Do not dare to question my dual class policy or feel my dwarven wrath!Well, there's no harm in including the kit allowance to the other races as well, as if the people don't want that, they can go without the possible ToBEx component, but if they do want, they need to edit the darn K_R_* -files, so I promote the fact that you should actually include all the races, in every case unless the kit is specifically a race specific(drow kits etc).
As for the race allowance, I admit I just didn't bother to check whether dwarves could be rangers or not. (I'm actually pretty sure DnD's original class restrictions for rangers are rather liberal and include gnomes as well as dwarves.)
Also, allowing the cleric dual shouldn't be a huge deal, as the character would still be restricted to the stalker restrictions(studded leather, no chain or plate armor) on top of the ranger/cleric restrictions(which disallows many edged weapons).