Basic bow:
- +2 to-hit & damage instead of +1 (noticed only while doing weird stuff in the equipping screen and the thac0 went down compared to a similar bow)
1st upgrade:
There is a launcher and ammunition entry and both usually stack, so the 'final' shot got a to-hit bonus of +6 and +5 to damage. You should delete the 'launcher' entry at all (my reference was Tansheron & Firetooth) an re-tune the projectile to use the proper value of +2/+2 instead of +4/+4.
2nd upgrade:
Same as above, only that it's now a +9/+9 boost or a +6 weapon while determining what it can hit measured by the projectile (= everything ^^)
[edit: I think the bow got even the wrong enchantment level set]
Or is it intended to make th bow _that_ powerful? Feels a bit like cheating and edited the values myself according the description. Heck, even the +5 bow from Weimar's itemupgrade is less powerful *eg*
Further Kova's dagger is a bit weird - mind you am playing with full SCSII so melee/backstab is not really an option - the extra attack is lost and I guess kovadagf is just an 'test-item' ?
If I can make a suggestion

While the scripted rogue parties aren't really a problem and more or less a minor annoyance, the 3 cowled enforcer gimped by SCSII are a PitA! I think they are either lvl 16 or 18 and with a startup party of maybe ~10 (like in my case) they are ridiculous hard, if am getting caught flat-footed.
I know it was part of several discussions in this thread and I assume without SCSII they are a joke anyway. Usually pay my money to keep the other wizards out of my way early on, but ****

Yet thanks to having a good-aligned party, Keldorn is an option - and was planned anyway with my imported fighter->cleric - so the dispel is the only 'real' countermeasure. Else breach & spell thrust just goes *poof* and I haven't access to lvl 6+ spells yet. And remove magic casted with lvl 10 against lvl 16 or 18 is pointless

Don't get me wrong, it's not really a complain; cause am good at hammering quicksave so I usually know the spawns and unleash stuff like chaos, greater command and alike in the next tries, so at least something hits - but the scripted protections and contingencies makes them one hell of an enemy.
Hope I don't talk shit, but am pretty sure those events are triggered by having Kova, else am using only Tyris Flare and tweaks/fixpack/a couple of modules from atweaks and SCSII (full).
It's only about the early game, guess later wizards and alike are going to be okay, cause I won't lack prot-stripping spells.
That aside :Þ
Awesome NPC-mod, enjoying it to the fullest - only some banter trigger are bit odd, cause it seems more important to discuss Kova than to fight some vampires.
You might wanna add the proper order of the first 3 clues in the mini-walkthrough too; cause am pretty sure after having all of them (including the 'hint') I gave hint+1+3 and the 2nd clue got ignored and I got my absolution. Reloaded it in that case but never paid real attention to it.
But need to confirm it, messed my 1st game up anyway while updating some mod, so I just started the clue-collecting stuff again.(I think the first 3 steps are only part of some thread in here but not the walkthrough)
Edited by valky, 28 December 2012 - 06:22 AM.