Version beta 0.2
- BGEE is now supported,
- improved compatibility with BGT (previously it worked only with older versions of BGT),
- two new psionic powers: Inertial Armor and Concussion Blast,
- improved graphical effects,
- the bug with blank item descriptions has been fixed,
- other changes.
BGEE install instructions
To install, reinstall or uninstall the mod, run "BGEE-w_psionics_unleashed.bat". The mod will be installed only for the english language. If you prefer another language open the "BGEE-w_psionics_unleashed.bat" with a text editing program and replace all instances of "en_US" with your language code (ds_CZ, de_DE, es_ES, fr_FR, pl_PL). Save and run the .bat file.
There is a difference between BG2 and BGEE new character creation process. In BG2 during the initial process you don't have to spend any points on weapon proficiencies, BGEE however forces player to spend 4 points. To eliminate this unintended advantage I have made it so that those points could be spend only on katana and scimitar, weapons that are unusable to psions. I have another soultion in mind for the future, but for the time being it will have to stay as it is.