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Sarevok friendship released!

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#1 Kaeloree


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Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:12 AM

Congratulations to Aeryn, and thanks to Lava for coding it for me!


The Sarevok friendship really is excellent, I can't wait to play through it again... :)


Just a quick note on the forum--usually I make a forum for IEP additions, but I've decided to actually amalgate all of the IEP forums soon, so hang tight. :)

#2 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:15 AM

Not a big deal (the coding, not the release :D the release it a big deal :D )! I'm glad I could be of use.

congratulations, Aeryn! :)

#3 hook71

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Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:58 AM

Thank you for this great mod!

Noticed two small typos:

~I think there is more than glory at stake, but it certain adds to the appeal.~

certain -> certainly

~I should hate you for what you for what I have become.~

for what you for what -> for what

Edited by hook71, 31 December 2012 - 08:58 AM.

#4 Sergio

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Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:39 AM

I'm looking forward to have this mod in my compilation :D

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#5 Cal Jones

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:46 AM

Just ran through this and it's a very welcome addition. I love the Sarevok relationship mod (which is one of, if not my favourite, romance) but it's nice to have this extra dialogue for runs when I'm romancing another character.

#6 -Twani-

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Posted 01 December 2013 - 05:03 PM

I'm just curious about this.  I had this mod and the Sarevok romance mod installed, and met the requirements for a Sarevok romance.  However, I just never used the PID options to trigger it (I was romancing Angelo, and figured that sort of romance conflict, even if it was all in my head, was just bound for explosions).  I also had the Sarevok's Remorse component from PPG installed.  Because of this or something, Sarevok never started friendship talks with me.  I get his regular Bioware urgings to take the Godhood, but no friendship content.


Is there any global that might have not gotten set that I could set to start these, or is it too late?  My character has already killed Yaga-Shura, but I wouldn't mind a sudden backlog of talks popping up if it was just a non-set global (from checking, it looks like his first dialog is set to happen when you first meet Melissian, right?).  If it's something more... well, I'll just try next playthrough, I guess. :(



#7 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 07:14 PM

You have to actively shut down the Sarevok romance before the friendship starts from what I recall. I think you should be OK. :)

#8 -Twani-

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Posted 02 December 2013 - 12:34 PM

Aha.  So I'll flirt with Sarevok (just, er, not in front of Angelo), see his first lovetalk, and then shut him down as cruelly as possible in order to become his BFF.


...The plots of <CHARNAME> are mysterious indeed.


Thank you for the prompt answer!

#9 -Patrick-

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Posted 08 January 2014 - 11:02 PM

Please tell me we can be friends while being lunatics together


#10 Sergio

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Posted 13 May 2014 - 02:10 PM

I wonder if the sarevok friendship adds another ending for sarevok. :)

Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.

#11 agb1

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 07:33 PM

Isaya posted a patched version of this mod here:  http://www.shsforums...ility/?p=567986


Noting it here for consideration in future releases and because I had a hard time finding his post and it might be of interest to others.

Isaya's version says V1 in the file name but is more recent than the latest SHS release (v1.2), probably because v1.2 still has ~1~ as the VERSION in the tp2 file.

BiG World Fixpack (community collection of mod fixes and compatibility patches, with user-friendly cross-platform script)


BiG World Setup (tool to automate best-practice installation of Infinity Engine mods on Windows, with conflict analysis)

Latest version:    https://bitbucket.or.../get/master.zip

#12 Isewein

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Posted 01 November 2018 - 12:44 AM

In case someone might still update this, the talk about Draconis cannot fire as the script checks for "DRACONIS" to be dead rather than "BAZDRA01", which is the .cre of Draconis.

#13 Lava Del'Vortel

Lava Del'Vortel

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Posted 08 November 2018 - 04:41 AM

It's fixed now. Thanks.