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#21 Rhaella

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 01:49 PM

Glad you're enjoying it! He *should* be in the bottom right corner cell. If he isn't... hmm.


Can you use the console to GetGlobal("rh#AlimExists","AR1005") ? If it's set at 1 and he hasn't appeared, the engine *might* have hiccuped. Set it back to 0 and see if he shows up.

#22 -Daniel-

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 02:55 PM

Thanks for the quick reply.


I tried checking the value, but a message bounced back saying that the global does not exist. I used Shadowkeeper to double check, and the only similar variable is RH#ALIMTALKS, which was set to 1. Just in case, I changed that to 0, and re-entered the prison, but no luck.

#23 Rhaella

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 03:14 PM

RH#ALIMTALKS should definitely be 1, so that's not the problem.


GetGlobal("rh#IsraQuestTwo","GLOBAL") is 5, I assume? If it is, I'm not really sure why he's not spawning. Depending on what else you've got installed, something could be breaking it, I suppose -- if you could upload AR1005.bsc from your override, I could take a look and see if there's any explanation.


In the meantime, set RH#ALIMTALKS back to 1, SetGlobal("rh#AlimExists","AR1005",1), and then you should be safely able to console him into the prison with CreateCreature("rh#alim") without breaking anything.

#24 Rhaella

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 03:56 PM

Alternatively, if you want to get through it without consoling or the problem pops up again, this should work as a hotfix. Talk to the guard again and select the second option, and Alim should spawn properly.


If anyone else runs into this, let me know and I'll version up with the fail-safe.

Attached Files

#25 DanielA

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 12:53 PM

You were right - the QuestTwo variable was set to 5.


The console method worked like a charm, but I thought I'd reload my save to check the hotfix works too - it does. Thanks so much - I was hoping for one solution, not two! Oh, and below is the file from my override folder. I would mention that I have close to 20 mods installed at the moment; happy to list if you think it'll help.


Attached File  ar1005.bcs   1.41K   521 downloads

#26 Cal Jones

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:04 AM

Found a typo! When she brings up your Bhaal heritage, there's a sentence: (smile)ou are a good man, my lord... you deserve better than this lot you've received.


Obviously a Y missing in there.


BG2 Isra, this is.

Edited by Cal Jones, 02 July 2013 - 10:04 AM.

#27 Rhaella

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:07 AM

Thanks, Cal! =)


@ Daniel: Hmm, I don't think it's another mod causing the problem, since you don't seem to have anything else that toys with that particular area file.


Did you by any chance enter the prison before the quest? I'm not 100% certain that the vanilla area script isn't slightly broken, though I'd need to hunt down someone who knows way more about the engine than I do.

#28 Wisp

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 01:38 PM

AR1005.BCS exists, but without the Fixpack it is not assigned to the ARE.
Quick fix (in case you need it):
COPY_EXISTING ar1005.are override

Edited by Wisp, 02 July 2013 - 01:39 PM.

#29 DanielA

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 02:12 PM

Rhaella - No, the first time I entered the prison this play-through was after being told to speak to Alim.

#30 Rhaella

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:09 AM

Thank you, Wisp! Will implement! Is that the sort of thing that will reliably fail to work if you don't have the fixpack installed? Since I'm pretty sure my beta-testers didn't, and this didn't happen there.


@ DanielA - you don't have the fixpack installed, I assume?

#31 Wisp

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:54 AM

If the script is not assigned to the area, it would never run, no. Whether Fixpack is the only mod that assigns the script is an open question, however.

#32 Kaeloree


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:53 PM

I'm fairly sure it is assigned by a couple of mods--but you'd need to do a mega-install and search to find out exactly which ones, unfortunately.

#33 Kulyok

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:47 PM

Assassinations assigns the script to AR1005; sorry, I should've noticed, but it's been a while and I forgot it wasn't assigned.


// Setting a script to the prison area, if it hasn't been done already
COPY_EXISTING ~ar1005.are~ ~override~
WRITE_ASCII 0x94 ~AR1005~

#34 Terra

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 02:57 AM



I've had a issue with Isra with the initial Prism encounter. When it's her turn to talk, I can hear the voice acting but I can't see any text - either for her or for CHARNAME. Prism has the vanilla text but the same problem with the other aspects of the conversation. I can blindly click through the conversation but this doesn't work for her recruitment conversation. 


I suspect I've done something wrong in enabling mods for BG:EE although I believe I followed CamDawg's guide correctly and Valerie seems to be working fine. 


Any light you could shed on this issue would be great - I was looking forward to taking Isra through BG1&2. 


Thank you!  ^_^

#35 Rhaella

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 08:30 AM

That sounds like an installation issue, though I'm not very well versed in all of the things that could go wrong with BGEE.


I'd uninstall and reinstall it and see if that alone solves whatever went wrong. Make sure that the dialog.tlk that appears in your language folder afterwards is time stamped to match with when you installed her, since I suppose it's possible that it got overwritten.

#36 Terra

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:16 AM

The time stamp was wrong so I reinstalled Isra and that seems to have fixed things. I think she was the first mod I installed (I have Valerie, White and the Neera expansion as well) so I think it must just have been a load order problem. 


Thank you for you help! :)

#37 DanielA

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 02:52 PM

Thank you, Wisp! Will implement! Is that the sort of thing that will reliably fail to work if you don't have the fixpack installed? Since I'm pretty sure my beta-testers didn't, and this didn't happen there.


@ DanielA - you don't have the fixpack installed, I assume?

i thought I had the fixpack installed, but turns out I haven't; looks like you're correct about the root of the problem.

#38 egbert

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 10:32 PM

Playing a new BGT-Game with ISRA_v2 (up to ch6 now):

1. I like her very much (since her starting)! Thank you.
2. I like her speaking...

... but she needs to speak louder!
All (at least the original) speakers speak with much higher volume, which makes Isra barely understandable.

Edited by egbert, 12 July 2013 - 10:33 PM.

#39 Rhaella

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Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:31 AM

Do you have her BG2 portion installed also? Because the volume of the two games doesn't seem to be the same (at least on my computers), so her softer BG2 soundset is probably overwriting the louder BG1 one. Or are non-soundset voiced lines softer as well?

#40 egbert

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Posted 16 July 2013 - 09:06 PM

BGT: Transfer to BG2

I'm replaying BGT with Isra and Valerie in my team.
Installed are Valerie, Isra, and Isra BG2. (All mods are actual.)

My final team: Isra, Khalid, Jaheira, Valerie, Imoen
After the transfer Isra and Valerie are group members from the very beginning. (They don't need to join!) They are "naked" in the room beneath Jaheira's cage.
This doesn't seem right now. Retries showed similar results if only Valerie or Isra are in the final team.

But it would be a good idea to transfer Isra and Valerie to BG2 by default in BGT if finally joined. It would make sense, too: Both characters belong to Amn and have to report to their organisations. They would like the magical transfer by Belt because of speed and comfort... 8-)
In others cases it would be fine to meet them again (or first time) in BG2 (as is).

(I will place the same Bug Report for Valerie.)

Thanks for very good companions!

Edited by egbert, 16 July 2013 - 09:13 PM.