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BP Series AI scripts - how do I search for traps?

scripts bp series ai combat scripts detect traps

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#1 Astylith

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 12:33 PM

Hey everyone,


Didn't think that after all these years I would finally be forced to create an account and get out of lurking, ah well.


The problem is that I can't find a way to let a rogue search for traps / hide in shadows in my BWP/BGT installation. First the Detect Abilities thing wouldn't install, after fixing this everything works except for hiding in shadows and detecting traps. I would use aTweaks AI script, except for the fact that Imoen has been dual classed to mage... so I'd like her to look for traps outside of combat, and go magic whenever combat turns up. I read somewhere that the BP Series was a continuation of eSeries so I tried that too... same thing happening. Everyone does what they're supposed to do 


(PS: I also tried with my PC dualing to Thief, as I suspected it might have to do with Imoen's class being charming rogue instead of a normal thief or kit)

#2 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 01:47 PM

Are you a low-level thief? Is your Stealth Rating below 50%? If so, the scripts won't auto-activate for you. It's set to that amount so it doesn't become an auto-spamming of the function. Over that amount, the thief always try to hide. Hidden mode will automatically activate Detect Traps mode. I'm guessing low level/score as above, as this is the first report I've ever seen of this in years and my own personal observations also contradict.


I'd give stealth its own hotkey, but those are already in shortage. I could possibly get away w/ it in the basic BPFT-TH script, but not any of the mage, cleric nor multi-classed variants.

Edited by horred the plague, 30 January 2013 - 01:50 PM.

#3 Astylith

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 02:07 PM

Thanks for your quick reply.

Before I left home I started a new BG2 game with a pre-generated thief and the script worked fine. So I guess my dual class to thief didn't trigger the script because of the low hide in shadows skill and Imoen won't trigger the script because she's a charming rogue. The question is what line do I add to the thief-mage script in NearInfinity? It currently searches for thief_any and monk IIRC, you know the correct name for the charming rogue class by any chance?

#4 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 08:44 PM







That should do the trick for Imoen. And I'll consider adding a stealth hotkey to this script, w/o an ability check. Spam your dialog channel w/ hide attempt msg's at your own risk...


 After checking it, I have B and V still unused in this script. Could be done....*ponders*

#5 Astylith

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Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:01 AM

Hey there, I managed to fix it in my game. I already tried adding the charming-rogue line; didnt work. Found at that Imiem didnt have 50% stealth, so I added that with shadowkeeper; didnt work. By butchering the aThief script I managed to get it working (removing all the lines referring to hiding in shadows and checking for stealth skill and hp level). I then copy pasted this into the bp-multi script, overwriting the old hide/search script. It worked as intended, she now constantly searches for traps outside combat.  

Copy and pasting this into the mage script also worked fine, as I wasnt sure if the multi script had spells up to lvl 9. I tried the BP-fighter/thief and fght/mage script with Jan and Yoshimo and detect/hide doesn't work at all. Not a big problem though, as I wasn't really planning on using hide in shadows anyways. Yet I was curious about how smart the script wouls go about backstabs..

Maybe has to do with the crapload of mods installed. Also note that I probaly chose SCSII unstead of BP AI when I was asked at the BWP installer. I installed BP AI afterwards with a lot of trouble, so that might be the problem.

#6 horred the plague

horred the plague

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Posted 01 February 2013 - 04:25 AM

Glad you got it working sufficiently for your needs. Something must have happened, because I've used the charming rogue with BG2 and BGEE, and w/ the BPFT-RNG script as well as a custom script I made for the charming rogue (look around the BPSeries package, you might find a little surprise easter egg for the adept). Granted mine waited for the 50% stealth mark, but she did her job afterwards.


One of the likely candidates in a mega-install is that kit.ids gets hosed at some point in the BWP install. It has to be fixed manually to read properly in every install I've attempted up to BWPv11.2.


A small reminder: according to my own documentations, the scripts as packaged do not currently support a boatload of mods. The charming rogue just happened to be one of my own favorite kits. ;)

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