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Removing all the portraits from conversations


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#1 -wyvernshill-

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 05:32 AM

Lo everyone,


I recently finished Baldur's Gate 1 trough Baldurs gate tutu. It took me 10 years but i finally did it.

Now i want to continue onto BG2 and i tried the Big World Project with the minimal setting and i added a few mods manually to the mix.


now if i remember correctly conversations in BG1 & 2 didnt show a portrait unless in rare cases. Now with the BWP mod i seem to have a LOAD of new portraits that for each and every NPC i speak to that has a name and is not called anything like "nobel/commoner/ etc ...


I don't mind portraits at all , but i have to admit that most portraits except those made for BG1/2/IWD1/2 are plain bad or do not fit the setting.

I hate it that you talk to an npc that runs around with a portrait of someone coming out of some teen series on tv. It just doesnt fit the style. Some of them are just plain photo's that they made cartoony.


I have lots of portraits in my "portrait folder" but not all the custom portraits are in there.


Is there a mod or a way to remove all those custom portraits so i just have the default portraits for the normal Bioware NPC's and no portraits for those in the mods ?



#2 dabus

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 11:18 AM

Look into you weidu.log if the nscportait mod is in there.
That mod was created to add or replace pictures.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#3 -wyvernshill-

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 01:06 AM

Many MANY thanks, it was one of the bottom most mods in the big world setup program.


Thanks for the swift help.


I re-installed (just to be sure) the entire thing without the inclusion of that mod and everything went fine.

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