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Lycanthropy Pack

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#21 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 02:57 AM

Do not dare to question my dual class policy or feel my dwarven wrath! :crying:
As for the race allowance, I admit I just didn't bother to check whether dwarves could be rangers or not. (I'm actually pretty sure DnD's original class restrictions for rangers are rather liberal and include gnomes as well as dwarves.)
Well, there's no harm in including the kit allowance to the other races as well, as if the people don't want that, they can go without the possible ToBEx component, but if they do want, they need to edit the darn K_R_* -files, so I promote the fact that you should actually include all the races, in every case unless the kit is specifically a race specific(drow kits etc).

Also, allowing the cleric dual shouldn't be a huge deal, as the character would still be restricted to the stalker restrictions(studded leather, no chain or plate armor) on top of the ranger/cleric restrictions(which disallows many edged weapons).

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#22 Ulb

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 03:53 AM

Shame on me, I didn't even know there was a ToBex component that did that. :)

I guess there is no harm in allowing all races to choose the kit then.


As for the dual-classing to cleric, I'm not sure if I want to have that.

The werebear form is already very powerful even if you give it to a class that is rather melee oriented in the first place.

As a ranger you basically switch from one melee/physical-combat form to another. However, if you give the same ability to a priest (and don't tune down his other abilities in return) you get a huge power increase. An other factor that adds to this problem is the way the shapeshifting ability works. As it is now, you could dual-class to priest at level 2 and the werebear form would still scale up with your levels. This way you would get all benefits of the werebear kit at a VERY low cost.


A little update on the kit:


I've so far tested it with:

- a vanilla install

- an install with only I.A Core and Bear & Werebear Animations

- an install with ToBex, I.A Core and Bear & Werebear Animations

- my old install which was pretty loaded with all kinds of mods


Besides the obvious (werebear animation won't show without I.A + Bear Animations) and the fact that the werebear form can be dispelled if ToBex isn't installed, everything seems to run pretty smoothly.


Other than that, I have also added .tra files and a German translation for the kit. I'll open a new topic in the resource request forum and ask for proofreading.

#23 Oracle


    Bad Doggie Werewolf

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:03 AM

This looks like a really good idea and project. Will it just before BGEE? Anyway good luck and iam looking foward to seeing the finshed mod .

"Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

#24 Ulb

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Posted 25 March 2013 - 08:40 AM

Thank you, I hope I'll be able to make a good portion of those ideas happen.. :)


Right now this is only inteded for 'classic' BG2 / BGT. I didn't buy BG:EE yet and probably won't do so untill BG2:EE + TOB is out.

That is why I didn't yet bother to look at BG:EE modding at all.

#25 Gwendolyne

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:35 AM

Hello !


Here 3 tests for the Giant Bear.


The file xxxx_0 is the Diablo II like shadow.


Tell me which one you prefer, or even if you want different options.




In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#26 Ulb

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:01 AM

Thank you, nice job! :)


Personally I like xxx_2 best, would probably also be the easiest one to 'polish' up.

#27 Gwendolyne

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 08:19 PM

In fact, xxxx_2 was my first export with the settings I generally use for my Diablo II conversions ! ;)


Anyway, I will be a bit busy this week but I think I will be able to PM you the files by the end of the week. :)

Edited by Gwendolyne, 26 March 2013 - 08:21 PM.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#28 Ulb

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 09:23 PM

Take your time, I've got plenty of other things to do myself.. :)

#29 Gwendolyne

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 08:19 AM

Hi !


Here is the new Giant Bear !


I just give you the bam files : A1 (µDKa1 & µDKa2), A2 (µDKa3 & µDKa4 and µDKaCA), GH, WL (µDKwk), NU (µDKsc, µDKsd and µDKsp).


plus two bonus : S1 (maybe a new attack or CA ?)and  DT (maybe SL).


As DE and SL are your own custom design, I could not make shadows for them.



Attached Files


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.

#30 Ulb

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Posted 28 March 2013 - 08:27 AM

Thank you so much Gwen!


Don't know yet how long it will take me to create the missing bams and maybe polish up the shadow a bit. I'll try to roll out a new version of D2 Werebear & Bear Animations asap. (Of course I'll credit you for the newly shadowed bear bams :D)


#31 Ulb

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 04:23 PM

Let's abuse this thread for some more file-sharing, yeah! :D

Attached File  TalonOfMalar_V0.1.7z   619.83K   354 downloads

Attached File  Bracer Bams Done.7z   12.25K   290 downloads

Edited by Ulb, 11 April 2013 - 09:00 PM.