It turns out level1NPCs was the culprit. After changlogging kit.ids and disabling level1npcs the installation went fine. Leo's fix here,
Doesn't fix it 
While we are here, the CY1 command in the installer does not work for standard installations (does not install BG1NPCSOA). Instead it only installs
~BG1NPCSOA.TP2~ #0 #10 // Coran and Safana Romance
Which is weird. Because the installer clearly says,
%IFSD% Call %INST% BG1NPCSoA "5"
%IFSD% Call %INST% BG1NPCSoA "10"
So you would think that at least component 5 would be installed as well... but it doesn't. Keep in mind "Coran and Safana Romance" is useless because those individual NPCs are not installed 
Also, TDD by default in recommended installations installs a level 50 ruleset. However, if TDD is not installed the level 50 ruleset is never there because BG2 Tweak's and BPV180's level 50 rulesets are only installed on tactics installations...
Ascension of BP is not installed in recommended settings? What? 0.o Neither is DSotSC?
PaintBG is awesome.
Edited by Cerest, 02 May 2013 - 07:24 PM.