=2 for now) If I knew that Tashia's romance occurs that late I would have kept Nalia in the party, at least she does have something to say from time to time...

*edit* Just had cutscene with little girl.....jezzzzz it was wet!!!! My "tashiainterestmatch" did go to 3 but I wonder if I did give those dwarfs ALL my money and then pull down my breeches and bend over might it possibly go up to 4??? :blink: :D

#7 -Switchblade-

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Posted 01 January 2004 - 12:03 PM

I can't seem to find tashiainterestmatch anywhere in the save file. Does it only appear after a certain conversation? I only just started the romance and had only two talks with her.

When asking her for riddles, does answering correctly all the time influence the romance?


#8 Bri

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Posted 01 January 2004 - 12:49 PM

I can't seem to find tashiainterestmatch anywhere in the save file. Does it only appear after a certain conversation? I only just started the romance and had only two talks with her.

When asking her for riddles, does answering correctly all the time influence the romance?


I don't know about the interestmatch, but no, you don't need to answer her riddles correctly to keep the romance going.

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#9 Lord Ernie

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Posted 02 January 2004 - 03:17 AM

don't know about the interestmatch, but know, you don't need to answer her riddles correctly to keep the romance going.

Correct. As already said, the interestmatch shows her degree of interest in you, and is influenced by several dialogues, but certainly not the riddles. Just be sure to at least seem interesting to her (watch her answers) and there shouldn't be a problem.

#10 -Guest-

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Posted 04 January 2004 - 08:14 AM

Thanks for the answers!

I've closely monitored my current game's progress with ShadowKeeper (awesome program) and I believe tashiainterestmatch appears either when Aril's buddies attack or when she starts asking riddles as part of the romance.

Just to let everyone know.