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Cave under the first town.

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#1 h_parsons

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Posted 25 January 2013 - 04:14 PM

I seem to be having some problems with this mod, some I think that other people have had.
























Everything started out normally, I ran into lief, then into elminster, and he sent me to porttheplythch (sp?). so I went there and got into the lighthouse and talked to the tanari, this is were I seem to start having troubles cause he sends me to the cave, but we never talk about the traps of the living. somehow I get the key, and go back to talk to the tanar'i. He says dialogue that starts with "TSUT!! I care not if you 'recall rightly' ........ the Abuss calls. GO!!!" and implies that I gave him the key, but it never leaves my inventory. my journal and map updated nonetheless. i tried to go find elminster but i couldn't went to the seven vales, mithrest inn, silvervale hall, and the crooked crane, and he was on where. so i went and did the hold and killed all the red wizards and guards, and it seemed kinda weird cause the guards went hostile, but would only attack when i attacked. talked to the caravan master and, my map and journal updated with the mountains map, now everybody in the hold is busy and cant talk to me. so i went to the caravan map and got the black lotus and killed everybody on the map. now i don't know what to do cant find elminster, not really sure where he is supposed to be. I feel like things are working out quite the way they were intended so any help on what to do is appreciated.



Edited by h_parsons, 26 January 2013 - 03:16 PM.

#2 Yovaneth


    The newly-appointed Master Builder of Baldur's Gate

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 05:53 AM

If I've understood rightly, you seem to have completed one line of the mod, bar one action.


For the other plotline, update to version 2.3 if you haven't already done so, then go to Government District Westside and find Angharad Firehair and Garalial Geltareth.

