True Animal Companions
Alignment Restriction (as Ranger/LG/CG vs Evil PC) :
Speaking of orthodoxy or apocryphal sources, 

Here are some links & a search engine that I find quite useful (with all the references pages indexed, AD&D2, FR, etc.) :
Search Engine :
Dragon Magazine Index & FR Bibio : , ,
Animal Companion, Dragon Magazine entry :

Animal companions "Greater Familiars of Faerun" Jean Rabe 228(76) D&D2
A more additional & exhaustive list of possible companion & valuable infos with some special abilities options :
Also, Animal list add :
Cooshe, Fox, Iguana, Winged Serpent, Elven Cat, Unicorn, Griffon , etc .
Eg :
Talking owl:
18; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4/1–4/1–2; MV 1 fly
(B); SZ S
A diminutive bird of prey with a large head and a small hooked bill,
the owl can fly at any time of the day, though it is clear the bird prefers to be about in the
evenings. Its master soon feels more at ease when the sun sets, and he acquires
a taste for small rodents.
A talking owlspeaks the language of its master, plus six additional tongues.
The bird can detect good at will six
times a day.
However, if it forgoes any of the uses of that ability in a day, it can transfer them to its wizard-companion.
For example, if a talking owl decided notto use its detect goodability during the
course of a day, it could grant its mastersix uses of the detect goodspell.
The owl is immune to the following spells: cause
fear, charm person, command, friends, hypnotism, forget, hold person, ray of enfeeble-ment, scare,and fear.
About Companion Conjuration/Summoning and death :
"Greater Familiars of Faerun"
By Jean Rabe, illustrated by Terry Dykstra
Far below Waterdeep, where the labyrinths of Undermountain twist and spiral ever downward, treasurewaits.
One band of adventurers, braving the dangerous tunnels, came back battered and shaken – recovering only a book before escaping with their lives. But such a treasure it was– an ancient snakeskin-bound spellbook written in elvish.
Among the enchantments inside were spells to attract powerful
familiars. These creatures, which bind themselves to the wizards [Rangers !]
who cast the spells, imbue their mentors with wondrous abilities.
Find Companion
Third Level
Range: 1 mile/level
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Eight hours
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
This enchantment is similar to the first level spell
find familiar; however, it brings to the caster an animal companion with
enhanced abilities.
The creature attracted benefits a wizard by conveying its sensory powers to its master
, conversing withhim, and serving as a guard, scout, or spy. A wizard can have
only one animal companion at a time, though he also can have a normal familiar drawn by the first level spell.
The animal companion enters into a magical bond with the
wizard [Ranger !] and will no longer age at the rate a similar normal animal would.
The animal lives as long as its wizard mentor–unless it is killed earlier by spells
, physical attacks, or neglect. In addition, like afamiliar, the animal companion gains the saving throws of its
wizard-mentor. The wizard gains an empathic link with the animal and can issue it mental commands at a distance of up to
Because it is enhanced through the casting of the
find companion spell, such an animal usually has more hit dice and a
better Armor Class than a creature like it would normally possess.
Its hit points are improved also. In addition to rolling hit points based on the animal’s hit dice, a number of hit points are
added equal to the caster’s level – to a maximum of 20.
Forexample, a 7th-level wizard [Ranger !?] with a badger companion would
add 7 hit points to the creature’s total. A 9th-level wizard would add 9.
Wizards can call upon these creatures to perform various
tasks and missions and can rely upon their innate magical abil-
ities. Smarter than a natural creature, companions easily can
carry out basic orders and can understand when their masters
are in danger. All animal companions initially have a Neutral
alignment. Through association with the wizard, however, the
companion assumes the same alignment as its master.
If the companion is separated from its wizard mentor by more
than 50 miles, the wizard loses one hit point a day until he dies
(at which time the companion also dies) or until the companion
returns to within the 50-mile radius. These improved familiars
gain the saving throws of their wizard-masters.
If the companion is killed, the wizard [the Ranger ?!] must successfully roll
an immediate system shock check or lose two levels of experi-
ence. If the check is successful, the wizard loses one level of
Companions vary in power and abilities, and the type of companion gained is random. Roll 1d20 and consult the following chart .
Read-On-line (p.76) :
[Edit /Link],d.ZG4
About the Author
Others Concepts :
-Reincarnate :
About this, is that you know that the animals companions could also accompany Evil Characters (D3) ... ?
Feral Animal Companion Animal companion class feature, evil* alignment.
Or Monstrous Creature ... ?
Monstrous Animal Companion Ability to gain an animal companion, Savage Empathy.
About Non Ranger :
Non druid/ranger animal companion
Sources :
Edited by salomonkane, 03 May 2013 - 08:37 AM.