By the way, Ascension64 created a converting tool called Platform Conversion Utility which might do the trick in this case.
UPDATE: I run this modification through Ascension64's PCU (TuTu -> BGT complete dictionary conversion) but I have no idea how successful it was.
The files in the ARE directory seem to have been renamed for BGT.
The file in the BAM directory seems untouched.
Half of the files in the BMP directory seem to have been renamed for BGT while the other half seems untouched.
The files in the MOS directory seem untouched.
The files in the TIZ drectory seem untouched with the exception of a few ones which seem to have been renamed for BGT.
The files in the WED directory seem untouched with the exception of a few ones which seem to have been renamed for BGT.
// Areas
COPY ~bggraphics/are/.~ ~override/.~
// Bams
COPY ~bggraphics/bam/.~ ~override/.~
// Bitmaps
COPY ~bggraphics/bmp/.~ ~override/.~
// Mos
COPY ~bggraphics/mos/.~ ~override/.~
// Wed
COPY ~bggraphics/wed/.~ ~override/.~
// Mos
COPY ~bggraphics/mos/.~ ~override/.~
// Expand the tiz files
//OS-specific .tiz conversion
isn't the content of the mos directory been copied twice?
Edited by Salk, 10 May 2013 - 10:37 PM.