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[BG2] Is there a list of .STO files for vanilla stores' merchants?

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#21 Isaya

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 02:21 PM

Eric, here is a raw cut of the tp2 file I used to extract game content. This part is dedicated to extracting details on shops (bags), their characteristics (inn/shop/etc., price rates, what they buy/sell, etc.) and their items. Again, it's full of French words in the ouputs. However, since it's code, you can more or less easily understand which part of the STO file the checks are based on (refer to STO description in IESDP) and, I hope, find out how to replace the French words in the outputs.

There are three outputs :

  • a store list associating CLUA code and store name (this will give you the names without translating my previous list) as a csv file (using ; as separator)
  • a store description (with all the details mentioned above and the item list)
  • an overall list of items available in all the stores

Good luck with your project.

Attached Files

#22 cmorgan

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 05:42 AM

Isaya, Argent77, you rock. Other folks too, but modders who share .tp2 snippets and explain them become the next generation of "how to do this" folks, and seeing code enough times gives new modders a better chance of learning how to make things happen.

Edited by cmorgan, 05 May 2013 - 05:44 AM.