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BPv181 is Released!!!

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#1 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 17 May 2013 - 03:44 PM

After a very long wait, it's finally in your hands. Too massive an update to fully test in any reasonable time, this is now a public beta.



BP underwent a lot of changes! Now over 70 components, and a much less-invasive core component. Miix and match with your favorite components of other AI mods, or go for the full "BP Slam".


The Read-Me file has been updated, and included in the mod package (and below). This details the various and numerous new components--all split from the old BP core. And still a couple 'leftovers' components for what was not split off. Not much in the way of AI revisions; that will wait on BG2EE. Just fixes and subdivisions, for now.


Only English for now; translations pending on translators. Hopefully this release will fuel the need...so expect near-future updates, for both translations and any problems that may arise. We tested BP itself as well as we could, but not w/ every mod on the planet. In theory, it should be much more compatible now, instead of less.




Download and Enjoy!






Attached File  BPv181 ReadMe.rtf   60.55K   3201 downloads

#2 The Imp

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 03:40 AM

The download page.

And by the by, the mod has a funny naming philosophy ... :devil: ... yep, talking about going to the forth or so naming index with the beta v1.81 beta 3.001 ... :whistle:

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#3 horred the plague

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:22 AM

And by the by, the mod has a funny naming philosophy ... :devil: ... yep, talking about going to the forth or so naming index with the beta v1.81 beta 3.001 ... :whistle:


How many synonyms of "Improved" or Tougher" do we need? Of course it makes them harder, it's an AI/Encounter Enhancement mod! Just followed the KISS formula (Keep It Simple & Stupid).... :P

#4 The Imp

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:18 AM

Is it really a KISS style when you have 4 digits ?

I at least assume there was a v1, v2 , v3... v100... v101 giving it a new digit... v177, v178... then it broke off and the v179 - v180 came later, but then it got a new digit a, b, c... and now you have the v180c yet with another digit, the "v181 beta3001" , which I assume will turn to ...v181 beta3002... the same thing happened to Nearinfinity and the one you need to look is not the "NearInfinity-v1.32 beta 33" but the "NearInfinity-w1.1.1" ...


Just come up with the BP v182 next... thanks.

Yep, Jarno Mikkola. my Mega Mod FAQ. Use of the BWS, and how to use it(scroll down that post a bit). 
OK, desert dweller, welcome to the sanity, you are free to search for the limit, it's out there, we drew it in the sand. Ouh, actually it was still snow then.. but anyways.

#5 horred the plague

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:03 AM

And here I thought you meant component names.....No matter what one does in public, at least one person will find a reason to complain about it. Charity and volunteer work notwithstanding, as this current conversation proves. I expected this of course, but not over such a minor point as version numbering. This is more like looking under rocks, just to point out the worms that lurk there



It 'will' have a proper name eventually I guess, if there is such a thing as 'proper' or 'standard' in this---but why bother when I already know there will be updates soon due to translations? That's the main reason this is still considered beta. This, and compatibility with other mods has not been completely tested, nor has this been added into the BWP (yet).


Have you seen the version numbers on actual games, how long they really are in many cases? Have you complained to game companies, to shorten their nomeclature? Properly, if I used a similar system to many companies, that would be (main version 181, 1 to denote it's past alpha, into beta stage, 3 for three major rounds of alpha rehash (in private alpha state), and 1001 for first version of it with room for more and minor rehashing if needed (aka bug fix releases, noted in severity with an additional + 0001,0010,0100, or 1000 ). I went "3001" for short....


As per changes in how I named it over the last decade or so, in how things were done--people change over the years. Their ideas evolve as new concepts unfold. Some praise this as progression, and condemn the lack of change as stagnation. I've had very little involvement in IE modding for many years until recently, but much involvement in other games during that lapse. Learned a great deal about making games (and thus mods, etc) in that time. It's changed the way I do things.


NTM-if I had named every update with a completely new version every time over the years, then the complaint might be that the actual version numbers were too long. Because major updates are worth more of a 'version bump' than minor updates. e.g. the bump from v161 to v175, c. 8 years ago. This was the swap from pre-weidu to weidu, and there were a few distinct versions the public never saw (171-174). There used to be a huge stack of patches between versions, as many as 4 or 5 in a day upon a time. I'd at least be in 4 digits by now, without a doubt.

Edited by horred the plague, 19 May 2013 - 02:22 AM.

#6 -Be1WithCode-

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 08:54 AM

Thank you Scourge for all the hard work. I agree to 'harp' over version numbers is bit trifling. 

#7 Jourin

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Posted 19 May 2013 - 07:45 PM

THANKS!!!  I have waited years for this.  This is just AWESOME

#8 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 02:22 AM

I updated the beta to version b3002, due to some reported bugs (Thanks 10th). I decided to push these fixes through early, because they were installer issues. Certain components wouldn't install, when chosen by themselves (w/ just the Core).


I also added an option to the Bodhi quest "Vampires" component, for "Generic Vampires Only". These are typically the ones you'd see in a random encounter in Amn, or as filler in any big grouping of spawns. I snuck in a couple vamps from the ToB bar encounter as well. No creature file enhancements, just assigned the BP vampire AI script w/ its nasty (PnP/lore-based) special abilities.

#9 horred the plague

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 03:49 AM

Spellhold Items: Instead of copying DavidW's code, part of which was code to overwrite &/or delete every file BP added, I came up with other solution. BP's ancient item taking code has been removed to s seperate optional subcomponent. Now you can have the combat additions and other tricks w/ SCS item taking (or not--whatever you like). In theory...



DISCLAIMER: SCS was designed to overwrite BP, not work nicely with it. Despite this, I'm trying to work nicely with it. But if you get installer/in-game errors from both, please don't expect me to bend over backwards just to fix it. Nor change the BP system, just to be some compliant 'foster child' of SCS. Compatability is a two-way street, runs parallel to Cooperation Avenue.



P.S: This will be available in the next update

Edited by horred the plague, 20 May 2013 - 04:02 AM.

#10 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 08:51 AM

It was a very good idea to split the Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod component into several components.
Currently I wonder how to install them im the right order.

You are recommending installing BP after SCS 1 & 2, however this causes me quite a headache.
There are a few mods that require Ascension to be installed before. So I think about to install BP in two steps: The BP core component and the Ascension components at that place where BP v180 was installed all the time in the BWP and all the other components nearly at the end and after SCSII.

At the moment BP core prevents to install the SCSII main component after BP core. I got the error message:

ERROR Installing [Initialise mod (all other components require this)], rolling b
ack to previous state
Will uninstall 2992 files for [SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2] component 1000.
Uninstalled    2992 files for [SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2] component 1000.
ERROR: Failure("CDDETECT.SPL: read out of bounds")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-SCSII.DEBUG to davidw, Gibberlings3 forums
Automatically Skipping [Initialise mod (all other components require this)] beca
use of error.

this is caused by this code from the BP.tp2:

[./override/misc01.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
override/cddetect.spl copied to bp/backup/0/override.cddetect.spl, 114 bytes
Copied [misc01.itm] to [override/cddetect.spl]

This way the Burning Hands spell is replaced by the Winter Wolf Pelt icon. What's the use of it?

Also I got another error with the Vampire Encounters component 5] Chapter 3 and 6 (w/ bodhi)

ERROR Installing [Chapter 3 and 6 (w/ bodhi)], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall  11 files for [SETUP-BP.TP2] component 1070.
Uninstalled     11 files for [SETUP-BP.TP2] component 1070.
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "bp/tdd/bc6palad.baf")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-BP.DEBUG to www.shsforums.net/forum/192-big-picture/

this doesn't work because the file ist stored at: BP\TDD\SNIP\bc6palad.baf

Attached are the updated German setup.tra and two missing files

Attached Files

#11 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 02:45 PM

It was a very good idea to split the Big Picture AI/Enhancement Mod component into several components.
Currently I wonder how to install them im the right order.


You are recommending installing BP after SCS 1 & 2, however this causes me quite a headache.
There are a few mods that require Ascension to be installed before. So I think about to install BP in two steps: The BP core component and the Ascension components at that place where BP v180 was installed all the time in the BWP and all the other components nearly at the end and after SCSII.


It will be confusing at first, but in the long run I think this will make for many more choices, and for happier players. So many mods have sprung up since BP first came out, and many do similar things. Better to let the user decide what and which they want to use, this way.


As per install order, I defer to the BWP staff to decide the best course for mega-install--I got out of that racket years ago. I only recommended BP components before SCSII because it's the only real chance to see said components. If the core and Ascension early work best, fine. Only big thing is that the Generic Creatures and Fewer Shouts still go after the other Creature Enhancements. This is but one toss in the juggling match that it took to break up the big monster mod into all these pieces.



At the moment BP core prevents to install the SCSII main component after BP core. I got the error message:
ERROR Installing [Initialise mod (all other components require this)], rolling b
ack to previous state
Will uninstall 2992 files for [SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2] component 1000.
Uninstalled    2992 files for [SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2] component 1000.
ERROR: Failure("CDDETECT.SPL: read out of bounds")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-SCSII.DEBUG to davidw, Gibberlings3 forums
Automatically Skipping [Initialise mod (all other components require this)] beca
use of error.

this is caused by this code from the BP.tp2:

[./override/misc01.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
override/cddetect.spl copied to bp/backup/0/override.cddetect.spl, 114 bytes
Copied [misc01.itm] to [override/cddetect.spl]

This way the Burning Hands spell is replaced by the Winter Wolf Pelt icon. What's the use of it?


Actually this code comes directly from the latest version of DS, delivered to me personally by Gen1e/Ardanis and even w/ his assistance in setup. Perhaps SCSII is using a cdsetup.2da version of its own, that causes difficulties with the installer?( All the BP additions were put in a side file: BPDETECT.2da) It's a question better answered by Ardanis &/or DavidW honestly.


Personally I was more than happy with the old built-in BP DS system (it worked fine, just differently--same end results), but was persuaded that this would make BP...more universal? Perhaps not, it seems. I didn't write tthe new DS system, I just obeyed orders and used it in the name of Compatibility...Whatever is decided, I'll follow suit. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility I did something wrong in setup, but I think I have it right.



As per the error in the Bodhi component, somehow I missed that this morn--and I installed every option with only the BP core also installed. I didn't have TDD installed however, just vanilla ToB. THESE are the kind of errors we're most likely to see in the days ahead, until this mod is ironed out. I'll get it fixed, and post a new version with your translation file.

#12 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:52 AM

Updated to beta v 3003, with fix for Bodhi--TDD install and German translation (thanks to Leomar Leonardo Watson).

Edited by horred the plague, 22 May 2013 - 02:10 AM.

#13 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 10:29 PM

You are welcome! However, translation was made by me. Leomar was another guy. He is no more active and he never had translated any line.

Edited by horred the plague, 22 May 2013 - 02:53 AM.

#14 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 02:54 AM

Sorry, Leonardo--I should really wait til the coffee takes effect, to start typing. Must have fallen asleep at the keyboards (twice in a row, accidentally repsonded to you inside your own post this morning). :zzz:

Edited by horred the plague, 22 May 2013 - 02:55 AM.

#15 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 24 May 2013 - 03:16 PM

New version of beta, v3010, uploaded. This includes many changes to the BP core and the DS system. Works flawlessly with new BP Series v03070 (+).


Can account for and install flawlessly if installed ****AFTER**** SCS/2 CORE. It accounts for SCS/2's core presence and skips relevant parts (DS and Weapon Enchantment stat). I've added markers to the BP core component (2, one for DS one for BP additions) so that future SCS/2 versions could also account for BP's core presence (and hopefully choose not to overwrite too many of its scripts & files, by happenstance or by design). Note the word "core", I did my best to make it stand out. Other parts of SCS/2 could be installed afterwards if so desired (e.g., Ascension-related components that were reported as problematic).


No Content Testing was done. I merely installed SCS2 core component, and then installed BP and BP Series in their entirety (seeing the SCS spotting/reaction) and with no reported errors nor any I could see in the scripts. If you want to mix these two mods, do so at your own risk naturally. I only tried to make it easier/less-destructive for you to mix them together.



Also added was a major overhaul/improvement to Cloud Detection & Response AI (to both AI mods). This affected over 200 AI scripts in BP alone. Tested in game with both enemy and party AI mods (BP & BP Series), much happier with the results.

#16 horred the plague

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 08:47 AM

A slieu of fixes on the way, both large and small, as well as a couple brand new components. I'm going to wait on the new release of DS to release my mod(s) however. And, if I have time/energy, fix/add some more!

#17 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 02 June 2013 - 06:34 AM

BPv181 has just been updated to beta v4501. And well worth the large increase in beta number!


Features an immense AI overhaul, the first since at least 2005 if not before. Between 150-200 scripts were majorly affected. New systems, a new much better defined (less-random in the right places) enemy targeting system, and much more exacting conditional checks. No creatures were enhanced in any other fashion (hit pts, abilities, items, etc)...no new cheat-castings (this is exactly the same as before)...yet the few in-game checks I made of this were some delightfully wicked, wonderfully challenging battles. And I was merely in the slavers' sewers!


Also included are two brand new components, removed from the generic creatures component (aka leftovers from old BP):

Djinni: Including Dao and Efreet

Improved Hell Trials: Some various adjustments that were buried in the generic core


And back, by request:

Kensai Ryu's Improved Brown Dragon: This component can be installed with or without the BP core


And finally, I added a quick hotfix for the DS package, pending a new version of DS. BP Core will now install with other mods using DS (e.g. SCS/2 Core) in any order.


(NOTE: Until BPSeries is similarly updated, it will have to go after the other mods. I did not test with just SCS/2 and BP Series, but it works fine after BP Core.)


Translators will find a few new strings in setup.tra (for new components in past few betas). So far only Leonardo Watson has updated the languages, so it won't affect anything except German for now. I could make some more components from the "leftovers", but I'm worried I'll cross the "too many components" threshold soon. Anybody have thoughts/opinions on this?


This was a long week in the AI janitorial closet. Enjoy the fruits of my labors!



Edited by horred the plague, 02 June 2013 - 06:36 AM.

#18 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 11:27 PM

While working on an update for BWP I completed the German setup.tra for BP and also updated setup.tra for BPSeries.
Note: in the currently in BPSeries stored setup.tra there are some wrong characters. In the German language there are some umlauts [äöü] as well as a special character [ß]. For some reason these are missing in the existing setup.tra. I corrected them too.

Attached Files

#19 horred the plague

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 03:52 AM

Thank you, Leonardo. I'll make sure these make the next version of either mod. My guess on the character shredding is that it happened during all of the ANSI/UTF-8 conversions for BP Series and BG:EE. BGEE requires the UTF-8 for anything besides English, and BG2 seems fine with ANSI. I probably used TextPad one or more times, instead of Notepad++. That is a mistake--Textpad has a bad habit of shredding non-English characters.


I think nobody had said anything, because the German & Italian languages were so far out of date that most was in English anyways. (French and Russian should be almost up to date, and Spanish mostly current, in BPSeries). I'll make a point of only opening it with Notepad++ in the future (since it matters now).

#20 Graoumf

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Posted 15 July 2013 - 02:15 PM

Hello Horred,


Here is the update of the french .tra files for BP_v181_beta4503.

We tested it on an install in game and all works fine. :)



Edit: deleted


Edited by Graoumf, 16 November 2013 - 03:57 PM.