Consistent or not I managed to keep a purple-eyed variant
as Daenerys Targaryen from The Song of Ice and Fire, why not 
Yes, lightening/brightening the skin might do the trick. Should be a nice alabaster or porcelain white, tinged with blue, in the same way a Copper Elf's skin is coppery with green accents.
That's what I did, though it took me longer than I wanted so even if it's not what you imagined that's all I'm going to do. She looks very pale in the game but works. Silver haired with green and blue eyes, and as I wrote above Danny from the Game of Thrones as a purple eyed bonus
The blue eyed variant has got more blue hues in skin.
Plus one trial made form the Sun elf (better face shading, but not light enough) and a few extra outfit colours:
ZIP file added in the first post. It includes the largest variants of green and blue eyes, so if anyone wants to alter it more go ahead, just remember to credit the source (link back here), so others can find the original recolors, too.
Edited by Hathor, 25 April 2013 - 11:16 AM.