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CTD when confronted by beholders

crash beholders secret of bone hill

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#1 Kefkazero

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 07:29 PM

Hey guys,

I'm playing through secret of bone hill and it's been going well so far... Until I got to the basement of the 'bone hill fortress' and found the caves. In the caves I'm confronted by a beholder or 'spectator' and my game crashes immediately. I've though about going invis and  and doing control-y on everything, but I'd rather play through this if possible. Does anyone know a fix?



After reading a few forums someone mentioned that it might possibly be spelleffects and spin986..




thank you

#2 Azazello


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Posted 21 April 2013 - 08:30 AM

Interesting. I seem to remember having the same problem playing SoBH some years ago. And as horred says, it might not have anything to do with SpellPack.


I remember just using invisib to sneak past that 'beholder'. Although it's been years, I vaguely remember that chest doesn't have anything critical to the mod or game (though I might be wrong), so just skip it. I didn't have problems with any other creatures down there.


If, like horred, you get crashes from other spells, the problem is somewhere else in your install.


You could help out the troubleshooting by providing Galactygon with your file.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: crash, beholders, secret of bone hill