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Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul

baldurs gate graphics overhaul

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#261 CroMagnon

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Posted 24 March 2015 - 05:45 AM

It looks like 7z is being picky because WinRAR downloads and extracts and it installs okay. I've uploaded a new three-part archive which should shut 7z up.




I think I've figured it out. The BiG World Setup (BWS) appears to be attempting to deal with only bgeegraphics13.part1.rar, and ignoring bgeegraphics13.part2.rar and bgeegraphics13.part3.rar. Since it does this, it reports a failure and makes an unsuspecting user think the file is corrupt.


Upon using 7Zip to test the integrity of bgeegraphics.part1.rar, it reported:


"CRC failed in 'bgeegraphics\tis\AR2400N.TIS'. File is broken."


Why? Not because the file was corrupt, but because the other piece of that file must be in bgeegraphics13.part2.rar. I had thought 7Zip would simply say, hey you aren't loading the whole archive so this isn't working. Nope. I didn't think it would report a CRC failure instead of reporting that entire archive is not loaded. So, thinking in error due to both BWS and 7Zip making it seem like the file was corrupt, I then went on to check a network issues breaking the download.


But, those kind of issues don't tend to continually break the same file within an archive. Usually the result is the download failing at random times or random pieces of the file being corrupt, if it even happens to appear it downloaded completely.


Every time I let BWS download and install all the mods, I assumed it had been loading all three parts of the BGEE Graphics Overhaul mod, but only showing stuff about part 1 in the console. I do believe that was the wrong assumption. Wild goose chase.


I will register on the forums wherever and get in contact with the person who continued the BWS project and let that person know so this can be checked. I will test whether users can download and then combine all three parts of the mod into one archive named bgeegraphics13.part1.rar as a workaround until the BWS dev can address the problem. That is, if I am correct.

#262 Yovaneth


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Posted 24 March 2015 - 08:16 AM

@CroMagnon: Almost, but not quite. It was three separate archives and AR2400N.TIS was the last file in the first archive. I only uploaded it as a split archive this morning to ensure that AR2400N.TIS would be somewhere in the middle of one part. 7z was throwing a (possibly) unneccessary wobbly.


@Ser Elryk: That's a missing texture problem. I'll put it on the to-do list but I can't assign it a high priority.



Edited by Yovaneth, 24 March 2015 - 08:23 AM.

#263 CroMagnon

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Posted 24 March 2015 - 09:30 AM

@CroMagnon: Almost, but not quite. It was three separate archives and AR2400N.TIS was the last file in the first archive. I only uploaded it as a split archive this morning to ensure that AR2400N.TIS would be somewhere in the middle of one part. 7z was throwing a (possibly) unneccessary wobbly.


@Ser Elryk: That's a missing texture problem. I'll put it on the to-do list but I can't assign it a high priority.




I had all three archives, but it never worked and my last post was my best guess. Upon using BWS again, I realized I had forgot it asks for the BGEE Graphics Overhaul (Additional Files), or some similar title. I was about to come back and post that maybe it was the part 3 file. Thank you for the reply, and thank you for looking into all of this.

#264 dabus

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Posted 24 March 2015 - 11:02 AM

@CroMagnon: You sure used the old 0302 download with the error, master/... works fine. I checked it and it's really ok.

2. and 3, package are marked as download only, so those get removed from the current selection so an extraction of those files does not happen.
The main package is still in there and gets extracted.
Extracting bgeegraphics\tis
Extracting bgeegraphics\wed
Extracting bgeegraphics

Everything is Ok

Folders: 13
Files: 373
Size: 1952612026
Compressed: 1335212926

D:\Temp\Test_BWS\BigWorldSetup-bigworldsetup-074a936e38b3\BiG World Setup>

In the old download 2015-03-02, there was an error / misunderstanding in ini-files by Alien.
It contained two additional downloads with the same key(name). Since ini-files only contain one key with an unique name, only one file got loaded and so the download was screwed (missing one file).
Since additional download also get extracted (they usually contain fixes), the second file was extracted and thus failed since the first part of the splitted archive was missing, making the extraction fail all the time.

The error was fixed on 2015-03-06 ny Quiet, so if you just would have found the master download, you could have saved yourself some trouble/time.

@Yovaneth: Sorry for the trouble. I'll ask Alien if he could delete that BWS download / or maybe he can just fix the file.

Edited by dabus, 24 March 2015 - 11:03 AM.

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#265 CroMagnon

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Posted 25 March 2015 - 12:02 PM

@CroMagnon: You sure used the old 0302 download with the error, master/... works fine. I checked it and it's really ok.

2. and 3, package are marked as download only, so those get removed from the current selection so an extraction of those files does not happen.
The main package is still in there and gets extracted.

Extracting bgeegraphics\tis
Extracting bgeegraphics\wed
Extracting bgeegraphics

Everything is Ok

Folders: 13
Files: 373
Size: 1952612026
Compressed: 1335212926

D:\Temp\Test_BWS\BigWorldSetup-bigworldsetup-074a936e38b3\BiG World Setup>

In the old download 2015-03-02, there was an error / misunderstanding in ini-files by Alien.
It contained two additional downloads with the same key(name). Since ini-files only contain one key with an unique name, only one file got loaded and so the download was screwed (missing one file).
Since additional download also get extracted (they usually contain fixes), the second file was extracted and thus failed since the first part of the splitted archive was missing, making the extraction fail all the time.

The error was fixed on 2015-03-06 ny Quiet, so if you just would have found the master download, you could have saved yourself some trouble/time.

@Yovaneth: Sorry for the trouble. I'll ask Alien if he could delete that BWS download / or maybe he can just fix the file.


Thank you for the reply. The mess is making sense now. I don't mind the time spent trying to figure it out the other day. I enjoy the process of modding games. It was only by the last couple hours that I started going nuts, which made me amused at myself going nuts.


I have no idea what you mean by "master download". I only saw one download for BGEE Graphics Overhaul. If you mean BWS, I had no idea there was also a master download, whatever that means. Is that term referring to a version which works on all systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc)?


I had stopped relying on BWS to download the file and was attempting to have BWS install the graphics mod from in the game directory using the provide and extract options in the BWS install process. Which is when I became convinced the archive was corrupt due to two separate softwares appearing to both confirm it was corrupt. Therefore, thinking I should have known to go find a "master download" of either the mod or BWS, whichever you mean, would have come after posting here to seek verification if I was or was not really onto a problem, anyway.


I seriously appreciate the response though, because now if anyone else happens to do what I did they have helpful information here.


P.S. Your entire link now shows in the quotebox, so now I know to go get that. I'm about to reinstall all the mods again. I'm getting the errors another person posted about where character dialogue text is showing up in menus. I just purchased the pack mule, and when speaking to the mule to access its inventory, the erroneous dialogue appears in the inventory table title parts.


P.S. again:  Nevermind, I now see you linked to the .ini. Upon trying to find a master download on bitbucket, the only section labeled "master" I found has no downloads. The download section I originally found has no file version past 0302. I've never even been on bitbucket before and I haven't played Baldur's Gate since the late 90's, so, to make explicit what I'm illustrating in this whole post, some things are counterintuitive or do not arise so immediately in troubleshooting these issues. It's a reminder to keep in mind that what you may think will be intuitive for a new person may only seem that way because this is all familiar to you. It's no problem, and it's common for communities of people working on these things and providing them for free to be stuck with that tricky balance between communicating how it is efficient for them, and communicating in a way efficient for new people.


P.S. yet again:  Okay, found the master download. If you notice here:




between the two downloads it says "or", implying both are the same. Also, the filename of the master download does not include 0306. Its filename made me suspect it was perhaps a source code download, so I opted for the first link instead. With no date in the master filename to compare, and since that link is a direct download, I had nothing showing it was a newer version. Thus, I had no sign I should have got the master download instead.

Edited by CroMagnon, 25 March 2015 - 12:42 PM.

#266 dabus

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Posted 25 March 2015 - 03:27 PM

With "master-download" I mean the download-package of the branch that's regularly updated by quiet and alien. I saw you found that.

You got your "old" package from here, the tab branches shows you different downloads for different flavours.
The main one is called "master", the others are for testing different things. Click on the "zip" to get the files packaged in a zip-archive.
If you click on commits on the navigation bar on the left, you can see that things are starting to get updated frequently since Leonardo uploaded his BWP 15.
So maybe you want to wait a bit. The BWS is Windows only-software since it uses the AutoIt3-script language/interpreter -- just since that was the only thing I could handle and it has a library of functions that is documented well. ;)
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#267 -Roboghost-

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Posted 06 June 2015 - 01:01 PM

I have not tested it, but I think the following line in Baldur's Gate Trilogy Graphics Overhaul 1.8 TP2 causes the BGT install batch files [such as individual.bat] to terminate:


MODDER setup_tra NONE


According to the WeiDU Documentation, it is preferred to turn MODDER off when a mod is released.  I'll test it later to be sure this is what is terminating the install during batch processing and report back since - to be sure - I'll have to do it twice from scratch -- I'll just install the BGT mods up to that point in the batch to see what happens.


This is using WeiDU v238 -- all setup-.exe (including BGTGO) files update to this version that is dated 3/7/15 which may have something to do with the anomaly occurring.


#268 -Roboghost-

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Posted 06 June 2015 - 04:31 PM

Ehh...I tried a variety of things to solve the BGT batch file termination.  It 100% has to do with it not getting along with the later versions of WeiDU after a bunch of tests I ran.  The only resolve is to enter this mod by hand during the batch process {you'll need to revise BGT batch with a "pause" or two so that you can do so} if you're using versions of WeiDU past this mods version.

#269 Lollorian


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 08:36 AM

Apparently, prozh's fixed AR8100N.ARE is still needed :cheers:

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#270 Salk

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 02:18 PM

First of all: What a fantastic mod! The change in atmosphere is incredible. I was running around Beregost at night and it was really cool. Well done, good sir, well done!



I haven't read all seven pages of this topic so my apologies in advance if I report something that's already a known issue. There seems to be a six tile mismatch in the lower half of central Baldur's Gate (AR7800) at night. Here is a screenshot of the bug.




this problem has not yet been solved. The tiles mismatch is still there after 2 years... :(

#271 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 04:12 PM

First of all: What a fantastic mod! The change in atmosphere is incredible. I was running around Beregost at night and it was really cool. Well done, good sir, well done!



I haven't read all seven pages of this topic so my apologies in advance if I report something that's already a known issue. There seems to be a six tile mismatch in the lower half of central Baldur's Gate (AR7800) at night. Here is a screenshot of the bug.




this problem has not yet been solved. The tiles mismatch is still there after 2 years... :(


I just installed 1.8 and do not have this issue, at least viewed in NI.  I should check in-game.


edit:  Yup.  In-game is wrong.  I guess NI renders the tiles somehow differently?

Edited by Fiann of the Silver Hand, 22 August 2015 - 04:16 PM.

#272 Lollorian


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Posted 22 August 2015 - 07:59 PM

Can you try reverting back to AR7800N.WED from vanilla BGT? (it should be in BG1ARE.bif or bg_graphics' backup folder if you used the minimal biffing option in BGT)


If the tiles are borked during daytime, revert AR7800.WED as well :) Otherwise, if anything else fixes this, do let us know :P

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#273 Yovaneth


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Posted 23 August 2015 - 01:49 AM

Okay guys, see here. I absolutely don't have a clue what is going on, but it does explain why I was adamant that it worked on my PC.



#274 Salk

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 02:48 AM

Thank you, -Y-.


It must be really annoying to not know where this comes from...

#275 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 05:43 PM

Ghosts in the machine.  Thanks, -Y-.

#276 Lollorian


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Posted 24 August 2015 - 08:36 AM

Is this a problem with how tisunpack unpacks the TIZ files? :unsure: I'm wary of including huge unpacked TIS files into the BWPFixpack so if possible can we have the packed version please? :P (ignore if it is indeed the tisunpack borking on unpack btw)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#277 Yovaneth


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Posted 25 August 2015 - 01:06 AM

Loll - feel free to run them through tizpack. It's not an unpack problem but one that occurs in-game. Worse, it seems it only occurs for some players (including me now!!).



#278 Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Posted 25 August 2015 - 02:22 PM

So, it's a rendering issue?  Should we post specs (gpu/cpu)?

#279 Yovaneth


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Posted 26 August 2015 - 01:33 AM

As I've said - honestly, I've no idea what's causing it.



#280 Vlan

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Posted 10 March 2016 - 09:47 AM


Edited by Vlan, 13 March 2016 - 05:28 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: baldurs gate, graphics, overhaul